sussex wrestling club

Mark uk (292)

20/06/2018 16:14

Am always game Soruceman


Spruceman (55 )

20/06/2018 16:31

(In risposta a questo)

.hoping it is soon


Mark uk (292)

20/06/2018 10:58

Ops! Looks like my English sense of humour was completely missed. No offence meant to anyone of any age.


wrestlerdu (68 )

20/06/2018 11:28

(In risposta a questo)

Mark, this is the black British Humor, we Rhinelanders have a lot of humor, but that was too much for me. I just fell for it. Mr, Bean says hello.😂👍


Mark uk (292)

20/06/2018 3:50

The club is now closed as the organizer is now way too old at 44. He's probably in a care home and dribbling out of the corner of his mouth like the rest of us over 40's.


Spruceman (55 )

20/06/2018 13:43

(In risposta a questo)

I want a match with you if our paths ever cross. Matroom right here at the house.


wrestlerdu (68 )

20/06/2018 10:45

(In risposta a questo)

Mark uk, please Respect! some feel too old at forty you have to accept this and some are still at the age of 76 because you can only take a hat off, also I am already an old sack, but I still do not feel like that. I hope I get the whiteness to say, so you old sack, your time has come to stop, until then I'll wrestle on.


Spruceman (55 )

20/06/2018 4:00

(In risposta a questo)

Over the 40s is not over the hill. At almost 76, I am stronger than ever, and kicking butt on the mats to prove it. I anyone doesn't believe me, you're welcome to try me on the mats.

People believing they are over the hill past their 40s, feeds a circular and cumulative chain of causation which leads to premature death. Too many people start giving up on life in their 40s and histen their own demise.


Spruceman (55 )

04/06/2018 5:00

There are times I would have had my ass kicked – until the opponent a third or half my age mouthed off about my age and lit the fires of aggro within me that would make the fires of hell look like a birthday candle in comparison. Instances described in detail in my blog. Left them too ashamed to admit they even took me on. Best experiences left me high for days after send them home with their tails tucked in tight between their legs like frightened puppies.


restle (31)

21/06/2012 21:20

Just as well there isnt a height restriction as well!!


UKrenegade (86)

16/06/2012 16:22

I would be very interested in getting over to Sussex for meets but I can only echo 40 would exclude me..... I don't think a site like this should promote 'isms' in any form!

Ageism, sexism, sexual orientationism, rascism.... an ism is an ism!


gamekeeper (13)

16/06/2012 12:17

I am still wrestling at 60+..seems a bit sad to have such a low age limit..plenty older guys who may not be as strong but have plenty of enthusiasm..check out any wrestling site..not ready to hang up the speedos yet m8!!


wrestlerdu (68 )

16/06/2018 22:24

(In risposta a questo)

The young wild ones should not underestimate the old wild ones, even if they are 60+.


Mark uk (292)

06/03/2012 1:23

wasn't the intent to have everyone have a go. Just wondered why there was an age limit. Maybe it was for a video site of something. I wrestle at an MMA club on Friday evenings. Its wrestling only but very intense as all cage fighters. Can hold my own and only last week in the 1on1 sub matches at the end i lost 1, drew 3 and won 3. not bad for a old guy as i often get called on these sites. lol


hardandy312 (44)

06/03/2012 0:54

Rather stupid age limit considering most wrestlers are between the ages of 35-60, and these are the guys that would go to wrestling clubs. The proposer is 38 so he can't be expecting to be able to go to it himself for long.


restle (31)

05/03/2012 18:21

40 does seem like a strange limit given the guy setting it up is close to that!! Wont be able to go to his own club soon!! lol


Mark uk (292)

05/03/2012 16:39

hey fella,

Why would there be a limit on age for a wrestling club?



armmuscles (5)

04/03/2012 15:51

who would be intrested in setting a sussex wrestling club would be looking for guys 18 to 40 .views please

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