Cock And Ball Torture

female looking for a cyberfight with lots of low blows

georgiaboxboy (0)

19/12/2019 3:48

Low blows are the ultimate spice of life.


alex19 (2)

17/12/2019 20:56

It seems very hot !


Parkinrichard (1)

29/02/2016 15:03

I certainly wouldnt mind wrestling a female in a bikini giving my a fair few low blows/ball shots. I think it could be quite hot to be honest.


September22 (0)

30/01/2016 20:40

Sadly you not in Australia :(


teenfightergirl (0)

29/01/2016 13:34

I'm looking for opponents for back and fourth wrestling or boxing cyber fights.. and yes I'm interested in opponents that are more then happy to hit me between my legs as I am to hit them. Send me a message and we can set something up


HardfightFfm (76 )

04/01/2019 19:02

(In risposta a questo)

Would ne a pleasure to habe a cyberfight agaonst you with hits between our legs.


guru388 (0)

25/12/2018 6:08

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you are a coward.. fight me bitch.


mark96 (0)

16/07/2016 11:16

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I'd love to take you on


HardfightFfm (76 )

05/01/2019 18:02

(In risposta a questo)

I'd love to take u on anytime mark


BellyBuster (0)

10/02/2016 18:39

(In risposta a questo)

I hope that you will not be offended by it. It is just a one-off bit of horny fun and your post made me think about 'stuff'.
Just HOW dirty does the lady enjoy her fighting fantasies?

Now there are ‘dirty’ fight fantasies that add a little adventure-naughtiness to what is otherwise pretty standard fight scenarios - and there is nothing in that statement which is intended to demean pretty-standard fight scenarios. They are good exciting stuff for anyone sharing the mutual interests of this site. But the real pleasure to be had from a fantasy fight scenario is that one can - if the inclination is there - be as TOTALLY OTT as the imagination will allow. One can engage in as dirty-boy-or-girl, as kinky-boy-or-girl and/or as sheer-brutal-boy-or-girl fighting as one wishes, in the complete and happily secure knowledge that neither you nor your opponent will suffer even the most minor bruise (except perhaps from over-zealous self-manipulation of one’s own boy-or-girly ‘bits’!). Of course for that lack of harm to be truly complete, each participant must be able to handle going OTT psychologically - which is difficult to be sure of unless you actually know the fantasy-fighter with whom you may play out the fight scenario. So I suppose that all of us place some ‘not-that-far’ limits on even the most anything-goes, free-for-all, no-holds-barred fantasy fight. Over the years I have come across people who wanted to go farther that I would wish to even in fantasy - and I have always prided myself (though someone will undoubtedly be able to ‘trump’ me in that respect) with having both a vivid, articulate...and truly FILTHY imagination when it comes to all matters sexual, and especially those sexual fetishes most dear to my horny heart ‘fighting for the pure, and openly s/m, sexual thrill of it and belly punching/punishment’. The young lady who wanted to be physically destroyed, stripped and ‘taken by force’ in the ring (the disgusting ‘r’ word) by a masked opponent was an absolute ‘no, no, no’ was the young lady who wanted the ring ropes replaced by barbed wire. The not-so-young jobber-lady who wanted to have her tits connected to a milking machine ‘after’ - well that was really rather horny (I was glad to oblige and - her idea - the audience present for the fantasy just loved it, especially the women; and after all the internet has a whole ‘milking’ genre now, for those inclined towards that). I won’t tell you what she wanted to connect to the milking machine if she won (but since she was a ‘jobber-girl’ she never actually wanted to win!). The point is that for me the line has always been drawn, even in fantasy, at no breakages, no blood, no puncture of the skin (no biting!) no internal damage and no degradation of an opponent’s basic humanity (either physical or psychological). Humiliation is a bit more difficult to put a limit on. After all, doesn’t being a ‘jobber-girl’ or ‘jobber-boy’ inherently carry with it at least some degree of physical humiliation at the hands of the other fighter (whether out-and-out role-model ‘heel-girl’ or ‘heel-boy’ or not)? Personally I have always thought that full penetrative sex is best kept out of ‘pure’ fighting-fetish fantasies, although that still leaves much in the ‘mistier’ area of oral that can satisfy all tastes (after all, if the ‘jobber-girl’ or ‘jobber-boy’ has a penchant for being face-fucked or deep-throated at some point during or after the fight, why not?) - and there are almost unlimited opportunities for hands and fingers to produce an ecstatic combination of pleasure and pain. And of course it’s always nice, isn’t it, at some point or other during or after the action to see some part or other of a ‘jobber-girl’ or ‘jobber-boy’s’ anatomy anointed with nice thick gobs of the gooey white stuff? Within that scope, pretty much anything that can turn on a fantasy-boy-fighter or fantasy-girl-fighter is possible - and pleasurably acceptable.

