let`s do it, Guri . I`ll host you up here at any time. Your hotel, food, ect would be completely at my expense. So long as you`re okay and agree with bearhugging me to passout, your Canadian vacation is awaiting you. ;)
I'd so love to get squeezed and crushed to KO in a dude's strongest body-lock squeeze. I love all positions and techniques of bearhugs, but I so love the feel and inescapability of a properly applied grounded body-lock around my gut, with my legs grapevined so I can't escape, squeezing with maximum pressure, grinding it in hard and slow and from time to time, wrenching it hard. No tapouts allowed and/or ignored at all times. I can withstand and enjoy extreme squeezing pressure around my core, totally euphoric pleasure for me, so please, do not hold back on the squeezing pressure or aggression, and I love the high from passing out in a long, drawn-out core squeeze. I'm in North Bay, Ontario and I can host in a motel or hotel room, completely at my expense and I can travel within a 2 or 3 hour drive on my time off from work. Into guys of any shape and size, but a strong preference for masculine guys and guys around my age or younger. If you're coming from further away, I can even help with travel expenses.
PA Wrestler (48 )
21/10/2022 5:49Had this almost happen a few times. One time literally almost went out, was pretty crazy 😅
Guri Brasil (4 )
24/10/2022 15:24(In risposta a questo)
Very hot, very hot.
Guri Brasil (4 )
20/10/2022 18:32I would love to have you all with me to do a lot of bear hugs with me, one at a time.
squeezetoy1984 (8 )
20/10/2022 18:38(In risposta a questo)
let`s do it, Guri . I`ll host you up here at any time. Your hotel, food, ect would be completely at my expense. So long as you`re okay and agree with bearhugging me to passout, your Canadian vacation is awaiting you. ;)
Guri Brasil (4 )
20/10/2022 18:42(In risposta a questo)
Unfortunately, that distance is too great. But I'd love to go there and spend the whole time fighting you.
westfalia (1)
17/10/2022 13:06hI Squeeze, I'd love a bearhug session with you. Just a shame we're not nearer each other!!
ptitlutteur (1)
18/09/2022 9:01It's so good the power of two bodies
One crushes the other
I really like the difference in build
Reminds me of the fights with my father. Rest in peace dad
musclecrush4 (12)
18/09/2022 7:55I would absolutely love to crush you for hours in any number of holds but I’m a bit far.
Anzo96 (0)
07/11/2022 19:32(In risposta a questo)
Je te défis d’essayer de m’écraser le torse !
Heel Bait (13 )
19/09/2022 0:55(In risposta a questo)
I’m ready any time you are
squeezetoy1984 (8 )
18/09/2022 14:47(In risposta a questo)
If your vacation plans ever include Northern Ontario, I'll gladly welcome you and passout in your strongest bearhug squeeze.
squeezetoy1984 (8 )
17/09/2022 15:51I'd so love to get squeezed and crushed to KO in a dude's strongest body-lock squeeze. I love all positions and techniques of bearhugs, but I so love the feel and inescapability of a properly applied grounded body-lock around my gut, with my legs grapevined so I can't escape, squeezing with maximum pressure, grinding it in hard and slow and from time to time, wrenching it hard. No tapouts allowed and/or ignored at all times. I can withstand and enjoy extreme squeezing pressure around my core, totally euphoric pleasure for me, so please, do not hold back on the squeezing pressure or aggression, and I love the high from passing out in a long, drawn-out core squeeze. I'm in North Bay, Ontario and I can host in a motel or hotel room, completely at my expense and I can travel within a 2 or 3 hour drive on my time off from work. Into guys of any shape and size, but a strong preference for masculine guys and guys around my age or younger. If you're coming from further away, I can even help with travel expenses.