Places to have private matches in Belgium

Powergut1108 (0)

05/08/2016 6:12

Hi sqeezeboy, I would love to test your wrestling skills. I also like to have my stomach punched over and over. I travel are on the world often and of u are up for it I can find a hotel close by for a match. Let me know.


SZTMike (2 )

13/08/2016 17:06

(In risposta a questo)

I mean more like a private wrestling place...


SZTMike (2 )

27/11/2015 0:55

Yeah..., how to find a right place, if your new to this??
I can't receive, cause i still live with my parents...


SZTMike (2 )

27/11/2015 0:43


Does anyone know where are the best places to wrestle private in Belgium please?

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