Bigger VS Smaller Matches

Looking to be crushed in PDX

liftandcarry (10)

08/10/2020 2:03

That’s a very hot post! Nothing hotter than manhandling a smaller weaker guy.


pressurelover (2)

11/10/2020 6:34

(In risposta a questo)

To bad there are no Big men here that enjoy that, except to talk about it.


pressurelover (2)

06/10/2020 10:44

Have always enjoyed the idea of being man handled by a taller, stronger man. Hasn't happened in a decade, the last time it did he was 6'3" 255 to my 5'6" 190. His power was amazing. I couldn't counter anything he did so I usually ended up trapped in his head scissors, my face up against his crotch with him intermittently flexing and relaxing his grip while he watched movies on his iPad or played games on it. Occasionally he'd tighten to where I was frantically tapping and I knew he wasn't really trying. More recently (5 years ago) I befriended a Big guy, 6'4" 260, at work and after we got to know each other he thought it would be fun to get me in a choke hold with his big arm, telling me to go ahead and try to break free. To which I replied I do and you flex and I'm either dead or knocked out. So he tightened his grip any way. If he had flexed like he could have I would have been knocked or worse. When I told him his favorite movie sucked he threatened to come out to where I live, pin my down in a scissor hold and make me watch the movie. I was so scared (Not) that I sent him my address and said come on over. I also told him that I could lay my neck & head on his thigh and I'd be as safe as a baby in his mother's arms, to which he said "you think so"? Yes I said. In the end he was all talk. Would love to find a man that big that would like to have a shorter weaker friend to manhandle whenever he needed a laugh. But there are no men that big and playful in or near PDX. Prove me wrong!

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