Hence the question ‘just HOW dirty’ If you think I am being ‘tongue-in-cheek’ about the use of the word ‘lady’ you are wrong. Within the fantasy fighting ring you may be the dirtiest, kinkiest jobber-girl in the world (a difficult title to prove, of course!). Outside it, you have every right to be (and should expect to be) treated as if you were the First Lady of your country. I once did a course for Football Referees (‘soccer’ to those in the ‘States’). In those days there was still a division between amateur and professional footballers (which there has not been for many years now). The ‘old boy’ (a bit like me now!) who ran the course put it this way. ‘You treat all footballers as Gentlemen, in the same way you treat all women as Ladies’. I think that was then, and remains to this day, a pretty good social philosophy - regardless of the fact that, thankfully, equality of the sexes, including sexual equality, has at least moved on in the right direction (albeit with a long way still to go) in both UK and USA.

To the question ‘just HOW dirty’? Just a couple of ‘snapshots’ to illustrate. Now ‘dirty’ could mean that sexy young jobber-girl you (you may be a sadistic young heel-girl as well, of course) thought you would have an easy fight wiping the ring with some pretentious old guy (me) and working my body over real good, punching and stomping my belly, spreading my legs painfully wide and knee-dropping me between my legs so my yells fill the room and I beat the canvas of the ring with my fists (while still refusing to submit to you), the audience urging you on to ever greater excesses of pain-infliction and physical punishment. So you pick me up and run me crotch-first into the ring post; the pain in my balls is indescribable, almost unbearable and I cry out. You drop my tortured body and dart between the ropes. I am begging ‘no, no, no’ as you pull my legs and ram my rock-hard cock and bollocks into the ring post. Not once, not twice, but three times (as the audience counts). I am almost unconscious with the agony between my legs. Not satisfied with this degree of sadistic female brutality, this sexy jobber-cum-heel-girl (you. on a ‘heel-girl’ high for a change, and enjoying every second of it!) climbs back between the ropes and drops her arse (butt in USA, isn’t it?) right into the full mound of my belly (right into my belly button). You drag me back from the ring post and stomp me time and again in the belly, grinding your heel into my belly button. You settle your oozing-wet crotch on my face, my nose is between your arse cheeks; I can smell your sexual heat and sweat, and you fart load and full (yoo kinky perhaps for most, granted). You begin to systematically twist and torture my prominent male tits. Then you begin to pummel my belly again with your bare, two, left, right, left, right. The audience are masturbating and fucking themselves into a frenzy as you deliver the ‘coup de grace’, a two-fisted belly buster that makes me beg ‘no more,,,please!’. But you are a true sadistic girl-fighter. You pause to yank hair from my mound and then stop. Using your strength, you lift my lower body up and hang my legs over the ropes in the corner of the ring. You yank my tiny, bulging pants up (I am upside-down, remember!), which makes the crowd (especially the women) cheer. They chant “Do it! Do it! Do it!” You are lost in a world of pure sado-lust. You raise your thumb to the audience. Two elderly women sit opposite the corner, in the front row, for the best view. Each has the top of their dress pulled down, heavy breasts sagging down to their waists. Each has their dress pulled up to their waist, their knickers around their ankles. Each plays with one of her own tits with one hand and has the other had between her friend’s legs. Every now and then each brings the fingers that have been playing between her friend’s legs back to her mouth, to taste the sweet sexuality of her lover. Each looks at the other and nods. Together they raise their thumbs - pointing downwards. And you smile at them. It is a smile of pure sadistic pleasure. Then you start to work on my cock and bollocks. Each time you demand my submission; each time I refuse. Each time you work with your hands and fists, punching, slapping, squeezing, tugging until I am literally screaming the room down. You knee me in the belly, kicking me as hard as you can. You literally drag tufts of hair from my fat mound and the pain is indescribable. You masturbate me in the most painful way that your fingers will allow and you fingers force their way into my arsehole, finger-fucking me (see what I mean about hands and fingers). You force me to cum in a fuck of pure ‘heel-girl’ hate (BAD word to use even in a fight scenario, but it does have an effect here and I can’t think of anything else that doesn’t sound ‘wimpy’!), dragging the spunk from my bulging bollocks time and again, until I am dry, but still I