Father vs Son Wrestling

Fight stories

Boulderboy (9)

12/12/2023 6:28

So this is actually a true story! When I was in college I lived in an apartment complex that had a gym, laundromats, pool, and a security guard to make sure no one was vandalizing the apartment property. The security office was actually right underneath my apartment, so it wasn't unusual to say hello to them when I'd walk downstairs to my car. The security guards weren't super serious, they just made sure nothing too crazy was going on. I didn't mind them actually.

I remember it was ten at night and a buddy of mine and I were heading back to my apartment and the apartment security guard was hanging outside having a cigarrete. He was an older guy in his late 50's, and my buddy and I were 19. He was bored so he struck up a conversation with us. He asked my buddy what he was going to school for, and my buddy was a regular gym guy, physical therapy major, and that's when the security guard said "that's cool brother, I've used it a few times, I still volunteer for the fire department and haul around a lot of weight so it must have worked." and the security guard actually flexed his arms which were actually pretty impressive.

I looked at the security guard and said "woah, how much are you lifting in the gym?" and he said "bench 150, squat 220." I was pretty surprised by that, and I actually remarked "you can actually squat 220 lbs?". He said yes, and...I pretty much put him on the spot and asked him to squat my at the time 180 lbs.

He actually did it! He squatted me a few times right outside and when he put me down he said "hey you guys take care now, thanks for the chat!" It wasn't a full on wrestling match but considering it was a random late 50's guy it was pretty fun and wild!


TommieBoi1968 (4)

11/11/2023 20:52

AWESOME story!!! I hope that you post a sequel!!


rassler (4)

11/03/2021 17:12

Bringing this up after some years. There's some interesting and hot ideas here, hope new members will add theirs and post more father vs son stories.


italian stallion (2)

14/03/2021 0:42

(In risposta a questo)

Have you found much similar to my stories on your travels mate?


rassler (4)

14/03/2021 14:21

(In risposta a questo)

Nope, there are 1000s of fight stories on the web and still very about few father vs son (NOT older vs younger). Nothing changed in years...


subwrest (3)

13/06/2017 20:45

A rather chilly snowed-down evening in November. Dad was drinking a beer in the kitchen as I'm out on the front shovelling the snow from the driveway in basketball shorts and a puffed out jacket and boots. I look up from the shovel to warm my hands and Dad's there in the doorway smiling. "You still not got that done yet?" He laughs. "It'd be done a lot faster if you helped me" I shout over my shoulder as I turn back to shovelling. Not even a moment passes before the icey chill of a snowball jolts down my spine. "What the fuck?!" I turn and shout back at him before bending down to grab a handful of snow myself. I pat it rapidly into something that resembles a paper ball and toss it in his direction, narrowly missing his stubbled jaw and hitting the window next to him. "Now you're in trouble" He grins as he moves towards me. Grabbing me by the arm, he proceeds to drag me into the house. Preparing quickly for the oncoming bout, I jog to the front room and quickly unzip my jacket, throwing it off onto the sofa as I wipe the melted residue from the back of my neck. He swings round the corner, smiling, beer in his right hand. He places it on the table before moving towards me and hooking my legs. As he drops onto his knees, he lifts me up slightly before sweeping me onto the floor. Before I have a chance to roll off my back he drags his legs onto my either side of my torso and places his weight on my chest, securing me in a pin. I struggle against his thighs, but he continues to laugh and remove his shirt from the corners up, slowly revealing a hairy, muscled chest and a pair of thick armpits. He adjusts himself slightly, bringing his crotch closer to my face; "that's what a man smells like", he smirks once more, before slapping my face a few times, his hands still cold from the snow.

