Figure Four Leg Lock Hold

Longest fig 4?

skweezhard (8 )

15/10/2021 1:18

I like that pic posted by flatirondaddy here ... the pic needs to be saved, and then when I get a chance, I would love to try it out on someone, as well as have them try it out on me ... good to know both sides of the hold to fully understand how to make it the most effective. What is the name of that version of leg lock? Like the IDL and FFLL, its got some complexity and I do love the knotting up of legs by legs. Looks like it also has a couple of pain points to work on ... but won't know til that first time trial. Soon ... Soon.


ultimatescissorsjobber (2)

15/04/2015 16:14

I'm definitely game ! I want the fig 4 applied safe, sane, & slowly yet I want to experience multiple submissions, then switch legs & lock up the other legs ! Game to help you get it set up well, including the crossed ankles, then make me suffer !!


jurandi (1)

31/10/2012 18:44

this is one of the most powerful but hottest holds on wrestling. I love to give and take using this hold and other ones.


Flatirondaddy (0)

03/06/2013 16:45

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I loved this description by a former MF member :
:its a painful hold and if applied correctly.. the pain caused and time in the hold is all down to the victims stamina and pain threshold. ive seen a guy apply a fig4 to 2 different lads.. one lasting seconds and the other many minutes imo, makes the hold even hotter as this introduces an unknown element to this master submission hold Effettua il login per visualizzare le foto della gallery.


houstonjobber (2)

30/06/2013 23:21

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That looks hot. I would love to be in the this hold and move, anyone man enough to do it?


ukcyberwrestler (0)

10/10/2012 18:53

very nice skweeze... i would love to endure that for many minutes!


ukcyberwrestler (0)

09/10/2012 15:54

its a painful hold and if applied correctly.. the pain caused and time in the hold is all down to the victims stamina and pain threshold. ive seen a guy apply a fig4 to 2 different lads.. one lasting seconds and the other many minutes imo, makes the hold even hotter as this introduces an unknown element to this master submission hold


skweezhard (8 )

10/10/2012 2:59

(In risposta a questo)

yes, ukcyberwrestler, I do think its one of the most painful holds - debatable, of course. Most guys I've tried it on do submit in just seconds, even though I try to just ease it on gently. The movement of doing the final leg over the victim's ankle, or just above is enough for submission. One day, I'd like to find someone with a high pain threshold so I can try a variation of the fig 4 leg lock --- want to rock in tighter, and see if I can get my ankles locked under his leg like I'm doing a straight scissors ... no escape for a rolling fig 4 leg lock and certain submission. The proof is in the doing ....


Tobias95 (0)

14/10/2021 15:27

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Jag vill att du gör detta på mig


Stevienye71 (1)

17/03/2016 5:20

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I would be willing to try to withhold out as long as could,


skweezhard (8 )

17/03/2016 5:47

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It hurts, but its FUN!


like2job (0)

21/06/2013 1:53

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I have found that not all fig4 leg locks are equal. It sounds like you may have a good one, but I will have to be the judge ;-) I lasted one minute in an Indian Deathlock. The pain almost takes your breath away–I just tried to 'go' somewhere else. Hope to meet some day and have you lock your ankles in a fig4. will be interesting for both of us.


ARGONSA1 (155)

25/10/2012 10:07

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would love to test that new specialty of yours next time !


skweezhard (8 )

27/10/2012 10:32

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You tempt me ... could tie your hands behind your back, then work you into all variations of this fig 4 leg lock that I feel like .... its gonna hurt! Think you need the gag and hood? Think a fig 4 leg lock is for you?


Snacks (0)

19/01/2022 21:30

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Ok, pretty sure this post just awoke something inside me. Is there a video of this?


Tobias95 (0)

14/10/2021 15:26

(In risposta a questo)

Jag vill att du gör det på mig


ultimatescissorsjobber (2)

24/08/2015 16:07

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Oh man that is so incredibly hot !! I volunteer !! Loe to have you work the fig4 in several variations, as well as locking those ankles, and yes, restrained too !!!


buddystl (45 )

24/08/2015 8:00

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Flatirondaddy (0)

17/01/2013 3:10

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I really believe a properly applied fig.4 can be the most painful hold and if you consider that the legs are so much bigger and muscular than the arms leg holds can be vicious. Another favorite hold is the indian death lock that can be horny sexual and can be reversed so quickly to pour the pain on the guy that locked it on. ooops I sent an x rated morphed pic of the death lock in a pro match sorry. Pete


ARGONSA1 (155)

03/11/2012 11:39

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let s make it my friend ! every temptation from you is a wish from me !


houstonjobber (2)

21/10/2012 20:01

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i would love to try to last as long as i could in the hold as you take it slow and easy, increasing the pain and torment. Anyone willing to try it on me?


skweezhard (8 )

01/10/2012 1:45

Great ... I want you to suffer in the hold, but I don't want you to really submit too early. Might take a little practice, but sounds like you'd Be up for it.


musclebear2b (4)

10/10/2012 1:05

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oh, I'm up for it! Keep me on the edge of submission as long as you can


skweezhard (8 )

30/09/2012 12:33

I'm curious about length of time one can spend in fig 4 leg lock with a "cooperative" partner. I know if pressure is applied immediately once the legs are fig 4'd, submissions come almost instantly from guys - know this first hand. First time victims are always surprised about the amount of pain the hold causes. But If we just ease on the pressure slowly, find a near submission point, hold it, learn to endure the hold ... could go for a while. 5 min? 10 min? Longer? But just as much, enjoy rolling over and over with my buddy screaming his submission all the while sustaining fig 4 hold pressure.


Stevienye71 (1)

17/03/2016 5:23

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would volunteer to see how long


ultimatescissorsjobber (2)

16/03/2016 14:16

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Even just the idea of being locked in for a god long duration, drives me crazy. As you already know from previous conversations I am game if you ever travel this way !! I think the hottest & most intense would be with my wrists tied behind my back, the variation with your ankles locked like a scissors, and a pre-agreed minimum time limit ! Then I want the same rules for your head scissors !!!


Flatirondaddy (0)

16/01/2013 23:19

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love to compare our abilities to apply and withstand figure4's or Indian death locks Effettua il login per visualizzare le foto della gallery.


houstonjobber (2)

30/06/2013 23:23

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I would love to be like this guy. Game?


musclebear2b (4)

01/10/2012 1:00

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I'll take that challenge!

see how long you can keep me in it before I really give...

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