I agree with Flybox. It's part and parcel of the rules of the game. I accept it, as I do punching my opponents in the face — one of the joys of boxing.
Punching and punching are the basic rules of boxing, if only one of the 2 boxers gets punched, the match ends immediately and everything becomes boring ....
I don't look to get punched in the face, in fact the idea is to do it to the other guy, but I know a good punch in the face tells me I'm in a real fight. I box best when my opponent is looking to rip my head off. Harborfighter is right when he says a good punch in the face gets him more excited. Many many times I have experienced him bringing out the heavy artillery on me after I landed a good one on him.
whatever cums of the punching, punishment and boxing blows, it's all good. Just hammer the pug any which way you want, punish him with leather, then fuck his face and cum! I do.
punch kiss my face with your leather boxing gloves, hammer me without mercy, be relentless and a hardcore boxer! Bash my brains until I am out stone cold! I would love that total KO! let your leather do the talking and smash me out! If I am dazed and out on my feet, then that is when you fire your hardest most powerful punches to put me to sleep, OK?
When I get punched in the face it gets me so fuckin wound up that I start going wild on my opponent. My opponents quickly find out that if they punch me I'm gonna come at them with all I got. Which is a LOT. I fuckin CRAVE to FIGHT. There is nothing that feels better than FIGHTING A MAN. So BRING IT, BOYS. GIVE ME ALL YOU GOT. I will FIGHT YOU HARD AND INTENSE. Just fuckin LOOK AT ME and tell me you're gonna BOX ME.
watch this poor but lucky pug get face blasted by the Raging Bull, what a match, those gloves just keep slamming into his skull, hot and erotic IMHO <> imagine the impact of those powerful punches bouncing his brains around in his head.
Nothing like taking a good stiff jab/cross or alternating hooks. Love trading combinations to see who gets dazed first. Getting blocked or dodged and then counter-punched another favorite experience. 🥊🥊
01/06/2021 13:35I love to punch and get punched in the face until I get knocked out
01/06/2021 15:01(In risposta a questo)
I love that we get bloody nose
01/06/2021 15:05(In risposta a questo)
Yes man...
01/06/2021 15:08(In risposta a questo)
Come to me a week, then we face box and fuck and rape
01/06/2021 14:59(In risposta a questo)
Love to punch your face, and you punch my face
Untill KO
Then we fuck
I love to host
01/06/2021 15:03(In risposta a questo)
Damn...it would be amazing
punchpignyc (11 )
23/05/2021 21:52This is how I learned both to punch face and get face-punched. Just go back & forth for as long as you can take it.
slugtoko (3)
30/05/2021 2:16(In risposta a questo)
slugfest till the winner is still standing
glovelover (4)
31/05/2021 20:39(In risposta a questo)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BX84CsbFBV4can you take it???
Dennis (1)
24/05/2021 14:19(In risposta a questo)
Love hearing those smacks!
punchpignyc (11 )
24/05/2021 14:40(In risposta a questo)
Sound of a punch landing? Nothing like it. Total turn on.
slugtoko (3)
23/05/2021 17:33anyone who has boxed with me knows I want a headhunter to test my chin
glovelover (4)
26/05/2021 23:13(In risposta a questo)
Sounds like heaven to me! I wi8sh some guys would do a kinkboxing beating like this, without the woman.
BDV used to try but came up short.
Paulparis (2)
15/05/2021 20:39I agree with Flybox. It's part and parcel of the rules of the game. I accept it, as I do punching my opponents in the face — one of the joys of boxing.
flydog75 (0)
15/05/2021 6:28Punching and punching are the basic rules of boxing, if only one of the 2 boxers gets punched, the match ends immediately and everything becomes boring ....
Mfighter4day (15)
15/05/2021 5:37It happen to me few times, painful yet exciting
AussieBoxer (47 )
15/05/2021 5:28I don't look to get punched in the face, in fact the idea is to do it to the other guy, but I know a good punch in the face tells me I'm in a real fight. I box best when my opponent is looking to rip my head off. Harborfighter is right when he says a good punch in the face gets him more excited. Many many times I have experienced him bringing out the heavy artillery on me after I landed a good one on him.
glovelover (4)
15/05/2021 14:58(In risposta a questo)
SEXCITING slugging and beautiful brain bashing fun
bocachico (6)
17/05/2021 20:36(In risposta a questo)
Very hot video !
13/05/2021 14:18I love to punch in the face, so we get dizzy and bloody nose
ChuckD (0)
12/05/2021 9:24Really now champ?
glovelover (4)
25/01/2021 18:51whatever cums of the punching, punishment and boxing blows, it's all good. Just hammer the pug any which way you want, punish him with leather, then fuck his face and cum! I do.
glovelover (4)
20/01/2021 19:45punch kiss my face with your leather boxing gloves, hammer me without mercy, be relentless and a hardcore boxer! Bash my brains until I am out stone cold! I would love that total KO! let your leather do the talking and smash me out! If I am dazed and out on my feet, then that is when you fire your hardest most powerful punches to put me to sleep, OK?
HarborFighter (53 )
18/01/2021 12:32When I get punched in the face it gets me so fuckin wound up that I start going wild on my opponent. My opponents quickly find out that if they punch me I'm gonna come at them with all I got. Which is a LOT. I fuckin CRAVE to FIGHT. There is nothing that feels better than FIGHTING A MAN. So BRING IT, BOYS. GIVE ME ALL YOU GOT. I will FIGHT YOU HARD AND INTENSE. Just fuckin LOOK AT ME and tell me you're gonna BOX ME.
Hairy Otter (4)
20/01/2021 12:57(In risposta a questo)
I know the feeling. You bring it, you get back at ya in spades
punchpignyc (11 )
20/01/2021 8:03(In risposta a questo)
Can’t wait to meet you one day, man — Effettua il login per visualizzare le foto della gallery.
