Cock And Ball Torture

Waterpolo with hot and also hard ballgrabbs

ubergrab (0)

23/12/2015 6:48

I was a reasonable swimmer and thought I would give it a go. I joined a waterpolo training session and it was just too hard. An example is for the warmup, we had to do laps with our arms out of the water. Think it would be easier to wrestle your opponent's crotch but don't let me put you off.


Bongoballs (0)

20/04/2014 20:26

Great idea like the from behind attack better.That would make me spunk in the pool. Effettua il login per visualizzare le foto della gallery.


austrianguy (4 )

21/04/2014 17:21

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hey bongoballs.

what exactly do you mean with spunk????

i have never heard that word before in my life.........


stxrasler (5)

15/04/2014 23:44

i wanna try it


austrianguy (4 )

15/04/2014 18:46

I read really many things about waterpolo and hot and also hard ballgrabbs during a waterpologame.

thinking about it will make my cock hard as a rock. ;-))))

here are some examples for it:

One guy will grab and then squeeze the balls from his opponent under the water during a waterpologame.

A guy will dive down and then when he will dive up he will grabb and/or squeeze the balls of his opponent either from behind or also from the front.

Or, a guy will pull down the speedos of his opponent under the water and then grabbing and/or squeezing the naked/ the nude balls of his opponent.

Who has also such experiences or who likes to do it also during a waterpologame???? ;-))))


stxrasler (5)

19/01/2016 17:11

(In risposta a questo)

I want to do that too man. With all that grabbing and squeezing, I may hurt but I will also get a boner. Would love it.


dannyengland (1)

04/08/2014 12:51

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Wow, I really should start playing waterpolo!

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