Body Scissors

Are you serious?

crushmyribs (0)

09/03/2015 16:56

i wanna be squeeze flat by hard python legs making my ribs crack one by one no limit. wouldnt mind being put in killer headscissors. Effettua il login per visualizzare le foto della gallery.


wrestlerspig (14)

15/01/2014 20:56

I was choked out in a headscissors.


Chokemaster (7)

15/01/2014 21:18

(In risposta a questo)

I have choked out a number of guys in a well as in other ways. Come to Memphis and I'll be glad to do it again.


wressinglet (16)

15/01/2014 2:15

I am serious you just live too far away from me.


Chokemaster (7)

11/01/2014 22:12

I want to squeeze someone who is serious about being scissored. Ideally, he will be tall and skinny, but I would hardly turn down anyone. Most guys just talk.

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