Gutpunching give/take/trade

Gut Punching Until You Cum

Skinnybellypunch (2 )

26/11/2023 8:07

Yeah I get that always too! Somehow lower stomach punching makes me cum so hard


mikey3458 (25 )

24/11/2023 5:30

Yeah, if someone is punching my stomach, i can jack off quickly. I need to find more guys into this and willing to meet up


stomachpunch (5)

23/11/2023 13:43

as far as I'm concerned, I tell you that it is like this, I confirm. Several times I came with my partner's fist totally buried in my soft stomach. only the modality and the area were different compared to your experience: the punches that make me come are those placed on my stomach, between the sternum and the navel, and then the fist, the one that I perceive as more exciting, I want it to remain straight and still inside my stomach, while I jerk off, and in a short time I explode with immense enjoyment.


big belly (0)

22/11/2023 6:11

I was reading this guys profile how he talks about being the best gut puncher around and will make any guy come if he fights them, now when it comes to gut punching I never turn down a challenge and as for cuming I've hears about it when your gut punched but never believed that was true until I met Pete. Now Pete is a guy i met on the phone chat lines about two weeks ago and tells me he heard my profile and promised to not only beat me up but make me cum over and over, now that was a challenge I could not pass up so I contated him back as we chatted a bit as it turns out h only lives about 35 minutes drive from me & Pete is 55 years old 5'11 315 pounds and as for me 50 5'10 250 pounds no light weights here !

After we chatted a few times we finally agreed Saturday ,orning 9 am, so I invited him over to my house thinking i've got the home advantage. Around 8:45 car pulls into my driveway as I look out I see this huge guy getting out that had to be Pete, he rang the bell I invited him in we shared a handshake as I could not get over how big he was as I started to think I'm making a huge mistake but too late to back out he wa salready here. We shared a drink some small talk and then it came time for us to tangle, I showed him to my back empty room it's a big empty rom just some junk laying around as he said to do this? I said hell yea.

Pete pulled off his shirt kicked off is pants in his underwear he had man boobs a big hairy belly I also stripped down little embarrassed to strip in front of guy as we shook hands and the fight was on, started out with a lot of grabbing and pushing back and forth as our bodies slammed together a few times. Once again we came at each other he grabbed for my head as I ducked away swinging a right fist deep into him big gut as my fist sink into him all the way to my wrist as he let out a "ooofff" doublng up a little as I got confident.

From that point on we trade gut punches and tit punches as I could feel he was stronger then me by the power of his punches but i laid in some good shots also doubling him up a few times as well, Pete then said ok ready to step it up a notch I said go for it. We tangled again as he pushed me back against the wall and rammed a knee deep into my gut once then again doubling me up as I felt my breath leave my body, I was hurting but kept punching as best as I could but his punches were doing way more damadge then mine as I started to get hard he just laughed. I grabbed Pete by the hair when all of a sudden both his fists came straight up into my lower belly my legs started to wobble as I thought I was gonna throw up, I dove at him getting him good with a head butt to his lower gut this one finally dropped him to his knees coughing .

I grabbed his neck from behind when he rammed back his elbow deep into my lower gut almost into myballs as I let go of him grabbing the wall for support, Pete came up behind me ramming his right fist deep into my gut three times as I fell foward collapsing over his shoulder. He held my arms over his shoulder as the punched started to come harder and harder must of been about 9 or 10 punches then one last punch the hardest one yes as i doubled up grabbing my lower gut as I exploaded in my pants feeling my cum coming out as she seen the cum but kept punching until I the cum stopped my underwear all wet and sticky. Pete said time to end this and two last punches deep into my belly as more cum came out and finalle an uppercut into my balls that finished me off. I collapsed on the floor looking up at him all full of cum as he laugher, he told me " see I told you i'd make you cum as he helped me up onto the sofe as I laid theer beaten , hurting and all sticky as I watched Pete get dressed, he told me befor ehe left if you wanna tangle again you got my number but I was too sore to answer as he got dressed and walked out.

was so embarrassed to have cum from gut punches but as hard as he punched i'm not surprised, I'm gonna take him on again that was the best fight of my life but i'm gonna give myself a few weeks to fully recover. So i guess it's true guys can cum from being gut punched

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