I eventually struggle enough to wiggle from under his legs and swing round the back of him. I instantly wrap my arms around his neck, the stubble of his chin scratching at my forearm as I tuck it tightly around his huge neck. His short black hair already wet from what seems like sweat, start to moisturise my hands and bring the warmth back into them. He's still on his knees from the pin, trying to desperately remove my arms with his hands. I walk both legs around the front of his torso, and lock them together before rolling back onto the rug and taking him with me. I feel his bulge between my heels that are placed around him, and on his crotch. "What are you gonna do from there?" He grunts as we rock together from side-to-side, struggling. He was right. I wasn't gonna tap him out just yet, and so I release him from my grip. I remove my shirt and before I have time to remove the fabric from my face, he's already got me, wrapping his arms tightly around me and lifting me in up a bear-hug. He bounces up and down, shaking the grunts of pain out of me- "Oh, Oh, Oh!" I shout with every bounce. All I hear periodically are his grunts of "Yeah. You like that?". After he's punished me enough, he spins and releases me on to the sofa where I'm holding my ribs. He takes another swig of beer before looking back down at me and smiling once more. "Come on boy, I'm not done", He says dragging me off the sofa and ragdolling me onto the floor. He keeps a hold of my right arm and steps over my head, before wrapping his left leg around the back of my neck. He completes the figure 4 headlock by tucking it behind his right leg which is hung over my other shoulder. The aura of sweat sees my face entangled in the tight blue jeans, all I can do is wiggle the trapped arm around, slapping at his hairy pectorals. He grabs the back of my head with both hands, and pulls me tighter into his crotch, strengthening the hold. "Fuck!" I exclaim as I begin to fall short of breath in the choke. The air quickly becomes hot and as my hearing resorts to nothing but muffled "Yeahs" and blood rushing around my head. I roll over with the powerful pythons entangled round my head and lay on my side, staring into his eyes. I know its time to submit, and I tap slowly against the tight, jeaned-up thigh. As he releases my head I feel the blood rush back to me and i'm hit with a cool air. I lay between his legs for a second, panting and spitting up a laugh when I can. "Good boy" he smirks as he pats me on the back and rolling me off. He stands up, then proceeds to send out his hand for me to take. Accepting it, I'm lifted back onto my feet before he puts his arm around me. I'm greeted by a sweaty armpit, oozing the smell of dominance as it leaks onto me. I laugh and gently tap his stomach, before going into the kitchen for a beer.


rassler (4)

14/06/2017 13:37

(In risposta a questo)

Another good hot story, thanks! Hope there'll be a more erotic part 2...


abhidodgson (1)

12/06/2017 0:13

Its hot and sticky and my dad is sitting on the couch in his sports shorts and tight t shirt. Hes a pretty built dude so the shirt fits him nicely. We've wrestled for as long as i can remeber and maybe crossed the line a couple times espcailly after our last match. I walk in and sit down next to him. He puts down his phone and looks at me. He reaches over and slaps my chest hard before giving my nip a little twist. I grunt and smack him back. He hits me again. I hit him back. He grabs my nip and twist hard not letting go this time. FUCK i yell. OOOH YEAH he laughs twisitng it. He lets go. Alright i say. lets wrestle. He yanks off his shirt imediately. I yank off mine. And stand up. And its on. We bump chests over and over pushing on each other. before he tackles me onto the couch and grabs me in a headlock. We roll over and he wraps his legs around me. Hes hot sticky and smelly and i like it. He squeezes and i gasp trying to breathe. We struggle like this for waht seems liek forever. He lets go with his arm and goes for my nipple almost ripping it off he grabs the other one and he has both of them. Nipples in both hands and legs still rapped around my midsection. He shakes them and yanks them. FUCKKKK i groan. He grunts in my ear. He finally lets go and i fall off the couch onto the ground. He stands over me before getting on top of me. He just drops onto me. Chest to chest. Balls on balls. Pinning me his face in mine. Try to get up buddy he says his breath in my face. I love the smell of his breath. That dad breath. I struggle and struggle and he laughs but its all playful finally i sigh. I give up i say. Little pussy he says giving me a noogie. He gets off and pulls me up. He smacks my ass. Good one buddy. He says grinning. Yeah dude i reply. Lets wrassle later before bed He says smirking. Ight I say.


rassler (4)

12/06/2017 15:34

(In risposta a questo)

Another hot one, let's see how the bed wrestling will go...


swflwrestle81 (2 )

11/06/2017 13:12

I've never been the type of guy that liked the bar scene, so it was always harder for me to find a nice hot dude to hit on and take home. Thankfully with the invention of the internet, I've been able to meet a few here and there and take them in to rumble around on the mats with here and there. Last year I had to move, the house that I was renting went into forclosure and, long story short I had to hit the market for a new abode. Luckily enough, I found a nice small home to rent. It wasn't much, 2 bedrooms, 2 and a half baths and a large garage and fenced in backyard. Moving in went quick enough and left me plenty of time to scope out the neighborhood.

