
Cyber boxing or cyber boxing tournament.

alex1987 (16)

12/07/2019 5:20

Cyber boxing is great


Boxe (5)

12/07/2019 5:21

(In risposta a questo)

Yes it is. Thanks for your reply.


alex1987 (16)

12/07/2019 5:26

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Sería genial un cyber boxeo con cualquiera de aquí jeje hasta contigo jeje


Boxe (5)

12/07/2019 5:27

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Pues yo me apunto. :)


alex1987 (16)

12/07/2019 5:37

(In risposta a questo)

Hahahaha great we must do it one day


Boxe (5)

09/07/2019 21:42

Hello everybody How are you ? I know there are a lot of threads here about the same topic but I thought it would be cool to know in just a thread about everyone who would like a cyber boxing, then if someone wants they just need to search in this thread who likes. Mean I add my skype so if a guy is interested we can have a cyber boxing match there or here. And if there are a lot of people who are in Why not a tournament where we put our records?
Well, my skype is [email protected]
But we can have a fight here if you want.
I am not a good organizer but I think we can make this thread to see if there are people who wants to do the tournament and then do another thread with the tournament itself.
Well, being writed that. Bring it on. Ding ding


Mixedboxing1983 (2 )

10/07/2019 18:52

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Have you buy a pair of gloves??


Boxe (5)

10/07/2019 20:23

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No, but I am asking about cyber.


Mixedboxing1983 (2 )

11/07/2019 7:25

(In risposta a questo)

No gloves, no cyber


Boxe (5)

11/07/2019 16:54

(In risposta a questo)

Well is not the same cyber boxing, as is not like you can see me. We used to had cyber fights, not cams.

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