Father vs Son Wrestling

Seeking older .. Uncle type for gentle erotic wrestle in uk

RobinCub (0)

03/01/2019 9:13

Would love this! Need me a dad/uncle for this!


Meilo1 (27 )

02/01/2019 5:47

nice profile


BenfromBritain (0)

01/01/2019 16:55

Any older guys want to get together with a shy, innocent lad?
Perhaps it's my first ever wrestling session, you might steadily put me in more compromising warm up positions
Get me to remove my track suit
Then we practice some holds
Like you pinning me
Or face sitting me
Warning me to protect my groin and showing me how easily someone could grope me
Bear hugging bulge vs bulge..
Helping me out of my t shirt
Wrestling in shorts

Get in touch if interested

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