Sons typically learn how to wrestle/box/fight from their fathers. But anything beyond the superficial – particularly when it involves any form of intimacy – should only be discussed in close private forums with warnings of its contents. Fantasy is one thing, but due to the nature and depth of some of the revelations here, I cringe anytime a topic include the word real.
My dad boxed in golden gloves and always wanted me to box. He kept a speed bag and heavy bag in the basement and I used to go down there and watch him. Drove me crazy, to this day I still think about how it made me nuts! It’s the most natural thing for a son to admire his dad, and coupled w seeing him prepping for competition makes the experience that much more memorable.
I was in the park the other day, a man of 35 or so was bear chested, skipping rope on the park, his teen son watching him and just fascinated by the sight. There was clearly admiration and the sense that “I’m gonna grow up to be just like him one day”! I could read that scene SO clearly. Made me think back about my own experience w my biological father…
Several years ago, I had moved into a new place. My Dad lived an hour away but had contacted me saying he had to come my way and wondered if I would be home so he could stop by. I wasn't especially close with my Dad...hadn't been for years since he and my mom divorced when I was 13, but I told him he was welcome but I would be painting in the kitchen. He said he had some time and after he was finishing with his errand he would stop by to help out. I had been in the kitchen painting when I heard him knock at the door and call out to me. To avoid having any paint get on any clothing, I had been wearing nothing but a pair of tight white breifs as he entered. He had worn a button down sleeveless shirt that he had left unbuttoned and a pair of jeans, and I had to turn away from him at first because I could feel myself starting to "grow" just looking at his chest. I just had some trim left to finish up and he said he would help me out to get it done quicker. He did ask me why I wasn't dressed and I had mentioned that I didn't want to splatter paint on my clothes. He said that was a great idea and he methodically removed his shirt and then his pants to reveal he was dressed similar to me in only tight white breifs. As he was painting in one corner of the room, and I in another, we chatted nonchalantly about general topics: the weather, work, life in general...and then he proceeded to tell me that there was going to be a wrestling match on TV soon he would like to catch once we finished up. I didn't realize he still enjoyed wrestling. As a child, I remember him watching it on TV a few times, as well as wrestling around with a couple of buddies in our yard but after the divorce, I didn't see much of him. Now, as an adult, I figured if he wanted to reach out to me to rebuild a relationship with me, I figured there would be no harm done. After he mentioned the program he wanted to watch, he shared a story with me about a guy he had wrestled with on occasion as we continued working. His story really had me boned up, and it was very hard hiding it, but I did all within my power to do the best I could. However, I turned to look at him at one point during his story and I could see him tenting up in the crotch of his breifs as he talked. So in turn, I shared with him a wrestling experience I had. He didn't say much, he just seemed to listen intently and I could hear him breathing harder. It wasn't long after that when we had finished up and I told him I was going to wash up real quick, and he could go in and watch his match. While I was in the bathroom, I could hear him grunting and shouting obscenities to the TV as he was watching. I wondered "what the hell?" I approached the living room, but just peeked around the corner...and there sat my Dad sprawled out on the couch, leaning into it, with his legs spread wide and a huge erection pushing through his breifs as he twisted his nipples and continued uttering obscenities to the fighters he was watching on TV. I was in shock that he was so free to do this in my home, knowing full well I'd be walking out at any minute. But he was so into the match, he didn't seem to care. This scene produced a raging hard on for me, and I figured "what the hell," and walked into the room with my erect dick leading the way. My dad took notice, but did nothing to hide the reaction in his shorts. He just watched me, without saying a word, as I sat down in a chair across from him. He just continued to stare at me and he spread his legs further apart and seemed to thrust his hips forward even more in my direction to push that hard cock to extremes. I, in turn, opened my legs and did the same, and as I did, he took his right fist and started pounding on his chest calling me names and trash talking to me. This got me HOT!!! I held one hand up and gave him the finger and balled my other hand into a fist and threatened him with it. What he did next surprised me. He reached inside the side of his breifs and pulled his cock out to the side. And there it stood in all its glory at full staff reaching up to the ceiling. I felt my breathing getting heavier and I followed suit and whipped my fully erect cock out as well. He stood up, fists at his side extending his dick, and I stood up and squared up with him nose to nose. This match on TV had really turned him on, and we began trashing each other, threatening to kick each other's ass. Almost instinctively, we grabbed each other and pulled each other to the ground where the wrestling began. Once we had finished wrestling and both of us swimming in cum, we dressed and he left shortly thereafter, neither of us mentioning what had just taken place. It was awkward, but one of the hottest matches I had ever had.
