
What is a bearhug to you?

Princesse Ludwyna (1)

15/12/2024 23:21

A crushing force restraining me and turning me helpless, draining.


Squeezeme (0)

14/12/2024 14:18

I always loved being bearhugged. It’s total dominance and you’re totally controlled by your opponent as he decides how hard he squeezes u and how high he lifts u up. Find it very erotic!


Lutador experiente (3)

14/12/2024 12:57

Um momento de poder absoluto! Principalmente quando os pés do adversário saem do chão e ele fica absolutamente vulnerável sentindo toda sua força e superioridade! Para mim, um dos melhores golpes da luta!

A moment of absolute power! Especially when your opponent's feet leave the ground and he's absolutely vulnerable, feeling all your strength and superiority! For me, one of the best blows of the fight!


Squeezeme (0)

15/12/2024 23:48

(In risposta a questo)

Exactly - total domination as you’re really tightly squeezed and lifted. Legs dangling.


Juggernaut (0)

14/12/2024 10:13

The first bearhug I ever performed on someone said to me, that felt good. His confession surprised me since my intent wasn't pleasure, but to demonstrate an overwhelming example of strength and induce fear. He even gasped for air.

In any event, I guess I would say a bearhug to me is a show of dominance. But I certainly never though of it as being erotic. At least no until I began reading many of the comments on how people interpreted here.


Juggernaut (0)

13/12/2024 22:43

The bearhug is universally defined. The experience people have while giving a bearhug or being in them are what's individually defined. Those experience can be all over the place.


ChrisWrestling (59 )

14/12/2024 5:16

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I mean, how each person individually defines their experience is obviously what he's asking about...


Juggernaut (0)

14/12/2024 9:57

(In risposta a questo)

Not obvious.


Dean101 (4 )

06/09/2024 2:03

I find it both dominating and erotic. Something about locking two bodies against each other does stuff to my brain. Curious to know what other opinions others may have about it?

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