
Your favorite type of bearhug

kcjobberboy (0)

11/11/2017 20:14

As the one being squeezed, I like chest to chest, 1on1 or 2on 1getting squeezed from the front and back.


Buff Poser (0)

11/11/2017 20:25

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whatever it takes to aggressively win grrrr


grkwrestler (1)

12/11/2017 15:47

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Yes. squeeze pec2pec and bulge2bulge until the opponent gives through exhaustion or arousal


JobberGeek (0)

10/11/2017 19:19

Chest-to-chest, multiple-sub slow crush.


Buff Poser (0)

10/11/2017 21:24

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Slow and easy muscle grip and each breath in he takes you squeeze harder, slow and flexing easy.


Buff Poser (0)

10/11/2017 17:25

Pec to pec and lock wrists around a man then lift and squeeze until he raises his big legs and wraps them around your waist, I do lot of wrapping lol


BDAlan (1)

09/11/2017 16:10

Chest to chest, with the victim's arms in the hug so he can't attack. Effettua il login per visualizzare le foto della gallery.


jasontenx (0)

11/11/2017 16:49

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Totally agree with you, love the look on that guy's face as his pecs are being crushed.


Jad azar (0)

14/11/2017 6:25

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You bearhug ?


Buff Poser (0)

11/11/2017 20:13

(In risposta a questo)

slow rotation of your muscle pecs bulging on his and on his face as he buckles under your pressure - all his muscles growing weaker and the air escaping his lungs


Crushmemelb (1)

09/11/2017 9:45

For me I love it when a very powerful guy with huge pecks crushes my face into his chest with his powerful arms. I also love it when my chest is crushed into his chest by his huge arms.


Crushmemelb (1)

09/11/2017 9:45

For me I love it when a very powerful guy with huge pecks crushes my face into his chest with his powerful arms. I also love it when my chest is crushed into his chest by his huge arms.


locoflex (1)

08/11/2017 21:03

WOW, this topic is AMAZING!!!

In any case, crushing or being crushed, I Love to see the opponents face, their eyes as happy for crushing me or as weak for being crushed are so tender... so beautiful...


barechested (4)

24/04/2011 3:14

I agree . Frontal bearhugs are the best and prefer a long bearhug wearing down the man vs going for a quick pin.


toe2toe (1)

26/02/2011 16:02

I agree with Rassler, frontal standing bearhugs are the best. I like it more of a test of endurance than a quick sub hold. Effettua il login per visualizzare le foto della gallery.


squeezetoy84 (1)

16/01/2011 4:25

I like all types, but I've yet to be squeeze/crushed to pass-out/KO with a rear bearhug. I've been craving a rear bearhug, arms locked right on my gut, and crushing the air out of me until i'm a limp ragdoll. Looking for strong studs who think they can get it done. Frontal bearhugs are just as hot and love them the same way.


rassler (4)

13/01/2011 17:50

Agree with you both, frontal bearhug is the best! And if it's mutual it's even better! Love the challenge of squeezing each other and see who'll be the first to give up. Also, the chest2chest and crotch2crotch feeling increases the pleasure of this hold...


BearhugAddict (3)

07/01/2011 23:54

I'm with Seros all the way on this one, frontal (lifted or not) is the only way to go, and for exactly the same reasons: Love that feeling of their chest pressed hard against me and being able to see the triumphant sneer on their face as they crush me into a wet sack of meat in their arms.


Seros (0)

06/01/2011 22:29

That,s it.What,s your favorite? For me, the lifted frontal and the frontal because I want to feel the chest of the bearhugger and see his face when I get crushed.

How about you?

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