How many sleeperholds to KO have you given/received?

Grizzledjobber (2)

21 giorni fa

Been sleepered out many times especially by a little 130/ guy.


muscled (27)

21 giorni fa

I flex my bicep big into my opponents neck, my opponents usually freak out in this hold and I let them go.


Okieguy (1)

2 giorni fa

(In risposta a questo)

That’s awesome!


Carlos (0 )

21 giorni fa

I've given and received not few times. Giving it I've always tried to guess the moment when I must release pressure being sure my opponent is not going to react or defend himself, by his convulsions just before keeping quiet and loose, trying to avoid serious hurt. Receiving it (more times experienced than giving it), under such a long and tight pressure I always start to feel my heart beatings on my head, combined with increasing asphixiation, consequently my cock getting thicker involuntary, and a deep feeling of fair as I wonder when and how my rival will loose my neck.


grappling hooked (33)

29 giorni fa

I was put out once (by request) by a female session wrestler. I also got it on video.

Ultimately I found it to be an unpleasant experience, as when I came to just a few moments later, my brain felt like it had "reset". For a few moments, I didn't know where I was, or really even who I was. It was very disconcerting.

When I watched the video later, and saw my body briefly convulsing as I struggled back to consciousness, I decided that was an experience I didn't want to repeat. I'm fine with using sleepers and having them used on me, but only for show, and not to KO.


WrestleOH (1)

14/10/2024 1:07

Several times. Been put out once or twice.


jwest1111 (0)

13/10/2024 23:52

I always been fascinated by guys who are really into sleepers. Some guys have put to sleep a phenomenal number of guys, others only a few. The same goes with receiving. I'd like to hear how many sleeperholds you've given/received. Those who are looking for that sort of thing like myself want to know

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