Gutpunching give/take/trade

Gang-up beatings

dabbler1973 (17)

05/09/2021 11:48

just looked on Qualgeist's site .. they have an event called Combat .... a gutpunching event! Wow. only one I can see is Sept 9th though. . doesn't seem to be a recurring night.


FrankTramplee (1)

27/08/2021 11:17

Had a great experience in a Berlin SM club. Got tied up and had two guys working on me. One guy punching my stomach the other guy both punching and kicking my stomach. It was totally hot!!
Love to be tied up and not being able to do anything else than enjoying the punches I receive and the guy/guys punching me.


N0ahW01fang (4)

08/09/2021 18:45

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I just realized that some of the best fight porn sites are from Germany. Makes sense they'd have an event for gut torture


The Ed (0)

07/09/2021 16:29

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Oh let's go,oh wait it's in Berlin .damn


The Ed (0)

26/08/2021 18:05

I would totally be into that senerio. I hot a couple of fighters in mind


Kureitondesu (14 )

08/01/2021 16:21

One of my fantasies to have a two or more on one match, haven't had the chance to make it happen yet but one day.


codywrestler (24)

27/08/2021 23:42

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Looking to be the one worked over or be one of the punchers? Ever get to Northern Ky / Cincinnati area? Have a leather Sir that would make this happen for us.


mikey3458 (25 )

14/08/2021 12:22

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2 guys working me over, totally cool, i know one heel, need a 2nd one now


AbPuncher2 (1 )

06/01/2021 11:50

I haven’t had the opportunity but would love to experience this. Preferably if it’s unexpected


wa rassler (5)

05/01/2021 23:11

Getting ganged up on is the best! I once met three other guys for wrestling...we were mostly in pairs but wrestling side by side...then switch...then switch again. So at one point I'm fighting with this guy who is fatter than me in the corner and I have his arms pinned behind his head and I'm dropping punches into his open belly with my free hand.

He calls out for help and his friend pulls me up and holds my arms behind my back while the guy I was working on before comes over and blasts me a few times. I fell like a sack of potatoes and then he climbs on top and gives it back to me just like I was doing him. Good on him for turning the tables.


Fullnelsongp (0)

05/08/2021 1:36

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I love this kind of fight. You have the upper hand until his buddy gets involved, making it an unfair fight.


Stomach Gutpunch (1)

05/01/2021 10:26

En mis comienzos en el gym (tenía unos 25 años), ya empezaba a atraerme la idea de que me golpearan en el estómago. El propietario del gym, por lo visto, practicaba gutpunch con dos amigos. Yo no lo sabía. Ni siquiera sabía qué ésto se llamaba gutpunch. El propietario, un tipo fornido de unos 40 años, al parecer, le atría mi estómago blando(me había visto cambiarme en el vestuario alguna vez). Mí estómago todavía no estaba fortalecido por el ejercicio. Una noche, poco ántes de cerrar, estaba sólo en las duchas, y cuando terminé y comencé a vestirme, entró en el vestuario con sus dos amigos. Había cerrado el gym 10 minutos ántes, aprovechando que no había nadie. Yo estaba todavía comenzando a vestirme. Sólo tenía puesto los speedos(slips)....y entonces me gritó que no había pagado la mensualidad. Yo estaba de pié frente él. Y muy sorprendido, le contesté que estaba equivocado. Que yo no debía nada....y de repente, me pegó un puñetazo en la boca del estómago, que me dobló hacia adelante, con un gran gemido de angustia, y caí de rodillas en el suelo, sin respiración.
Entonces sus dos amigos me levantaron y me sujetaron por los brazos, mientras el propietario me pegaba en el estómago, una y otra vez, durante 30 minutos, siempre diciéndome que le pagara la mensualidad. Para mi fué muy doloroso y angustioso. Era la primera vez que me pegaban en el estómago. No quise saber nada más de gutpunch durante mucho tiempo. Me dolió mucho el estómago durante 15 días. Sin embargo, con el tiempo, comenzé a excitarme pensando en ese día. Y a lo largo del tiempo, acumulé muchas nuevas experiencias de golpes en el estómago.


hardabs1 (22)

05/01/2021 5:17

I have had a couple similar incidents as well. Once when I was a Boy Scout, we were camping at Yosemite and four or five other Scouts took turns punching me in the stomach for a good 30 minutes or so. Another was with friends in Las Vegas, each guy punching me 10 times for another 30 to 40 minutes. And a third was at a leather party in San Francisco, downstairs in a dungeon, with a group of six guys slugging me in the stomach for 10 to 15 minutes. All were very hot!


suckerpunch (0)

04/09/2021 10:22

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Where was that club, and how did you find it? That is my ultimate fantasy


FrankTramplee (1)

04/09/2021 19:17

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This happened at Böse Buben. Another great club in Berlin for GP is Quälgeist. You can find more great European clubs at


suckerpunch (0)

05/09/2021 10:04

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Thanks, man! But I was asking hardabs1about where he got slugged in the stomach by 6 guys in San Francisco. I live in San Francisco and would love to find out where I could find a dungeon where gutpunching is a theme. Again, and ultimate fantasy for me


Punchbag405 (3)

05/01/2021 2:41

Happened to me once. Was meeting someone I’ve known for a while for our usual session. He invited 2 punchers visiting from overseas. They took turns holding me and punching me. Some points I even had all 3 punching at once. Was way tougher than I’m used to but overall was a great time.


Taren23 (0 )

05/01/2021 2:24

So, while one-on-one is fun, what's everyone's thoughts on being ganged up on and belly-beaten? Whether they're taking turns or all clobbering you at the same time.


punchmybelly (0)

08/01/2021 18:35

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That's something I would love to have done to me. At least 2 or 3 guys to hold me and work my fat pot belly over good and hard.


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

06/01/2021 13:42

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Sounds fun, lol. Not that big though, lol. Abs might be sore for weeks afterwards.


FistsInGut (10)

31/08/2021 4:56

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I’d like what’s discussed in this thread!!


wa rassler (5)

07/01/2021 8:36

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That's what's fun...also sore abs are kind of the loser stakes lol


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

07/01/2021 13:21

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Lol, right. Agree with the comment above though. More fun if it's like unexpected.

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