Gutpunching give/take/trade

Best Abs I've seen This Year, what would you guys Do?

gymrat (35)

22/10/2021 15:57

Very, very lean. I'd love to GP with him. Now, how strong are they? It depends. Some people have "3D" shaped abs and if they get their bodyfat level way down, they show up in relief. I suspect, like Al said, that he works them out a bunch to make them bigger, and 3D. But is both. Other people have flatter abs - but they can be thickened strong.

being a little guy, i also keep in mind that a little guy is, well, little :-) Maybe really strong proportionally, but i don't feel like wrestling, or Going seriously, some 225# 25 year old bruiser. Although i've been on the receiving side of a 240# young bruiser. And had the welts to drive it :-) or is that :-(

Anyway congrats to him.

Al you aid something about him being a liar..? in what way - I'm lost.



TakeThePunchesAI (13)

22/10/2021 16:07

(In risposta a questo)

Agreed. I think what kind of abs you have matter too. Me and that guy have two different types of abs. Suppose you could say mine are more structured for gut punching/fighting/sports. His is more structured for modeling.

No I was talking with him privately, you could say he stole money from me. I'm not going into further detail, I just don't understand why people can't just be genuine and open. Why lie for a buck?


ruinurabs (40 )

22/10/2021 15:36

He's built like the first guy I ever slugged. Thin, with lean, durable abs. But once they give out after a bit of pounding ... he's in a world of hurt.


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

22/10/2021 15:40

(In risposta a questo)

Honestly, I would like to delete this post but I can't. Fuck this dude. He's a liar and he's disrespectful. But thanks for responding.


gutpunchlover78 (0 )

22/10/2021 16:02

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Told ya. I have him blocked on IG because of that


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

22/10/2021 16:08

(In risposta a questo)

It's just I'm a Christian, so It's in my nature to try to be helpful and listen to people. Sometimes I'm unable to tell the difference. I just thought he was a little better person than that.


gutpunchlover78 (0 )

21/10/2021 18:41

I think he's just a skinny guy with some muscle, doubt he can even take a punch.
The fact he hides his face with those masks and he always asking for money is a turn off for me


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

21/10/2021 18:53

(In risposta a questo)

Well those are not natural abs, that's for sure. He worked for those. Now how much of a punch they can take, we don't know. I do have very short clips of him punching them. I'd say you'd have to throw a few solid ones to effect them. They look way rockier when was laying down.

I mean I get that, but he's a little younger than me. And he's a farmer, which is probably pretty hard these days.


absfreak (8)

21/10/2021 19:31

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Where did you find the short punching clips?


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

21/10/2021 19:39

(In risposta a questo)

Lol, I just have my way of getting things. It's not just out there, lol.


playfulwrestler (21 )

21/10/2021 0:44

Wow! Excellent - would love to wrestle and punch this guy (and let him ruin my abs too).


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

20/10/2021 18:35

So I've encountered this dude on my very low ki instagram who has amazing abs, like abs of just great definition. I know some of you praise me, but when I see better, I want to shine a light. He wanted me to share this post:

But, for those of you that have Insta. What do you guys think of his abs? what would you do?

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