
Advice for a new boxer?

Psych Jock7 (1 )

10/01/2017 18:04

Some people have it, others dont. Boxing is developed with a few layers.

1. Using it for cardio
2. Those who like to fight, but have no real natural ability
3. Then there comes the genius. The people who were born to fight.

1 and 2 compliments one another, but you can never be 3... 3'a are people who grew up with the sport.


rejnoboxcam (0)

13/01/2017 18:32

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If you want to box with me, my skype is rejno.boxcam


Psych Jock7 (1 )

13/01/2017 19:10

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Are you a real boxer? I don't cam box.


RadnerBearman (0)

09/01/2017 18:24

Get in the best shape of your life. It dose not matter if its boxing, kickboxing, martial arts, water polo or wrestling, developing stamina, endurance and flexibility will allow you to take and deliver performance and to be a winner. It should be all about fun. Just my thoughts aa a long time trained boxer and kick-boxer and now a certfied personal trainer


Bikerguy516 (32 )

03/01/2017 4:26

One more question... What do you do when someone criticizes your profile and then gets mad when you tell him that you are a newbie and he has years of experience and should stick to challenging someone who could be more of a match? He said if I'm not ready to accept his challenge, I shouldn't be on here. I modified my profile based on his comments then sent him a note that I'm willing to talk about it, then he blocked me. So I just blocked him too. Pretty sad. I thought this was a fighting website not a drama club.


ChiFight (6)

10/01/2017 12:09

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Don't worry about them. There are hundreds of guys on these sites that throw tantrums and hurl insults if you turn them down or don't give them their way. The best advice is to ignore them.

Even though I am primarily a stand-up striker and my profile clearly says I am looking for people in, or coming to, my area that are close in size... the vast majority of message I get are from small wrestlers on the other side of the world all but demanding that I hop on a plane and come to them to do their style. If I tell them "no thanks" they just cry about how I'm an ugly fake (must have been why they spent so much time looking at my profile and hounding me) so I someone appears as though they either didn't read my profile or chose to ignore it, I just show them that same respect and ignore them.

They aren't entitled to anything, and you aren't required to meet anyone you don't want to in order to "prove" anything either. Meeting here require mutual interest.


EdwardoPain (0)

03/01/2017 6:15

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You will find a lot of negative people in here, there are levels I am a professional but you don't always have to go full force in sparring, which is basically what having a match with someone from this site is... it's not sanctioned.

Disregard that person, don't bother. There's cool people here too.


Bikerguy516 (32 )

03/01/2017 23:24

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Yeah I know. I let that Biff guy bum me out. When I said no to his offer to meet, he said "I didn't realize you were so fragile. From your profile I thought you were seriously interested in getting some real experience" and said I misrepresented myself. That's a low blow to a newbie trying to establish himself. I sent an email offering ti talk and to clear things up but it remains marked as unread a week later. Good way to turn off new members and keep them from this site.


jabcross2 (9 )

03/01/2017 5:13

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That's his problem, not yours. Take it with a grain of salt.


scubawrestler (91 )

31/12/2016 5:27

Hi there. And welcome. It will just take you a while to get your name recognized. Wrestlers are a dime a dozen on all of the sites, but like all the other boxers, you'll soon get to know the rest in the area. There are a lot of fakes, and snobs don't lose faith in the good guys because of them. Keep yourself well known. Change your profile a little now and then to make it show up. And don't forget to do rematches with the guys you already have met. Good luck, have fun, and be safe. Sid


Bikerguy516 (32 )

31/12/2016 5:35

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Thanks Sid. I appreciate you taking the time to comment. I am supposed to be having a rematch with the boxer I met, maybe next week. The other guy is mostly a wrestler so that rematch may not happen. 1 out of 2 for a rematch ain't bad!

I'm trying to be careful. Some guys forget or don't realize I'm a newbie and challenge me to a full match. I would be squashed at this point so politely have to decline. One guy accused me of having a misleading profile because I said I like to go hard. Hence my "PS" that I added. I am hoping my intent comes through in my profile. Learn. Improve. And in the meantime, get to exchange some body punches - give and take - for fun until I am fully match ready. Thx again.


Bikerguy516 (32 )

31/12/2016 3:03

Hi guys. I am a new member, only been on the site a week, but have had 2 matches already. One was boxing only, the other mixed in wrestling. I am more interested in boxing but there are so many wrestlers on here it's tough. I am also very new, still developing my skills, and have to do play matches for now until I learn to defend my self better. I have taken punches and it's not been a problem.

How do you guys find enough opponents? I am so psyched to start fighting, I am looking into gutpunching (which was kind of fun if you can exchange punches). But what I really want is a legitimate sparring match in the future (not ready for that yet, just limiting my meets to body punches for now). I don't want to put myself in a bad situation where I'm a bloody heap on the floor but how can I improve my skills while still meeting guys and getting my punching fix in. Any suggestions?


jabcross2 (9 )

31/12/2016 6:51

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I'm rather new myself. Location is my main problem. Just not enough boxers in this area. I prefer a good intense sparring match. It's must easier to adjust from that point. With no referee, it can be risky having an all out, fight till KO match. That is where you and your opponent should be on the same page on knowing the risks and how to approach things.


Bikerguy516 (32 )

31/12/2016 22:01

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Thanks for the comment jabcross. I was in Vicksburg a few months ago. A shame I didn't know you then. However, as a "masters division" boxer, I'd be severely outmatched. Have a great new year, man.


jabcross2 (9 )

31/12/2016 23:00

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For me, sparring opportunities are scarce. I have no coach, either. I did have someone training me earlier this summer, but he has been unreliable (long story). So, I'm on my own.

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