stay jutting erect. You slap, punch and tug my jutting cock. I refuse to submit, no matter how indescribable the pain in my sex is. In desperation for a submission you become careless and I see my chance. As you lean forward to continue my punishment I get the original worm’s-eye view up between your thighs. Without hesitation, I drive my bare knuckles directly upwards, smashing them right into your well-lubricated cunt with a sickening wet splat. The force of the blow as my fist drives deeply into the yielding tender flesh of your womanhood almost lifts you off your feet. Momentarily it is as if you are riding a massive intrusive phallus. Your wail is piteous as you collapse writhing on to the canvas clutching your sex. The audience gasps, some of the women visible shrink back and stop their masturbating. The audience, which has been so on your side, wanting to see you destroy my body and my ‘boy-bits’, is now hushed. No one likes a loser. As you writhe on the canvas, clutching your cunt and moaning, even looking down your body to reassure yourself that you are still a woman down there inside the tiny string-bikini pants, where it counts for the pleasure of your lover, I jerk my legs free and get on to all fours. You recover quickly, cursing me with every dirty word that you know - and there do not seem to be any that you are not familiar with! Despite the pure agony that still rules my body, I am quicker. I dodge your attack, but grab you by the arm and swing you with all my remaining strength towards the opposite corner of the ring. You flatten against it, knocking the wind from your guts. I follow up with a running drop-kick which catches you precisely as you turn to face me, both feet smashing deep into your sexy jobber-girl (once again!) belly. You grunt loudly, hanging there, defenceless. A full-blooded drop-kick literally crushes your tits and breasts against your rib-cage, making you cry out. Now I am me again. My cock is rock-hard, my balls are tight (albeit the pain in them is still intense). I am confident. Jobber-Girl,,,I’m going to destroy you. You won’t be fucking anyone for a long time! Another full-force drop-kick to your tits makes you cry out even louder. The audience cheer and urge me on -as I kick you as hard as I can in the belly - and hear both the delicious smack against your belly flesh and the exciting grunt in response. The audience are mine now, and all I have to do to keep it that way is to let them watch me destroy your sexy young body, while they masturbate themselves (and each other) to the sight and sounds of your pain. You now are the helpless one and I smile with sadistic delight at what I am going to do to that sweet sexy body of yours. You are going to learn of pain as you have never known it. You are helpless. I come in close and punch you, hard and straight into each beautiful tit. Each punch crushes your boob without mercy against you rib-cage. Your boobs and tits are nothing more than punch-bags for my fists. You grunt, you groan, you sob. You are holding on to the corner ropes to keep on your feet. I take careful (and sadistically-cruel) hold of you beautiful fat girly tits and twits and pull. You are begging me ‘no’, but I drag you away from the relative (if painful) safety of the corner. I walk you round the ring by the pain in your tits, squealing like a stuck pig - and the audience just love it. You failed to finish me off - destroy my body - when you had the chance, and now they heave turned against you. The two elderly (though still fucking horny) old women who turned their thumbs down for me now want me to literally twist your tits off ! You are begging me not to torture your tits anymore (this is just the beginning, jobber-girl!). I kick your legs from under you and you fall to the canvas. Beautiful! I literally drag you around the ring by your big fat tits. You are screaming like a stuck pig. The old ladies are diddling each other almost frantically. The more you scream - and you are really screaming, because I am giving your sexy young body pure pain that you never knew could exist - the more they are wanking each other off. I literally pull you up off the canvas by your tortured tits...just another scream that urges the audience on to greater masturbatory excess and makes my cock feel even more rock-hard... then drop your sexy body back on to the canvas. You clutch your tits - to see if they are still there - and I stomp you hard in the belly, grinding my heel into your belly button. It’s payback time. I claw you sexy belly with my bare hands so that you have to look to check if your guts are hanging out. My audience are counting each stomp that is destroying your beautiful sexy girly-belly mound. I stomp you boobs and tits a couple of times...just for good measure. I lift your long legs. You squirm and struggle, but I am in total control now both know it and WANT it. So I drag your string bikini