Gutpunching give/take/trade

Does someone have an injury from doing gutpunching?

luis2083 (1)

15/07/2019 2:38

to be honest many people prefer to hit on the stomach relaxed because it causes more pleasure to feel like a fist sinks in the intestines and I want to confess that I am to put my stomach relaxed .. but I really like the gutpunch in such a way to have an orgasm but it scares me to have an injury some day


Rt ND Guts (4)

14/07/2019 16:46

I do know of one guy who developed a hernia over a. Long time of gutpunching. But only the one. My dad was into it from childhood, as I have been with no injuries at all. I guess it would depend on how brutal the puncher is, if he's bare-knuckled, how weak the abs are being punched and if hes trying to stay flexed so its the muscle getting pummeled.
The other risk would be from high ab shots that get through the muscle and bruise the organs such as the liver, spleen, pancreas, so on. When people are beaten to injury, that's usually the cause, barring head–shots.


gymrat (40)

14/07/2019 16:52

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Two interesting points worth amplifying: 1) bare fists mean softer punches (!yep) and less bruising. 2) really flexed abs can result in protection of internal organs (the important stuff) but a very high impact at the surface (F=MA baby) and therefore the guy with strong abs may get welts or bruises. Ask me how I know.


gymrat (40)

14/07/2019 18:10

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Oops that was supposed to say "bare fists = more bruising" (but lighter punches).

read what I mean, not what I type!


Rt ND Guts (4)

14/07/2019 16:55

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Totally agree. Personally I prefer hits around the navel area. Even relaxed, only hitting the guts and little or no risk of injury


expat (6 )

14/07/2019 11:39

I think guys suffering injuries and just going at it too hard and too long. I've been punching guys in the guts for years, had lots of fun doing it and never injured anyone


andrewj (21)

14/07/2019 7:38

Been doing this since i was 12, never had more than some bruising to the skin, and then only when it was an extreme session.


slimp (0)

14/07/2019 3:54

I did have an episode of inflamed lower GI tract. It caused a complete blockage from swelling for a week. When a receiver is on an endorphin high, he may not realize when his abs are weakening, or may intentionally unflex. There is risk of injury. If you feel there's a chance that limits won't be respected, and you are not suicidal, it's best to avoid those situations.


gymrat (40)

12/07/2019 14:12

I don't see the original post. This is a complex question: unfixed, you can do internal injury. Flexed, you are protected ... until you are not. I have taken some pretty serious hits, and lots of them, flexed.

The only "injuries" i have sustained are surface stuff - a welt, a bruise.



RadnerBearman (0)

12/07/2019 14:56

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Thats correct. I always take flexed, to not be is plain stupid I'm taking from trained boxers, not hobby punchers. Like you, have had bruised abs but never internal issues


RadnerBearman (0)

11/07/2019 6:29

If your core is in great shape and you have trained your body to take blows, you should be ok. Seeing abdominal development is not a guarantee that your abs are punch proof. I have been taking hard punches since I was 16 as a Golden Gloves boxer to age 23 and have continued as a Master Class boxer, and recreational kick boxer. Conditioning is the key for me. I work my abs every day very aggressively.


Leopard (1)

11/07/2019 6:12

If you have abs, there shouldn't be any issue.


GutPuncher89 (1 )

11/07/2019 7:26

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That’s not necessarily true. You can have great abs and still succumb to injury. If you’re taking very hard punches while your abs are relaxed, you can easily injure yourself internally if you’re not careful about it.


luis2083 (1)

11/07/2019 3:00

enjoy the blows to the stomach but tango fear of a risk


ruinurabs (42 )

11/07/2019 7:03

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In addition to conditioning it is about respect from the guy punching you to any limits that you set. Safety is important, but don't let fear overrule conditioning and respect.

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