
Friendly Bearhug

ribcrusher (28)

25/03/2021 20:12

I will only comment in that should think about having him toss in some type of lat row workouts!!-----A ton of pressure comes in from the pulling muscles in the back ----crushing your chest / ribs into his. Can add a ton of pressure, can drain you of air and strength very fast!---Just a idea


rustykirk (0)

01/04/2021 2:27

(In risposta a questo)

That's solid advice. Thanks!


FLbearhugger (21)

25/03/2021 14:32

Nice rusty.. well done...


rustykirk (0)

25/03/2021 3:56

I've been paying a friend of mine to do push-ups and pull-ups for the last 3 months and send me pics of his progress. Today he gave me a tight bearhug to show me his progress. Progress was certainly made.

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