Gutpunching give/take/trade

Ab beating competition??...

hardabs1 (22)

22/06/2015 8:51

I live in California, but if you ever get a good group together and let me know a few weeks in advance, I'd be interested!


Kureitondesu (14 )

25/05/2015 22:31

I'm game! If we could work something out over a weekend, with enough notice, I'd love to have a large group and see what we all can take


Dunla (2)

07/05/2015 17:36

If travel wasnt such a concern that'd be interesting...


Painintheabs (0)

22/04/2015 14:20

Anyone interested in an ab / belly / stomach beating competition??..
I can organise one - village hall or similar? With an impartial 'puncher' if anyone knows an attractive female willing? Or male otherwise!! 😇
Entry fee to cover hall cost, winner get a percentage of takings, maybe in categories??...
Mid may??...
Ideas welcome!

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