I went for a run one night about a week after moving in. I needed to burn some energy off being the Internet still wasn't working and I couldn't get any of my work emails, or even stream my shows. It was a pretty warm night so I tossed on a tank and some basketball shorts with my running shoes. It was about time I took a look around the neighborhood anyway to see what was up. I left the house and headed down the street. At 6'2” 190lbs I could have went harder on the run, but it wasn't a strict workout just to kill some time. My long legs help too, big strides always made me feel like I was going faster. About 20 minutes in I turn a corner down a side street and see another runner down the road in front of me. The streetlights illuminated his shirtless torso and short running shorts, even now I am jealous of his runnign form. Either way I kept an eye on the guy. He seemed to be about my height, maybe a bit heavier, but well muscled from what I could tell by looking at his mountanous back. I followed him down a few streets, fantasizing a bit as I do about what he'd be like on the mats. I decided to kick it up a bit and meet up with him, in the least maybe I could make a new bud to run with. Picking up the pace I got closer and closer, I couldn't tell if he had headphones in, or was just ignoring the sound of my feet hitting the pavement behind him. I caught up with him and got a bit shy so I passed him by with a nod. Looking over to him I was shocked! I'm a pretty fit dude big hard chest, 6 pack, thick legs. I workout often and take good care of myself but this guy...whoa! I remember him nodding back at me as I passed. Time seemed to slow down as I checked him out, his thick veiny arms moving back and forth as he ran, his big meaty chest heaving, his washboard stomach clenching and rotating as he ran. At this point I was totally wondering what he'd be like to wrestle! I'd been around a few blocks and headed back home. As I walked up the driveway I noticed something even more phenominal. He ran up the driveway of the house next to me. We noticed each other and waved, then both went into our own homes. For a week I had tried to catch sight of the guy but I had no luck. In the meantime, I kept wondering if he could take a nice long scissor or not, or what his bearhug would feel like. I needed to meet this dude!

The next week rolled in and I had finally got my internet up and running, but I was still having conenction issues. My wireless router was shot, and I didn't have the time or the extra cash to shell out for a new one. Searching for available signals I found an unprotected one that I could at least use to surf the net a bit. I jumped the signal and used it for about a week. It was pretty slow, but got the job done. I was at least able to watch a few shows and check out a few hot sites when I felt the urge. Then one night, as I sat there shirt off watching wrestling vids and drinking a beer I heard a knock at the door. I got up to answer it and was really surprised at who was there, it was the dude from nextdoor! I swung open the door, and made sure to tense up a bit just for show being I had my shirt off anyway. “Hey there, can I help you?” The guy was wearing a tight t-shirt and jeans. You could nearly see the outline of his muscle through the fabric. “Hey man, my names Anthony I live nextdoor to ya here.” I smiled at him. “Hey Anthony, I'm Jason, I saw you running a few weeks ago, haven't seen you since man you give it up?” I wondered if my lame attempt would cause more conversation or not. “Oh yea, I think I remember.” he said. “Nah, I didn't give it up, work schedule changed so I been going in the morning. Anyway, that's not really what I'm here for.” I couldn't help but grin a little. “Well glad you didn't give it up, you ahd great running form.” I looked at him quizically at the last bit. “Oh, Ok so what are you here for then?” he crossed his arms in front of his chest. His massive pecs pushing outward and his veiny biceps stretching the fabric of his shirt. “Well, I'm here cuz you keep moochin my Wifi.” Damn, caught in the act, but what a person to catch me right! “Ah, sorry man. I had some issues with my router and just hopped the first signal that I found.” I was hoping that being apologetic would be a little helpful, and that in the end we could at least have a friendship going. As I spoke though I couldn't help but to look down at his chest and arms...damn. I was having a hard time trying to convince my dick to stay put. He looked down at himself then up at me again...damn he must have caught me. “Yea well I'd appreciate it if ya just stopped, your slowin shit down and its pissin me off.” he flexed a bit at that last part and my eyes shot down again, when they looked back at him he had a bit of a grin on his face, he totally noticed. “That is of course unless you can pay for the usage?” this time I caught him eyeing me. Could this really be going on? Could this guy really have really been sizing me up? “You look like you take good care of yourself man, workout often?” he finally broke the ice and asked it. “Yea, about 3 to 4 days a week. Looks like you do too.” he grinned “I sure do man, as I'm sure you can tell.” I looked at him with a smile. “I sure can man!” he widened his stance a bit. “So, tell me Jason, you into contact sports at all, maybe somethin like wrestling?” Son of a bitch! I could feel the blood rushing though my body as my muscles tensed and my cock jumped in my shorts. “Actually I do man, I love to wrestle just don't get to do it often.” he smiled. “Yea me either. Ok tell ya what we'll have a match a day, if you can make me tap I'll let you mooch the internet. If I make you tap you become my slave for the day. You up for it?” I had no idea what he had as far as skill but I culd tell he had the muscle. I was pretty good at wrestling though I was sure I could make this dude tap at least once which was all I needed. “Yea man you got it.” I reached out a hand to shake. He grabbed it and clenched down pretty hard. I fought back clenching just as hard to show him I was no pussy. When we finally let go he looked at me with a half gron on his face. “Aight then bro, see you tomorrow night for our first match. Hope your ready.” Before he turned to leave he pulled back one of those massive arms and slammed a fist into my abs. I wasn't ready for it at all and grunted pretty loud as I bent over. His hit was forceful and powerful, he was totally showing off. “Thats just a taste man, get ready for the real pain tomorrow.” with my hand on my abs I winced at him as he turned and walked away.


