
Ideal cockfight structure

fighter3 (0)

05/07/2021 23:24

Great idea.


Subprbklyn (0)

05/07/2021 21:39

Let's do it


Teddy1 (0)

19/12/2020 4:54

Yep and its that good


yyzgwmc2c (16)

14/12/2020 19:56

Damn mate – come to Toronto!!!


Nosmoht (0)

14/12/2020 18:57

Real cock fight.....each fighter takes his own cock in hand, the rivals jamb and grind heads together for a short time....they then back off a little, and begin slapping and punching each other's cocks.....until one shoots or the rival submits and begs for mercy.
Keep it simple sweet heart.......


kevinshtoo (0)

30/07/2021 21:55

(In risposta a questo)

that's the way to go


fighter3 (0)

31/07/2021 3:05

(In risposta a questo)

Sure is the way to go.


hxgear (0)

13/12/2020 22:33

Up for this


crx (1)

27/09/2020 8:14

Not a bad idea man, this could be fun


AlphaTakesAll (0)

28/09/2020 5:33

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Let's go bro. You'll fully submit to me in Round 1 and if you even last til Round 3 your only hope will be to suck me dry enough for you to avoid a shutout in Round 4


Assasinman (8 )

20/09/2020 9:37

I want it. So bad, there is no another guy like this


yyzgwmc2c (16)

19/09/2020 22:09

Damn, mate – make that video!!!


krammerz (1)

19/09/2020 11:03

I'm down for it.


pesomassimo81 (12)

18/09/2020 6:04

Looking 4 a match like this in Italy


AlexTritos (6 )

17/09/2020 22:37

Squaring up is very hot for me


elpectoral (17)

17/09/2020 21:51

Same here: started to bone right after description of round 1 :)
I'd give a lot to do it right as you ruled it


Rugby guy (20)

17/09/2020 9:59

Very interesting idea :)


Teddy1 (0)

16/09/2020 12:38

Great idea!;


young1man (12 )

16/09/2020 5:59

love these scenarios.


rungymrun (16)

14/09/2020 15:07

I’ve on holiday looking at the all the hot guys on the beach and getting horny for a cockfight-wrestling match so I thought I would share my ideal match type: any comments/feedback or people want to try this, get in touch!

In the week leading to the match:
Daily trash talk messages and pictures between fighters with lots of opportunities to compare body and cocks. Both fighters agree to ejaculate 48 hours before the fight so both start with equally full balls.

Both fighters arrive with speedos already on under normal clothes. Each fighter removes their opponent’s normal clothes until they are just in speedos. This allows you to properly size the other guy up. The fighter who does this first is decided by a coin toss. Both fighters are allowed to feel/squeeze the other’s cocks through the fabric.

Squaring up:
Once the fighters are both in gear and ready to wrestle, both square up close so their chests and dicks are touching and they are looking into each other’s eyes and facing each other down. Stay in this position for 3 minutes, trying to psych your opponent. Hands must stay by the sides, and no kissing allowed.

Round 1: Erotic wrestling

The first round is an erotic submission/points wrestling match. This is 10 minutes long. Aim is to get your opponent to submit. All erotic moves are encouraged, including stripping, dick slapping face/ass, forced kissing, forcing opponent to suck your dick in a pin, grinding bearhugs, cock/ball grabbing. If one fighter is controlling the other in a pin then he can demand the fighter to suck his dick or jerk it off for 10 seconds.

If a fighter loses his erection during the round, that counts as two submissions.

Round 2: Cockfight, first to go soft loses

This round is in two parts.
The first part is a cockfight where both fighters start erect and the same distance facing each other (either on knees or standing). They should try and make sure that both dicks are at the same height by using cushions etc, if there is a height difference. Aim is to get your opponent soft by using your cock as a weapon. No use of any other body parts allowed. This part of the round lasts 5 minutes. You must stay in the same position for this round.

The second part of the round removes the requirement to stay in position, so fighters can move and wrestle each other as part of the cockfight. Pins and grappling are allowed. The only rule is that you can only use cock on cock or cock on ball contact to beat your opponent. This part of the round lasts 10 minutes.

If neither fighter goes soft, or if both fighters lose one part of the round, it is a draw.

Round 3:
Cockfight - first to cum loses round.

For this round both fighters start erect and squared up. There are two main rules: you can only use your own dick to try and get your opponent to shoot, and that the dicks are not allowed to break contact for longer than 10 seconds. You can do anything else to gain an advantage, e.g fingering, bearhugs, choking, kissing, hair pulling, squeezing nipples etc. The loser is the fighter who shoots first. If both fighters shoot at similar times then the person who started shooting first loses.

The winner must then be jerked off/sucked off by the loser until he cums. The round is not allowed to finish until both fighters have cum. The loser is not allowed to wipe his own cum away, so he must jerk or suck the winner using his own loser cum as lube. There is no time limit for this round.

Round 4 (Final round):
Fleshlight Cockfight - first to cum wins.

This round tests how quickly a fighter can recharge after cumming. There can be a short break between round 3 and round 4 but both fighters must stay naked so they can see who gets hard again first. Both cocks start lubed with oil or similar and double dick a fleshlight. The winner is the first to cum. He is then allowed to withdraw from the fleshlight. The loser is not allowed to withdraw from the fleshlight until he cums.

Both fighters agree to take a few anonymised photos of the match and agree to post full results of the match on MF. If there is a draw overall, then a rematch is scheduled within 3 months. If there is a loser, then he has the right to demand a rematch within 3 months.

Let me know what you guys think of this or if you’ve done something similar!


AfroSaxon (54)

25/06/2021 5:35

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This is quite a match structure.


Stevie (14)

15/12/2020 16:53

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Love it! I always like creative ideas.


NYC123 (135 )

14/12/2020 10:05

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I’m up for it.


BenfromBritain (0)

20/09/2020 15:40

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Great idea!


COTZ0403 (2)

19/09/2020 5:29

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Wow! Thst sounds so hot! I'd love to try this


elpectoral (17)

19/09/2020 11:34

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Yeah, can imagine you do. You seem to have good chances to win when looking at your facility ;)


Tommy10 (3)

18/09/2020 7:21

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Wow!! Damn that sounds immensely horny!! I’d love to go cock on cock like that! And great submissions too!


Tommy10 (3)

18/09/2020 7:36

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Plus the perfect man on man battle to see who is the alpha


rungymrun (16)

19/09/2020 12:33

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We already know it's me but we can add it to our next match anyway


Tommy10 (3)

19/09/2020 14:57

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Oh please.... we BOTH know the sounds you were making and how much you wanted to be bred ;)

Can’t wait haha


Rumblefish (7)

17/09/2020 18:16

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Wow, what a creative and awesome scenario. Totally boned up . . . Love to have a fight like this!


jasontenx (0)

17/09/2020 16:24

(In risposta a questo)

Wow i got boned just reading ur ideas.


HairyWrestler2018 (2)

15/09/2020 23:17

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Sounds hot! Love to do all that. My type of ideal match!


Marcus5678 (17)

15/09/2020 9:04

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Absolutely ideal mate !!!!

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