how many u can take??"


02/05/2014 11:51

Still haven't found anyone strong enough to cave in my gut. I do enjoy letting opponents try. I always leave my gut unflexed for a sucker punch and prefer mma gloves.


aceknee (1)

02/05/2014 9:38

they should be.....


fhall2 (0)

24/10/2012 21:36

I'm not that hard to find. I do like kneeing and being kneed in the stomach, as well as other places.


sunskylee (2)

15/10/2012 20:55

Real gut punch, pls quote: flexd or non-flexed respectively! or even Knee Effettua il login per visualizzare le foto della gallery.


fhall2 (0)

24/10/2012 21:35

(In risposta a questo)

now that is an awesome knee to the gut there!


HardfightFfm (73 )

23/10/2012 4:47

(In risposta a questo)

it is really not easy to find guys for such. sad that there are not so many guys with such interests Effettua il login per visualizzare le foto della gallery.


ThickAbs (0)

06/07/2015 16:39

(In risposta a questo)

If your in shape Its pleasureable...I don't don't think I would like it if I wernt tough

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