Hot introduction but the fight is so very short!
Could you write a more detailed version starting with the trash talking and going into the actual fight?
Great story, went down soo well with coffee & toast.
I had a period when I wrestled my Dad too, but I was much younger, so Dad let me win. It was always Sunday evening when Mum was church. We knew we were safe, as she wouldn't home for quite some time... Very innocent but fun.
Nothing sexual of course, but I don't think Mum would have approved. She was very much against any kind of violence of any kind.
I think it was when Dad & I started to bond much more. As friends, not just as father & son.
I always felt I was closer to my Dad than my older brothers had been. Both of them were married by this time. WW2 came between them & me. They were both born born before the war & I came along after the war.
There's not much to tell, really. Which is partly why I'm such a crap wrestler....
It started when I was living in & working in London. I met a guy who had a put an ad in 'Loot'. He was in his 30's & had been seriously into wrestling since his early teens. He weighed about 240 lbs. Naturally, I was no match for him...
He suggested I joined the wrestling club where he trained inexperienced younger guys. He assured me I would be welcome, despite my age of 46.
I didn't go because my mother suddenly fell ill & I had to do my share as carer at the weekend, which was when the training was held. It was not supposed to be a gay wrestling club, but I was told that most of the guys went home in pairs....Which attracted me.
Next, I met another man who was quite experienced, & heavier than me - 225 lbs, younger & stronger. We used to meet regularly, about every 2 weeks or so. Of course I was on the losing end again, but I learnt lots & at least my efforts made him sweat
Then I met another guy, lighter & at last, someone I could beat!! In fact, I had to let him pin me so I had to struggle to reverse the position. I usually managed it, which was very satisfying. (Unless he was pretending too!)
With both my opponents, it always ended with a 'happy ending' for both of us, if you get my drift.
A few years later, at the age of 50, I decided to quit my job & to get an education. I attended Anglia University in Cambridge to study French & German. These were the best years of my life - so far. Why did I leave it so late?
Because I wouldn't have got into 1 earlier. The government of the time encouraged many old 'Technical Colleges' to become universities & Anglia was one of them.
I didn't get back to wrestling until I came across Meet Wrestlers las year.
Now Mr. Rassler, tell us about your wrestling experience. I'm sure it will make much more interesting reading than mine.
My dad was always a huge classic wrestling fan
When I was in college I went to him and explained my interest in jobber heel type matches
I told him I wanted to explore this with him and we spent several years finding the best squash matches to enjoy together !!
i have one, son. ive written about it here in one of the forums - and dudes who know me well know the story. its hot and profound.
meanwhile, i take it that even though u r straight, u understand that physical / sexual relations between a real dad and son is not about romance but about masculine pride, power and passion, yes ?
Would love to hear it bud! For me it’s the idea of being able to strip off various layers and have that kind of combat/contact with someone close rather than a sexual thing! But can understand other viewpoints too
when i was a young teen, my dad and i were alone at home; watching WRESTLING on TV in the living room.
i mentioned something about it being fake; my dad said it was but something about how he could show me otherwise.
i took his challenge.
we got up moved the coffee table aside; but before you know it, my dad got me down on the rug; and soon after, in a headlock.
. . . between his hairy muscled legs.
this is where i note we were in tees, shorts (briefs underneath) and basic white gym socks - the classic crew length kind.
meanwhile - while dad was squeezing my head, i noticed his white gym socked feet arching, and his calve muscled straining...
naturally (!) i popped a boner !
but then - SO DID MY DAD !
before i could stop myself (!) i went down on his dick through his shorts and briefs !
but then - my dad literally pulled off my shorts and briefs AND WENT ALL THE WAY DOWN ON HIS SONS BONER !
naturally (again !) i followed suit - and yanked off my dads shorts and briefs - AND WENT DOWN ON MY DAD SEVEN INCH AND THCK DICK !
so there we were, a real dad and son, on the living room rug - down to our socks 69ing each other (as any true pair of manly dad and son would do !)
but then my dad suddenly stopped; pulled on his shorts; and got back on the couch.
of course, i quickly followed.
we never talked about it; and never wrestled again.
but from that moment, i was hooked on wrestling, men, muscles, cocks (and asses), sons with dads, and socks !!!!!
it sure was - and ive always basically incorporated that dynamic (of the dad versus son or jock versus coach or vice versa) in most every battle i have. including if its just bro on bro. even then there needs to be final sex stakes for whichever man loses. becuase the entirety of wrestling (of course, in socks only too) makes me so sexual i cannot be denied it!
