Dad vs Dad

Mature men wrestling.

NJ Enforcer (10)

19/08/2022 5:16

Totally awesome!


cassius39 (0)

18/08/2022 5:47

I agree...dominance
Hot Russian daddy bear....


luttenu (10)

17/08/2022 11:02

The end is hot 🤪


Regular guy (12)

17/08/2022 20:02

(In risposta a questo)

Smoking hot. When the Russian stud is straddling his opponent’s face! Then at the very end, I love the view of the Russians calf as he is getting up on one knee. He is an awesome powerfully built man.


Scrapg (47)

16/08/2022 16:36

Love this match. Didn't realize freestyle wrestling did heel/jobber.


Regular guy (12)

15/08/2022 18:15

I can watch videos like this all day. The Russian guy is an absolute powerful beast.


BamaJDon41 (10 )

19/08/2022 7:14

(In risposta a questo)

the Russian is great. But he was cheating. His hand all up in the Romanian's face. Russian should have lost the match.


Regular guy (12)

19/08/2022 14:18

(In risposta a questo)

To be honest, I don’t know the rules for this type of wrestling. But I know that he is a powerhouse and I don’t think I’ve seen a video of him losing.


BamaJDon41 (10 )

19/08/2022 18:01

(In risposta a questo)

He always wins. Hot guy. But willing to break the rules. Hands to the face are not allowed.

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