Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Who currently trains regularly?

greekwrestler (75)

05/11/2018 9:48

blue blet in Greece
twice a week


JM28601 (13)

16/10/2018 13:15

I started jiu jitsu 3 years ago. Current rank, Blue belt with one stripe. I train at least twice a week primarily gi with an occasional no gi class. Always try to hit the open mats too.


Spruceman (55)

14/10/2018 23:30

Sure would like to find someone to train with regularly here in my matroom. BJJ, judo, wrestling – most any of the fight sports or roll them all into one generalized brawl training.


BJJWrestlerLasVegas (14)

12/10/2018 20:54

Anyone who trains regularly planning to visit Las Vegas? Would be glad to have one of you go with me to BJJ classes, etc. Transit here is 24/7 thus a car is not needed here. Thanks


JiujitsuTJK (9 )

12/10/2018 5:13

3x a week, gi and no-gi


grappleurd (37)

21/09/2018 22:58

Blue belt, train regulary 4 to to 6,7 time a week but almost only gi even if I like both go and no gi.


tomhand37 (45)

11/10/2018 22:49

(In risposta a questo)

5-6x a and no gi...4 stripe white belt


wagster (5)

21/09/2018 19:04

Usually 3x a week. I'm a brown belt, but 99% gi. I need to start doing some no gi.
This thread is awesome. I love the fact that there are people here training.


BJJWrestlerLasVegas (14)

21/09/2018 22:50

(In risposta a questo)

The hope is that we will find new training partners to improve our game.


Wrestletowrestle (29)

21/09/2018 12:12

2-3x every week. No gi


Mark uk (293)

21/09/2018 11:03

Blue Belt
3x a week depending how on travel schedule


Alecmusc (24)

20/09/2018 11:47

3 times a week


redr0cc (0)

20/09/2018 6:39

2 or 3 times a week. Mma and no gi. I'm a white belt bit tap out brown belts and take down black belts. I'm a wrestler with a catch wrestling style.


bjjguynyc (11)

18/09/2018 14:01

Usually 3-5x. Coming off injury so easing back into it.


TxWrestle (48 )

17/09/2018 5:30

Black Belt
Gi and No Gi (prefer gi)
3 times a week or more


GrapplingGeek (0)

18/09/2018 13:17

(In risposta a questo)

White belt, 3 times a week, prefer no-gi


BJJWrestlerLasVegas (14)

16/09/2018 23:51

There are some of us looking to train outside of regular dojo hours and to whom BJJ is a very important activity to them.It also is a good source of knowing someone with knowledge of a local dojo to train while u visit. Knowing who is active also helps you find a good rolling partner.Basically,i suggest you put, your belt city,gi or no-gi, and if u train on a regular basis.Thanks
Las Vegas
Blue Belt
Train Gi and No-gi,prefer latter
Train 4 days a week.


tenacity (162)

19/09/2018 12:27

(In risposta a questo)

Blue belt
Gi and no gi
3-5 times a week

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