I had the same similar story as yours bro. Wrestling my dad in the living room while watching wrestling on TV. My Dad and his teen son roiling around in our BVD's and basic white crew socks. I won't divulge the gritty, hot details here. But, that's when I discovered that I loved wrestling, men and white crew socks . In retrospect, I always wanted to wrestle another Dad/Son team in tag team with a similar twist as that afternoon with my dad. Still think about that often.
Glad some more people here liked the story (not mine), hope it'll lead to new posts about real father vs son fights with stories, ideas, memories etc. like I hoped when I started this group many years ago...
Trying once again to bring the group back to its intended origin, talking about REAL fathers vs sons and not roleplaying stuff!
This is a short but very hot story about the erotic competitive match between blood-related dad and son.
Enjoy, hoping there'll be more posts like this...
my TRUE story - which a few of you grapplers know ; is a variation on this – taken further and more satisfactorily (but still limited in scope). it was the perfect dad/son match i could have wished for ; i only wish it had gone further
Juggernaut (0)
26/09/2023 16:28Sons typically learn how to wrestle/box/fight from their fathers. But anything beyond the superficial – particularly when it involves any form of intimacy – should only be discussed in close private forums with warnings of its contents. Fantasy is one thing, but due to the nature and depth of some of the revelations here, I cringe anytime a topic include the word real.
matttmann (0)
06/06/2022 20:06My dad boxed in golden gloves and always wanted me to box. He kept a speed bag and heavy bag in the basement and I used to go down there and watch him. Drove me crazy, to this day I still think about how it made me nuts! It’s the most natural thing for a son to admire his dad, and coupled w seeing him prepping for competition makes the experience that much more memorable.
I was in the park the other day, a man of 35 or so was bear chested, skipping rope on the park, his teen son watching him and just fascinated by the sight. There was clearly admiration and the sense that “I’m gonna grow up to be just like him one day”! I could read that scene SO clearly. Made me think back about my own experience w my biological father…
riverrat (4)
15/03/2022 18:09Several years ago, I had moved into a new place. My Dad lived an hour away but had contacted me saying he had to come my way and wondered if I would be home so he could stop by. I wasn't especially close with my Dad...hadn't been for years since he and my mom divorced when I was 13, but I told him he was welcome but I would be painting in the kitchen. He said he had some time and after he was finishing with his errand he would stop by to help out. I had been in the kitchen painting when I heard him knock at the door and call out to me. To avoid having any paint get on any clothing, I had been wearing nothing but a pair of tight white breifs as he entered. He had worn a button down sleeveless shirt that he had left unbuttoned and a pair of jeans, and I had to turn away from him at first because I could feel myself starting to "grow" just looking at his chest. I just had some trim left to finish up and he said he would help me out to get it done quicker. He did ask me why I wasn't dressed and I had mentioned that I didn't want to splatter paint on my clothes. He said that was a great idea and he methodically removed his shirt and then his pants to reveal he was dressed similar to me in only tight white breifs. As he was painting in one corner of the room, and I in another, we chatted nonchalantly about general topics: the weather, work, life in general...and then he proceeded to tell me that there was going to be a wrestling match on TV soon he would like to catch once we finished up. I didn't realize he still enjoyed wrestling. As a child, I remember him watching it on TV a few times, as well as wrestling around with a couple of buddies in our yard but after the divorce, I didn't see much of him. Now, as an adult, I figured if he wanted to reach out to me to rebuild a relationship with me, I figured there would be no harm done. After he mentioned the program he wanted to watch, he shared a story with me about a guy he had wrestled with on occasion as we continued working. His story really had me boned up, and it was very hard hiding it, but I did all within my power to do the best I could. However, I turned to look at him at one point during his story and I could see him tenting up in the crotch of his breifs as he talked. So in turn, I shared with him a wrestling experience I had. He didn't say much, he just seemed to listen intently and I could hear