What is pool wrestling?

mermanjay (0)

27/07/2015 19:42

I'm a big fan of Pool Wrestling, with or without scuba. Anyone interested, my Yahoo IM is mermanjay


Richard (2)

30/04/2015 15:39

Thanks Jason, thanks Freenote.

Swimming pool wrestling sounds amazing, though I don't think I would try it. Pool table wrestling sounds almost impossible. Either way, I wouldn't mind seeing it in action. I'll look this up on u tube.

Thanks guys


Richard (2)

26/04/2015 21:29

I'm noticing that a number of members say they are interested in pool wrestling where style of wrestling is mentioned. So what exactly is pool wrestling?


jason (27)

27/04/2015 1:42

(In risposta a questo)

Wrestling on top of a pool table or in a swimming pool. Whatever you prefer.


Freenote (1)

29/04/2015 23:37

(In risposta a questo)

Swimming pool is to be preferred, on a pool table the wrong balls get potted.

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