Kushti.... Attention all Indian wrestlers here

maccabi (25)

29/04/2020 7:49

maybe in the dora fish market of dubai? they're tournaments every riday... and every wrestler is a foreigner... hehe love to watch it too...


tasci (34)

22/06/2019 22:36

To all Indian guys here!!!!
Please see if you could help me to sign for kushti tournaments where they would accept foreigners to attend. I know some of the areas are traditionally sensitive but some do. Anyone could guide and share a contact would be much appreciated.
I am planning to attend a few tournaments around India and all help will be respected here.
happy wrestle all


AlexTritos (6 )

19/11/2019 2:27

(In risposta a questo)

I love kushti wrestling, I woul love to sign for kushti tournaments open to foreigners like us, and I ask for help like you, bud!

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