rassler (4)

11/06/2017 14:12

(In risposta a questo)

Why did you post it here? It's not a father vs son story or am I missing something?


abhidodgson (1)

11/06/2017 0:08


I walk down the hall and into the kitchen. My dad is standing at the sink rinsing off a plate. He's still dressed in work clothes. A button down long sleeve purple shirt and a tie and white dress pants. I'm in basketball shorts and a muscle shirt- its late spring so its a bit sticky. I walk in and my dad is drying off his hands. I run up and jump on his back- wrapping my legs around his waist and gently putting him in a headlock. I rub my hand across his bald head fast - giving him noogies. Sup buddy he says as i continue rubbing. Not much i say. I can feel my cock getting hard in my shorts. I get off and turn to him. Hes only a couple inches taller. We bump chests sizing each other up. We do this for a few seconds bounncing off each other. I stand on my tiptoes to equal his height and push against him. He pushes back- chest to chest. He laughs and says " you wanna go" hell yeah I say stepping back. He puts his face against mine so we're nose to nose. Lets go buddy he says his warm sweet breath against my face. I slap his pecs. We go to the living room and he yanks of his shirt. His hairy belly hanging just slightly over his buckled up trousers. I yank off my shirt. He pulls of his shorts so that hes in his boxers. Damn he has a good body. He pushes against me and its a chest off bare chests together. Then he grabs me and lifts me up into a bearhug. My legs wrap around his waist and his arms squeeze my ribs. I rap my arounds around his shoulders. He squeezes hard and my dick is so hard. He shakes me up and down and I yell. "You like that buddy" he says into my ear. I smack his back. We struggle like this for a while until i tap. He throws me onto the couch. He smiles and i can see his dick bouncing. I get up and he pushes me down again. He sits down and I crawl over he grabs me and pulls me onto his lap so im sitting face to face. he grabs me around the ribs again squeezing. He gets up and this time hes aggressive. He shakes me and I scream and he screams. I scream as he cuts off my breathing and he yells trash talk. I can smell his breath so hot and manly everytime he yells. I can't take it. And then I feel something up my ass. He yanks my shorts down and jams his right fingers into my ass. Their warm and big. He jiggles them around and I groan. "You like that punk" he breathes. I groan again. he sits down and fingers me some more. I groan and groan and pant. He moves closer and sucks my nipples. Then I just have to do it. I grab my cock and I'm cumming all over him. He laughs and smacks my ass. Damn i wanted it to last longer i say outloud. Dont worry he says we can have more fun later.