pants down your sexy thighs and down your legs and off your feet. I spread your legs so painfully wide that you cry out that I am splitting you in two...and grind my heel into your hairy sex mound. I can give you as much pain as I wish, if I chose to punch and stomp your cunt into a mess...and you know it. But I don’t want that. I am going to destroy your cunt...but slowly, exquisitely and beautifully. And you are going to beg me to do it! I am talking to you now, my eyes gazing fixedly into yours. “When I am finished with your body, you won’t be having sex with anyone (boy or girl) for a long time; you won’t even be able to pee without it being pure agony for at least a week. Yet you want it, don’t you, jobber-girl? You want me to destroy your cunt, don’t you?” You nod; you are eager, even desperate to have your cunt destroyed as you tits and belly have already been. “Then beg me. Tell the audience what you want to be done to you! Go on. Tell them.” And you say it quietly “I want you to destroy my cunt.” Louder! I make you say it louder each time that I grind my heel between your legs. Then the audience catch on and begin to chant. ‘Destroy the jobber-girl’s cunt; destroy her cunt; destroy her cunt; whip her cunt; destroy her cunt; give her a cunt-whipping she’ll never forget.” And I ask you “Jobber-girl, do you WANT a cunt-whipping you will never forget? A really hard and dirty cunt-whipping?” My cock is throbbing and you are panting with jobber-girl animal lust. Jobber-girl that you are so turned-on to be, you answer “Yes, oh yes...I want a really dirty cunt-whipping; whip my cunt...whip my cunt.” You don’t resist as I pull you to your feet and drag you to the ropes. Unresisting, I tie your arms in the ropes. You are helpless. I retrieve your paltry string-bikini top from a corner of the ring and use it to whip your breasts and belly. Again the audience - my audience - counts each stroke. True jobber-girl that you are, you thrust your belly and boobs out to meet the full force of each stinging lash. Tiring of the game - you are enjoying it too much(!) - I lift one long sexy leg and place it over the middle rope. Your look is questioning. You can stand on tip-toe to just keep your cunt above the middle rope. Just for fun, I grip your tits and pull them out and up, so you are desperately trying to stand on tip-toes to ease the pain in your tits. I laugh. I wiggle the middle rope. It rubs sexily between your cunt lips and inn the cleft to your arse cheeks...a not unpleasureable feeling for you. But then I tense the rope down a little - not much, just enough - and let it go. It rebounds with a gentle ‘thwack’ between your legs - between your cunt lips and through to the crack between the fleshy mounds of your arse in which the soft and delicate puckered skin of your arsehole sits. Then you understand, jobber-girl, and your beautiful sexy belly is filled with simple, pure terror. You know - without question - that what you have wanted, in fantasy, the destruction of your cunt, is now going to happen in reality. Now I smile sadistically at you as you mouth the words ‘no, you wouldn’t do that...please don’t, I beg you...they wouldn’t let you! I jiggle the middle rope. I smile at the elderly ladies who are still diddling each other and working their own belly-button-sagging tits. I give the ‘thumbs-up’ sign to them. They smile at each other...and unanimously show me both thumbs down. (I didn’t care anyway. I was going to destroy your cunt whatever they showed...just for the pure sadistic pleasure of doing so!) You look into my eyes and murmur “No,,,you wouldn’t do that...please don’t, I beg, not that...I’ll do anything, but please don’t do that to me!” You are almost peeeing yourself with sheer terror. You will try anything to avoid the destruction you known that is going to happen to your sexy young body, the unbelievable pain. “You have a daughter about my age, don’t you.” “Yes, I do...and I wish someone would do to that selfish, self-serving little bitch what I am going to do to” And I pull down the middle rope as far as my strength will allow me. You squirm and twist, but it doesn’t matter...I release the middle rope, which catapults up between your legs, between your cunt lips and round between your legs into the cleavage of your arse and to kiss even the silky puckered flesh of your arsehole. Your scream fills the room...and I pull myself to your pain-wracked body as I shoot a thick white wad of spunk over your bruised and battered belly. I am still hard as I rub the white man-milk into your young sexy belly and then lick it, sucking the pool of spunk that fills your slender belly button. I hold it within my mouth and then force your yielding lips apart, you greedily sucking the milky-white stuff from my moth as our tongues mash and we drink deeply of the taste of each other. I look deeply into your eyes and my smile is pure sadism. Yet as a true