
Cyber Cock Fights

Gut fighter (0)

18/09/2023 22:16

Hello fighters, I am making this post to introduce new fighters and veteran fighters to these Cyber ​​Cock Fight modalities, their rules and how to find someone to do them, I will only address some that I already have some knowledge about. And currently know few styles fight with you cock

I'll start with *Cock Compare*

How to find: Well cock compare you can find fighters willing to screen by clicking on "Chat", after clicking there you will be placed in the room "#meetfighters", to find rooms with people willing to have these fights you will click on the "Rooms" button, and go down the list of rooms, until you find the room "#Cock_Size_Challenge",There is also a room called "#Cockfight_pit", but I don't have much knowledge about it, and it appears to be pretty inactive.

How to Challenge:To Challenge someone there is very simple, just click on the "More" button and a list of fighters will appear inside that room willing to have this type of fight, you click on the name of a person on that list and click on the option "private message", after that just be polite to the fighter and after talking to him you ask "Cock compare" or something like that

How the Fights Work: Because you and your opponent accept it, you send the same amount of dick pictures to each other, the name of the room says it all, whoever has the dick looking bigger wins, but maybe your opponent opts for pictures with something comparing with the dick to have a better dynamic of the dick or just asking the size of your dick, it's kind of difficult but it happens, after one wins the comparison normally they want you to pay some "Stake", like "send a dick picture" , "butt pic", "kneel pic", or send a message to the fourth #Cock_Size_Challenge submitting to the winner's cock, so always ask before sending pics if there is any stake so you don't get caught off guard

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