Later that night.
I walk into the bathroom and my dad is there shaving- fully naked. I stare at his cock. Its fucking huge. He sees me looking and chuckles. He turns around and pulls me closer caressing my back............


rassler (4)

11/06/2017 14:11

(In risposta a questo)

Hot story, especially the start with the chest2chest bumps and challenge. Too quick ending, I'd have liked a longer match with more give-and-take from both guys... and why the father doesn't come?
Anyway, hope you're planning a part2 with more mutual holds and challenges. Thanks for sharing!


fightdad53202 (0)

11/06/2017 10:10

(In risposta a questo)

WOW hot story


oldguy (0 )

24/02/2017 22:16

One hot weekend....
Please note: this story is pure fiction
One hot weekend, my dad and I were at the beach and saw two guys fighting in the dunes. We took a position so that we could see the action and decided that since it seemed to be an even fight, that we would not interfere. I was surprised how my dad reacted to what was going on. I assumed he would be critical of the two men saying something like, "grown men should be able to resolve their differences with words and not their fists". But he really surprised me when he started commenting on how one guy seemed to be controlling the fight. HE really seemed to be enjoying the action. While these two guys were trading fists back and forth, one of them slammed a fist into the other guy’s trunks. All I could say was, "Wow now THAT is how to win a fight!"

My dad looked at me and said, "Son you must be some kind of pussy if that's the only way you can win a fight." I looked at him and thought he was kidding and said, "Hell dad, I could take you in a fight without goin for your ballS." And HE said, "Anytime you want to try son, you just let me know." I darted back at him with, "you wanna find out dad, you wanna take me on?" He said, he wouldn't pass up the opportunity but he said, not there on the beach..He said if I was serious, we would take it back to the house. I just grabbed my towel from the sand, looked him in the eye and said, "cum on old man..Let’s do this."

When we got home, we went right to the backyard and squared off. We were both still in our trunks and after a few hard fists to the face and body; we both realized that this action could go on for a bit. Both of us were throwing hard punches and both we able to take them. It went back and forth for a time and the only sounds coming out of our yard were hard fists slamming into our bodies and the grunts and groans of two men taking some punishment. Finally the fight went to the ground. Two big muscled guys trying to top each other. Lots of trash talk groping and punching each other. I don’t think it was a surprise to either of us considering what was goin on, that we both got boned. We broke apart and got to our feet...panting, chests heaving and both of us tenting the front of our Speedos with major wood. I lunged at him and locked on a killer side headlock and told him to submit to me. He told me to fuck off and slugged me in the balls... I dropped the headlock and sank to my knees holdin my nuts.

He came at me, laughed and knocked me out cold with a hard right fist to my jaw. When I woke up and he was sure I was ok, we talked about the fight and how going for the balls was supposed to be a pussy move. He laughed again and told me he only said that to see what kind of reaction I would have. He said that he was glad I responded the way he did. He then told me that whenever he fought, he always went for the balls.

After about an hour, we went at it again, only this time we were both ball hunting and throwing low. I cannot tell you how hot it was to stand, legs apart, trading punches with my old man and both of us takin shots to the nuts. We both took a lot of punishment and again both got boned. That second fight was better than the first, it ended in a great 69! You ever fight your dad?


Newtpunch (3)

16/04/2017 14:40

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So hot man!!
LOve it.


rassler (4)

25/02/2017 11:52

(In risposta a questo)

Great story, it was posted somewhere else before but it doesn't matter. Thanks for sharing, if you have more please post them as well.


