The topic comes up every now and then.
Like it has just been discovered.
“Everyone” has a take on it if real or just someone’s sexual game variation on 2 guy’s boxing in private.
There were 1 or 2 web-sites acting to “de-mystify it”.
Saw one about it being a “tradition” in the British Navy till 1900 but where they got this factoid - don’t know.
I have never been a part of it - sounds potentionally painful.
Maybe some get off to it.
What do you think?
Take off your gloves and post a comment.
BilBeaux (0)
03/04/2018 22:51The topic comes up every now and then.
Like it has just been discovered.
“Everyone” has a take on it if real or just someone’s sexual game variation on 2 guy’s boxing in private.
There were 1 or 2 web-sites acting to “de-mystify it”.
Saw one about it being a “tradition” in the British Navy till 1900 but where they got this factoid - don’t know.
I have never been a part of it - sounds potentionally painful.
Maybe some get off to it.
What do you think?
Take off your gloves and post a comment.