him breathing harder. It wasn't long after that when we had finished up and I told him I was going to wash up real quick, and he could go in and watch his match. While I was in the bathroom, I could hear him grunting and shouting obscenities to the TV as he was watching. I wondered "what the hell?" I approached the living room, but just peeked around the corner...and there sat my Dad sprawled out on the couch, leaning into it, with his legs spread wide and a huge erection pushing through his breifs as he twisted his nipples and continued uttering obscenities to the fighters he was watching on TV. I was in shock that he was so free to do this in my home, knowing full well I'd be walking out at any minute. But he was so into the match, he didn't seem to care. This scene produced a raging hard on for me, and I figured "what the hell," and walked into the room with my erect dick leading the way. My dad took notice, but did nothing to hide the reaction in his shorts. He just watched me, without saying a word, as I sat down in a chair across from him. He just continued to stare at me and he spread his legs further apart and seemed to thrust his hips forward even more in my direction to push that hard cock to extremes. I, in turn, opened my legs and did the same, and as I did, he took his right fist and started pounding on his chest calling me names and trash talking to me. This got me HOT!!! I held one hand up and gave him the finger and balled my other hand into a fist and threatened him with it. What he did next surprised me. He reached inside the side of his breifs and pulled his cock out to the side. And there it stood in all its glory at full staff reaching up to the ceiling. I felt my breathing getting heavier and I followed suit and whipped my fully erect cock out as well. He stood up, fists at his side extending his dick, and I stood up and squared up with him nose to nose. This match on TV had really turned him on, and we began trashing each other, threatening to kick each other's ass. Almost instinctively, we grabbed each other and pulled each other to the ground where the wrestling began. Once we had finished wrestling and both of us swimming in cum, we dressed and he left shortly thereafter, neither of us mentioning what had just taken place. It was awkward, but one of the hottest matches I had ever had.
OxfordToughman (1)
06/11/2022 4:41(In risposta a questo)
“A few years ago” you were in your late 50s. How old was he? Mid to late 70s unless he fathered you at like 15
letzi46 (0)
07/05/2022 18:26(In risposta a questo)
Dads cum gives u power
mikey3458 (25 )
04/04/2022 5:32(In risposta a questo)
Yes i agree that more details are called for. Also was there ever another match?
Wilmcfight (2)
03/04/2022 19:17(In risposta a questo)
Damn! That’s hot as hell!
rassler (4)
19/03/2022 16:32(In risposta a questo)
Hot introduction but the fight is so very short!
Could you write a more detailed version starting with the trash talking and going into the actual fight?
ELCruzado (8 )
25/01/2022 1:35Well I enjoy wrestling in mid-calf crew socks. So that part I enjoyed....
As for the incestual details, people are into what they are into. Not my scene but No judgment here.
rassler (4)
26/01/2022 15:46(In risposta a questo)
This is a Father vs Son group so the "incestual details" are more than welcome! Wish there were far more stories like that one...
westfalia (1)
16/10/2021 10:28Great story, went down soo well with coffee & toast.
I had a period when I wrestled my Dad too, but I was much younger, so Dad let me win. It was always Sunday evening when Mum was church. We knew we were safe, as she wouldn't home for quite some time... Very innocent but fun.
Nothing sexual of course, but I don't think Mum would have approved. She was very much against any kind of violence of any kind.
I think it was when Dad & I started to bond much more. As friends, not just as father & son.
I always felt I was closer to my Dad than my older brothers had been. Both of them were married by this time. WW2 came between them & me. They were both born born before the war & I came along after the war.
rassler (4)
16/10/2021 14:33(In risposta a questo)
That's very nice, would like to tell us a bit more about your wrestling matches?
westfalia (1)
16/10/2021 18:09(In risposta a questo)
There's not much to tell, really. Which is partly why I'm such a crap wrestler....
It started when I was living in & working in London. I met a guy who had a put an ad in 'Loot'. He was in his 30's & had been seriously into wrestling since his early teens. He weighed about 240 lbs. Naturally, I was no match for him...
He suggested I joined the wrestling club where he trained inexperienced younger guys. He assured me I would be welcome, despite my age of 46.