Sir David (44)

25/02/2017 0:03

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I've read this before somewhere


oldguy (0 )

25/02/2017 2:37

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I'm sure you have.


rassler (4)

24/05/2016 13:38

No more ideas or stories to add? C'mon, don't be shy, let's share!


fightdad53202 (0)

27/05/2017 11:15

(In risposta a questo)

man hot action


hundredand (0)

09/04/2016 20:54

Love father and son fighting. I've written a story or two about it, though there's a focus on gut punching and the father dominating. Might try and write another in the future.


rassler (4)

11/04/2016 14:17

(In risposta a questo)

I'm not into total squash jobs and I hope the son is fighting back, but you can post it here anyway, I'm sure people would appreciate.


ant-tor (6)

09/04/2016 8:23

Father and son family bonding wrestling

It was a warm summer day in the city. I just returned home from college and started unpacking my stuff from my luggae. Thinking about all the fun times at college from hanging out with buds to the random fun wrestling matches with them that sometimes got intense. Damn thinking about it had given me a tad boner but slowly went away. As i was unpacking i heard father return from his jog. I Yelled hey daddy with a smile as he yelled hey sonny! He went to the kitchen and had a glass of water and sat down watching television. I walked down to go see dad and as i walked in i noticed that he was channel surfing. First came news then comedy then olympic wrestling for a few seconds and landed on a channel with a pro wrestling match on. On the match was two story brothers going at and it was good. So i sat down and joined dad. Damn that guy in blue speedo is good. Oh son didnt see you there ya he is strong. Haha only if i had a brother i could of fought haha i said jokingly but felt kind of embarrassed. I kinda of wanted to wrestle my dad as i saw him there all sweaty and kinda hot muscler had hair on body in a hot way. But never knew that i wanted to take him on. Yes son. Haha we used to when you were a kid. Why not anymore dad i asked. Dad kind of shocked. Um i dont know you turned 20 that you grew out of it. Hey no dad id so take you on and whoop you. Pft son you own me he laughed and lightly pushed my arm. Dad id get you beat you. Dont care if you my old man. Excuse me son old man well bring it !! Name the time and place and ill whoop you! NOW IN THE BASEMENT dad said with force. Sure we both stood up at the same time facing each other staring the other down eye to eye nose to nose chest to chest. Dad gave me light push i pushed back ugh jerk lets do dad! In my head i thought i cannot believe im about to throw down with my dad. Little did i know dad was thinking the same thing about wrestling his son. Dad walked first down his running shorts a bit sweaty still and hugging his but. Damn i thought. We got down to basement dad said help me move the table. As i helped asked dad how we going do this. Dad replied saying he had some wrestlings he is going to lay down. Damn dad never knew you had some mat. Yes boy used to wrestle in college remember. Damn i forgot yes boy. Dad got the mats down and said boy step on them and get ready to rumble!! I then said ok and got and the mats and before dad could even say WRESTLE. We both clothed i get up to dad and give him a tight bear hug. Dad shocked and a tad upset moaning wtf boy didnt even make the rules or anything yet. What dad your just weak and a chicken i say squeezing. As i do i feel something but i think no dad cant have a boner no way but i countinue to squeeze till dad breaks free. Shit i say! Dad shakes it off ok you got me a bit now lets stat rules. If you tap out let go pins falls and submission. How long we wrestle for daddy. As long as we can sonny. Arg. Lets lock up!! Ok. We get into wrestling position dad grabs hold of the back of my neck and is controlling me i struggle to wrestle back! He grapples me down and i can feel his shirt wet from this morning i try to fight him off but he pins me down ugh ok dad you get the practise round i say haha boy that was no practise. Dad laughs as i get up i noticed my dad ripped my favourite shirt dad!! you ripped my favourite shirt! Ugh i say dad says haha sorry son just take it off. Im going take mine off too dont want it ripped. I watch dad as he takes off his sweaty tshirt. Lifting it from the bottom over his head exposing his nice sexy body. 6 packs abs not to big of a chest and a nice set of fur on his body makes me smile on the inside. Dad says you ready boy!! And we go at it again. This time it feels amazing as we wrestle he gets me in lock and i can feel our chests together. Nipples rubbed against one another but we both were focused on the fight we never noticed. After a few struggling minutes the Son had gotten his chest to the back of his fathers getting his dad in a headlock. Dad was coughing and wanted to tap but couldnt allow his son to win. Father also noticed his sons pants to have something a bit hard in them but smiled in his head. Then father flipped me over and started wrastling me down in the ground. Dad fuck ur strong but not strong enough as the i said that i got dads waist and grapple him over allowing me to dominate my father. Wow boy dad muter your a strong one. It was by accident my hand ripped some of fathers shorts and i let go of dad right away. Shit sorry dad i honestly did not mean to do that! I notice from the rip dad and a small bulge but never mentioned it yet. Dad said fuck son. Sorry no didnt mean get mad its fine ill just wrestle in my boxers. As dad striped off what was left of his shorts i asked dad im getting hot do you mind if i fight in my boxers as well. Dad made a smile never seen him make. Sure boy whatever you like to get your ass whooped in. Haha funny dad. And we both had our shorts off exposing our tight boxer briefs mine blue dad wearing a bright orange. We both stood at 5 foot 5 150 pounds. I have an average body with hair dad is a hot muscler daddy toned not huge with a great body and fur on him. We both were standing sweaty in our boxers huffing and puffing. Ready to go father. Yes you ready to go at it boy. Yes daddy. I looked dad in the eyes and staring him down and he did the same. Without a word of warning we both locked up with each other arms around on another. Skin on skin. I'm so excited to be wrestling my father this is amazing i