HarborFighter (53 )
23/01/2021 16:26(In risposta a questo)
Wish it was right this minute...horny as fuck here Down Under. Need to fuckin box that hard cock and make you explode all over my gloves, buddy. DAMN.
ChuckD (0)
24/01/2021 11:30(In risposta a questo)
Love getting the cum KO'd outta me!
glovelover (4)
11/05/2021 15:36(In risposta a questo)
punching face is more fun that a cockboxer can handle!
MikeP327 (0)
09/01/2021 10:18I do, but I also like dishing it out too :)
glovelover (4)
29/10/2020 13:22watch this poor but lucky pug get face blasted by the Raging Bull, what a match, those gloves just keep slamming into his skull, hot and erotic IMHO <> imagine the impact of those powerful punches bouncing his brains around in his head.
BoxerBrawlerNL (4)
29/10/2020 8:55Nothing like taking a good stiff jab/cross or alternating hooks. Love trading combinations to see who gets dazed first. Getting blocked or dodged and then counter-punched another favorite experience. 🥊🥊
Hairy Otter (4)
29/10/2020 13:40(In risposta a questo)
Love that feeling of dazed and punch drunk
glovelover (4)
28/10/2020 18:33what a sexy one sided beatdown! Boxing at its finest even if in a video game. kudos to the champ.
Hairy Otter (4)
20/10/2020 12:27I do. I lie the feeling of leather on my face, the sting of a quick jab, the feeling of blacking out of you can throw a KO
punchpignyc (11 )
24/10/2020 16:36(In risposta a questo)
U come a long way baby - ;-)
glovelover (4)
25/09/2020 20:47if you love cockboxing, cum punching or nut fun, go see me as KINKBOXER as the free site called menwrestle.com where my XXX rated vids are.
Hairy Otter (4)
21/10/2020 13:04(In risposta a questo)
I tried the site last year and left.
glovelover (4)
13/05/2021 14:57(In risposta a questo)
to see my XXX rated boxing fetish vids and pix at <www.boyztube.com> search for "boxing" there, OK?
H16111960 (14)
14/05/2021 10:27(In risposta a questo)
A little bit one sided:-)
Good against bad boxers.
punchpignyc (11 )
19/05/2021 0:31(In risposta a questo)
I so much want to strip down again and really take each other on in a punchout Effettua il login per visualizzare le foto della gallery.
glovelover (4)
29/10/2020 20:17(In risposta a questo)
Boxingmarco (36 )
13/09/2020 15:24Hars give and take to the faces. Yes!
glovelover (4)
18/10/2020 17:36(In risposta a questo)
hammer my head!
glovelover (4)
22/01/2021 15:36(In risposta a questo)
I watched this punching vid and counted 41 solid punches in FIVE SECONDS. My brains would be reeling and with all that power landing on my pug face
glovelover (4)
20/10/2020 16:15(In risposta a questo)
Maybe I could land a job as the boxer's punching dummy? 41 punches to the face every five seconds gets my rox off!
glovelover (4)
25/09/2020 20:13(In risposta a questo)
I do. I get off being punched, one sided, speedbag my skull and hammer me with your gloves! No mercy. nonstop to a KO!
glovelover (4)
11/09/2020 19:49Getting punched or doing the punching, it's all great! My face makes a great speedbag, too! make my face your punching target for punishing practice!
travilicious (65)
03/09/2020 5:15Everywhere except the nose. The chin is the best.
peglegboxer (2)
10/09/2020 2:07(In risposta a questo)
dsafytbgd (0 )
02/09/2020 17:14Getting a puffy black eye from a hit to the face is my ultimate fantasy.
punchpignyc (11 )
03/09/2020 7:21(In risposta a questo)
We gotta meet soon
dsafytbgd (0 )
03/09/2020 17:55(In risposta a questo)
Yeah definitely. I miss the fun we had few years ago. Hope when this is all over I can meet up with you again.
Hairy Otter (4)
01/09/2020 12:37Make my bell ring
punchpignyc (11 )
02/09/2020 5:52(In risposta a questo)
Gonna ring your bell again real soon
punchpignyc (11 )
01/09/2020 3:31I totally love it. Love dishing it out too.
glovelover (4)
02/09/2020 1:48(In risposta a questo)
I love the feel, the impact, the aroma, the sound and taste of the gloves! I don't mind being face punched like a speedbag and then knocked out!
wanttowrestle (44 )
31/08/2020 7:16I don't love it but I sure do like to box so being punched and punching back comes with the territory.
Tonybear7 (0)
01/09/2020 18:05(In risposta a questo)
Right, that's the way I enjoy boxing.
Dennis (1)
31/08/2020 18:17(In risposta a questo)
Give and take until one falls.
ringtech (2)
21/09/2020 15:30(In risposta a questo)
Yeah...controlled punch for punch...my kinda fight!!
Slugfest (17)
31/08/2020 6:55Gets me off more than anything!👊😈
Boxing Legend78 (0 )
31/08/2020 18:57(In risposta a questo)
I love it it feels so good
Boxing Legend78 (0 )
30/08/2020 20:32I personally love it
glovelover (4)
17/10/2020 20:21(In risposta a questo)
same here. it gets my rox off no matter what! I want to taste your leather punches, please???
glovelover (4)
17/01/2021 15:06(In risposta a questo)
or with cum punches, the gloves are painted with spunk prior to the face punching fun! <https://www.boyztube.com/gay-videos/watch/577510-glove_cre_ng_fun.html>
glovelover (4)
29/05/2021 1:45(In risposta a questo)
if the above link is inoperable, just go to the boyztube site and search for boxing gloves or boxing.