I didn't go because my mother suddenly fell ill & I had to do my share as carer at the weekend, which was when the training was held. It was not supposed to be a gay wrestling club, but I was told that most of the guys went home in pairs....Which attracted me.
Next, I met another man who was quite experienced, & heavier than me - 225 lbs, younger & stronger. We used to meet regularly, about every 2 weeks or so. Of course I was on the losing end again, but I learnt lots & at least my efforts made him sweat
Then I met another guy, lighter & at last, someone I could beat!! In fact, I had to let him pin me so I had to struggle to reverse the position. I usually managed it, which was very satisfying. (Unless he was pretending too!)
With both my opponents, it always ended with a 'happy ending' for both of us, if you get my drift.
A few years later, at the age of 50, I decided to quit my job & to get an education. I attended Anglia University in Cambridge to study French & German. These were the best years of my life - so far. Why did I leave it so late?
Because I wouldn't have got into 1 earlier. The government of the time encouraged many old 'Technical Colleges' to become universities & Anglia was one of them.
I didn't get back to wrestling until I came across Meet Wrestlers las year.
Now Mr. Rassler, tell us about your wrestling experience. I'm sure it will make much more interesting reading than mine.
rassler (4)
17/10/2021 21:12(In risposta a questo)
Actually I meant your wrestling matches with your dad... considering that's the subject of the group. LOL
Watchingpro (0)
12/01/2021 19:13My dad was always a huge classic wrestling fan
When I was in college I went to him and explained my interest in jobber heel type matches
I told him I wanted to explore this with him and we spent several years finding the best squash matches to enjoy together !!
lakelandjobber (23)
13/01/2021 11:56(In risposta a questo)
I'll spend hours exploring squash matches with you. See what meat is going to be tenderized and who the cock killers are
Pindownwrestler19 (3)
26/10/2020 0:00Such a hot story, anyone else got any like this?
jobberjayse (31 )
27/10/2020 17:08(In risposta a questo)
i have one, son. ive written about it here in one of the forums - and dudes who know me well know the story. its hot and profound.
meanwhile, i take it that even though u r straight, u understand that physical / sexual relations between a real dad and son is not about romance but about masculine pride, power and passion, yes ?
azsquash (2)
29/10/2020 11:47(In risposta a questo)
Can you post your story again? Or point out where it is to found here?
Pindownwrestler19 (3)
27/10/2020 20:05(In risposta a questo)
Would love to hear it bud! For me it’s the idea of being able to strip off various layers and have that kind of combat/contact with someone close rather than a sexual thing! But can understand other viewpoints too
jobberjayse (31 )
30/10/2020 16:48(In risposta a questo)
okay, guys, heres the short version of the story.
when i was a young teen, my dad and i were alone at home; watching WRESTLING on TV in the living room.
i mentioned something about it being fake; my dad said it was but something about how he could show me otherwise.
i took his challenge.
we got up moved the coffee table aside; but before you know it, my dad got me down on the rug; and soon after, in a headlock.
. . . between his hairy muscled legs.
this is where i note we were in tees, shorts (briefs underneath) and basic white gym socks - the classic crew length kind.
meanwhile - while dad was squeezing my head, i noticed his white gym socked feet arching, and his calve muscled straining...
naturally (!) i popped a boner !
but then - SO DID MY DAD !
before i could stop myself (!) i went down on his dick through his shorts and briefs !
but then - my dad literally pulled off my shorts and briefs AND WENT ALL THE WAY DOWN ON HIS SONS BONER !
naturally (again !) i followed suit - and yanked off my dads shorts and briefs - AND WENT DOWN ON MY DAD SEVEN INCH AND THCK DICK !
so there we were, a real dad and son, on the living room rug - down to our socks 69ing each other (as any true pair of manly dad and son would do !)
but then my dad suddenly stopped; pulled on his shorts; and got back on the couch.
of course, i quickly followed.
we never talked about it; and never wrestled again.
but from that moment, i was hooked on wrestling, men, muscles, cocks (and asses), sons with dads, and socks !!!!!
hope you liked the story, bros !