think in my head such manliness such father son bonding. Loving it. As im thinking about how fun this is dad gets me a tight sweaty bear hug. Fuck i struggle i wrap my legs around father. I dont know if helping me or just helping dad. Ugh daaad your strong but ugh oof your not that strong and i mange to push dad off of me and falls back on the mats. I laugh dad see haha. You little shit dad yells as he jumps up and pushes me. Shit dad your a fucking cheater thats not far. Hey sonny boy anything goes. In my head im thinking anything goes eh father. My eyes are fixed on his package. And out of the blue i grab dads dick hard. Wtf son! You shouldnt be touching that! I say anything goes daddy eh okay sonny your right. Dad grabs my hair and pulls me up. Fight me like a man and then you can grab that IF you win he says smiling. Okay dad your on if you win inhive you back massage if I win i can touch your manly sausage. You ready dad. Yes sonny boy. Ok dad lets go father let make this interesting hehe we both laughing okay. Our father and son secret matches. Ok son yes just between us hehe Laughts in manly grunt. How about this son Lets do this round one and two submission match and if it gets to round three first to cum match! Um dad what did you just say a first to cum match. Yes. What like how dad huh. Haha boy i know you get off so who ever makes the other person cum wins. Haha son it wont even get to that as i will make you tap out in the first two rounds. Okay and ya it wont get to that first to cum round as i will win dad. However we were both thinking that we wanted it to get to that round. Ok lets start dad and go right at dad and grapple him down and get him a full nelson. Dad is shocked by his boys strength and has to give up as he cant take it. Son you win round one. Dad your weaker than i thought. As we both stood up dad got mad me weak and pushed me down and get my neck between his hairy legs. You think im weak you little shit huh how do you like these thighs around your neck boy dad shit dad. I try kicking pushing breaking the hold but stood no chance i barely could lift my arm to tap out muahahha dads sexy laugh. So i guess these mean we need to hit round three. And it looks like i might have it easy dad said as he noticed i was pretty hard. I rubbed my neck yes dad round three but i also have it easy it looks like i laughed as i say my dads boxers had grown a lot inside. Yes boy we will find out soon lets start. We got up both shiny from all of our sweat. Ready to go at it. Before we started the last round told dad i loved this and have wanted to wrestle daddy for a long time. Dad said same son wish we spoke about wrestling sooner but lets fight i need to get u to shoot all over hehe. Dad you will be shooting that cum haha ready yes son love you. They then went for each other in such a manly wrestling sexual way that they both ended in each others hugging embrace. Both father and son still had to get the others boxers off to expose that hard cock to jerk. Son reached for his dads back side and pulled down his dads elastic on the boxers. Not even one second father grabbed sons wrist and said in a fatherly authoritative way nah nah nah not so fast hahaha. And he grabbed his sons boxers ill get you to cum haha son! Both were trashing around. Father was very dominate for the first few minutes. Dad managed to get a good hold of his son and said son off the come! And with one strong grab ripped his sons boxers right off but exposing speedos! What the hell son thats cheating. You said all goes and i never knew we would be wrestle so it not cheating haha and then son grabbed dads boxers and ripppppp. Fuck dad what your wearing a jock strap!! Ughh. Dad and son grappled and wrestled and fought it was about 7 minutes into it that son had a good advantage over father with the tight speedo holding in his every eager dick to shoot a nice creamy load everywhere. Son managed to get dad down on his back and stood up over his father lift his foot and started rubbing out the jockstrap. Ohh ahh daddy what is this i feel fuck off son. No way you jerk. Ugh boy your growing my manlness argg. Dad got upset and got hold of his boys ankle and lifted him self up fucker!! And slapped his sons chest whooo ugh son said as he covered his chest. Dad smile and saw an opening to remove the speedo. He say them bulge in them and wanted them off so bad that he managed to tear off the speedo exposing his sons manliness. Damn boy nice package sonny really beautiful work that is going loose its load to its owner the father. Ugh father your an ass but i love wrestling you so this has to go. Rippppppppp rippppp there goes your jock. Wow dad i never have seen you really in the nude your amazing. Thanks boy but your mine. Now both men were standing as well as their dicks both hard and sweaty bodies sweaty dicks such a manly scent in the air. Both stared smiled we ready finally. And embraced in a bear hug rubbing nipples bodies and cocks thrashing. Son said in a moanin voice dad ur loosing that load!! Father responded by telling him with is father voice no i will loose it after i use your cum as a lube to get off! As son was in bear hug with his father he managed to get his arms free to push dad off. He got dad down on the mats which were drenched in sweat and had his chest on dads back with his arm headlocking his father and legs around waist. Dad i got you now this is going be over ! And with his free hand started to stroke his dads rock hard manly cock. Stroking up and down dad are you loving this. Yes son oh i am but no i cant cum no. And father was holding in his cum as much as he could. However son without thinking was humping his fathers back up and down as he was stroking his father. He only realized when he cock was throbbing wanting to cum. Fuck. Shit dad i omg dad i was wrestling you down and stroking i got myself super hard. Dadd im going. Dadd you may hav hav hav. Son no you you got mee oh and both son shot a hot load right on dads backside by grinding his fathers sexy back. While his father cam at the same time from the grasp of his sons nice strokes. Both collapsed in one another and did not know who technically cummed first. Dad wow that was so fun. Yes son i agree our secret lets do again next week! Dad um since we do not know who won lets have tie breaker. One more submission match the way we are now. Full of cum like it is oil. Wow son sure what a hot idea.