jobber-girl, a deeply-masochistic woman, you are literally begging me with your eyes for more pain. I look to the elderly ladies still diddling themselves furiously. Their thumbs go down again. The murmur from the audience is strong, the women’s tone predominant “Do it again! Do it again! Destroy her cunt! We want to see her cunt destroyed!” And I do. I ask you to submit. You shake your head. I pull the middle rope down as far as my strength will permit...and release it to hear the sickening thwack as it destroys your cunt. Your scream is pitiful, but the audience love your pain and suffering. You wriggle and squirm to try to ease the pain within your cunt and arse-crack, but the more you squirm the more that cruel rope rubs - and burns - the delicate fleshy lips of your cunt and the soft puckered silkiness of your arsehole. The more you squirm to try to ease the monstrous pain between your legs, the more pain you get. Again I ask you to submit. You refuse. To help you, I punch you hard in the tits, one , two, three, four...and slug you brutally in the belly button half a dozen times. Still you grunt and groan, sob and curse...but refuse to submit. Again I look to the elderly ladies. Again they show thumbs down. Again you watch with sheer terror in your eyes as I draw the rope down...and release it to smack into your most female flesh with the most sickening thwack. Again your scream fills the room and drives the audience to greater heights of sexual excess. As the scream from your pain-wracked and tortured young body becomes a mere wailing heart-rending sob, you are broken and sob out your submission. I strut triumphantly around the ring, my cock jutting so proudly. The elderly ladies are on their feet applauding me. The audience stands as I thrust my arms out in the age-old acknowledgement of victory. They chant my name. And it is the women who demand ‘fuck her, fuck her, fuck her’. You are there, hanging in the ropes, sobbing, your beautiful young body destroyed. Just to remind you of my total dominance, I take your legs in my hands and spread them so your weight rests on the middle rope. I drag you back and forth, the rope burning the oh-so-sensitive lips of your cunt and the soft flesh between your arse cheeks so that you scream again. Your screams are music to the audience. I take your head in my hands and you eagerly take my cock deeply. Deep-throat, I face-fuck you until my balls unload a jet of thick white spunk into your mouth. Then I mash my own mouth with yours, demanding that you share the taste of my own spunk with me. What is left dribbles out of your mouth and on to your breasts and belly. As I untie your arms from the ropes, you collapse onto the canvas of the ring. cruel and sadistic victor that I am, I press my foot on to the rounded mounds of flesh that are your arse and force your tortured cunt into the unyielding canvas - filling your sexy young body with pain again and making you cry out. As the pain in your cunt declines, you lie there, sobbing, knowing that your sexy young body is totally destroyed, that you will not be able to bear having sex with anyone, boy or girl, for a long time, and that even peeing through so totally destroyed a cunt as yours will be pure agony for days. I walk back to my lover, who has been watching from my corner...and a night of dirty, kinky, lust, perversion and depravity without bounds. As you crawl back to your corner, each movement like a saw between your legs, she calls out to you - “my turn next, Jobber-Girl. Hope you are looking forward to it...I am, and I'm a real brutal bitch-heel...not like this 'pussycat'!” Does that prospect thrill or terrify you? In your own corner your boyfriend is waiting for you, but offers you no help in your pain-wracked journey across the canvas. Instead he is vigorously stroking a massive erection as he looks down at his defeated jobber-girl. When you have reached him and sit back - painfully - on your haunches, his cock erupts and sprays thick white spunk over your face, hair and breasts, from which it drips slimily down on to your belly and mound. The elderly women in the front row wear contented smiles as they lick each other’s fingers.

Dirty enough? Sorry, the ‘oral stuff’ was a bit more than I intended - just got a bit carried away with the run of the scenario! (No need for a reply! Just a bit of ‘dirty-boy’ fun. Doesn’t matter how old you are in years, Young Lady. What matters is how old you are in mind - and just how dirty that mind was to start with. I’m very lucky. My fighter-body is probably more satisfactory to me now than it ever has been...and my mind is as thankfully totally dirty and kinky as it ever was at your tender age! Honestly hope you find what you are looking for, my dear. Don’t ever be afraid to be what you are, as long as that is honest,

Regards and Best Wishes
BellyBuster (aka Keith)

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