Combattant78 (20)
04/06/2022 3:39(In risposta a questo)
Hum... hot and exciting!
jobberjayse (31 )
04/06/2022 19:45(In risposta a questo)
it sure was - and ive always basically incorporated that dynamic (of the dad versus son or jock versus coach or vice versa) in most every battle i have. including if its just bro on bro. even then there needs to be final sex stakes for whichever man loses. becuase the entirety of wrestling (of course, in socks only too) makes me so sexual i cannot be denied it!
ringhombre (5)
16/10/2021 9:28(In risposta a questo)
I had the same similar story as yours bro. Wrestling my dad in the living room while watching wrestling on TV. My Dad and his teen son roiling around in our BVD's and basic white crew socks. I won't divulge the gritty, hot details here. But, that's when I discovered that I loved wrestling, men and white crew socks . In retrospect, I always wanted to wrestle another Dad/Son team in tag team with a similar twist as that afternoon with my dad. Still think about that often.
jobberjayse (31 )
17/10/2021 1:34(In risposta a questo)
true masculine rite of passage, bro. i am with you. from that point i was hooked on the eternal dad/son dynamic.
Steve Cyfrin (2)
15/01/2021 12:18(In risposta a questo)
This bit of perversion makes me feel physically sick.
Andrew Bluebear (3 )
15/10/2021 13:33(In risposta a questo)
What, literal father-son incest doesn't get you going? ;)
Wilmcfight (2)
07/11/2020 0:17(In risposta a questo)
That’s what gets me boned, hot as hell
jobberjayse (31 )
07/11/2020 18:07(In risposta a questo)
what gets you boned, coach ?
Mark uk (293)
20/10/2020 16:40Damn that is a great story. Have had a few young vs older matches like that
rassler (4)
19/10/2020 16:15Glad some more people here liked the story (not mine), hope it'll lead to new posts about real father vs son fights with stories, ideas, memories etc. like I hoped when I started this group many years ago...
osacro90 (1)
18/10/2020 20:57Wonderful story, hope you can keep a continuation¡¡¡¡ Good job there.
rassler (4)
19/10/2020 16:14(In risposta a questo)
Story isn't mine, just found it on nifty looking for the very few dad vs son wrestling stories.
azsquash (2)
18/10/2020 20:52Any others like that?
rassler (4)
17/10/2020 16:44Trying once again to bring the group back to its intended origin, talking about REAL fathers vs sons and not roleplaying stuff!
This is a short but very hot story about the erotic competitive match between blood-related dad and son.
Enjoy, hoping there'll be more posts like this...
GutPunchPHL (1)
03/11/2022 13:16(In risposta a questo)
Awesome. So good to be able to exchange these stories with other men.
mikedave01 (8)
10/05/2022 23:32(In risposta a questo)
Well, I wrote this. There are others.
Wrestleme123 (0)
18/10/2021 17:08(In risposta a questo)
Hot story dude.
Phxdude (17)
28/10/2020 11:32(In risposta a questo)
Rassler. Great n Hot story. Thx for sharing!
rassler (4)
28/10/2020 16:09(In risposta a questo)
You're welcome, glad you liked. Hope to share more soon... and hope also other members will do the same!
Wilmcfight (2)
27/10/2020 21:43(In risposta a questo)
Damn! Hot story, thanks for sharing . Love dad/son fight scenes
rassler (4)
28/10/2020 16:13(In risposta a questo)
You're welcome, glad you liked it. Hope for more from other members too...
jobberjayse (31 )
27/10/2020 17:06(In risposta a questo)
my TRUE story - which a few of you grapplers know ; is a variation on this – taken further and more satisfactorily (but still limited in scope). it was the perfect dad/son match i could have wished for ; i only wish it had gone further
westla323 (17)
24/10/2020 22:01(In risposta a questo)
Great story. Very hot. Thanks for sharing.
rassler (4)
26/10/2020 15:14(In risposta a questo)
You're welcome. Glad you liked it.
longlines8 (6)
19/10/2020 3:12(In risposta a questo)
Great story
ptitlutteur (1)
19/10/2020 0:49(In risposta a questo)
good story it reminds me of my first fights with my father
Geordiejobber (0)
18/10/2020 22:45(In risposta a questo)
Great little story... thanks 😎😈
lescraggy (0)
18/10/2020 6:13(In risposta a questo)
Good post.
rassler (4)
18/10/2020 15:18(In risposta a questo)
Glad you liked it, looks like you're the only one...