BillDad (0)

26/05/2017 22:49

(In risposta a questo)

I had a good time reading/getting into your story, but I'd love to see the sequel!


rassler (4)

27/05/2017 14:39

(In risposta a questo)

Ant-tor, same here! Give us another hot match!


benbarnes05 (0)

17/04/2017 2:37

(In risposta a questo)

Awesome story you need to write the follow up match!


rassler (4)

11/04/2016 14:38

(In risposta a questo)

Very hot, a bit difficult to read for the many spelling mistakes but exciting nonetheless. Do you have more stories like this to share?


Meilo1 (27)

10/04/2016 6:22

(In risposta a questo)

great written story


Antheus (43 )

07/04/2016 2:08

How about a son and his hairy real father


rassler (4)

07/04/2016 15:42

(In risposta a questo)

I'd love to read about real fathers and sons fighting, but it's not easy to convince them to open up and share their experiences....


rassler (4)

05/04/2016 14:09

There's nearly 500 men interested in this topic but no one is posting anything but ads looking for wrestling partners.
Is there anyone willing to write some father vs son stories or tell us about his personal family fight fantasies? That's why the group was created in the first place, but with little or no results so far...


swflwrestle81 (2 )

06/04/2016 15:41

(In risposta a questo)

I'll work on a story tonight. See if i cant get it posted by tomorrow.


rassler (4)

11/04/2016 14:15

(In risposta a questo)

It's been four days now, any news about the story?


rassler (4)

06/04/2016 15:56

(In risposta a questo)

Thanks, what kind of story is it? Just wrestling or erotic too?


swflwrestle81 (2 )

06/04/2016 16:04

(In risposta a questo)

Wait and see man


rassler (4)

21/04/2016 17:22

(In risposta a questo)

It's been more than 2 weeks since you posted this, any news about the story?


rassler (4)

07/04/2016 15:41

(In risposta a questo)

Ok I'm waiting...

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