Gutpunching give/take/trade

Gut punching at school

hardabs1 (22)

10/01/2019 4:54

My first gutpunching experience was in school as well. Seventh grade. It was noon recess and I was eating my lunch outside. About 15 yards away, a classmate let another guy punch him in the stomach a couple times. That produced an instant hard-on for me. It was my trigger for a nice long gutpunching career. Didn't do much in junior or senior high school, a couple small sessions in college, then a 25-year drought until the internet came along and I was able to find other guys into gutpunching. I would have loved to have some encounters such as described above, but have never heard of such things happening in my schools :)


Punked Preppy (1 )

25/08/2018 0:37

I was the cocky one instigating a gp session when I felt the opportune time was right.. Needless to say, there were a couple of times right after school...up against the baseball field chain link fence behind the school...took some jabs from a kid at a rival public school (I was a private schoolboy)...Then me and a couple would be soon not friends messing around in the park after school and they dragged me to a wooden fence where David Lomonkvo took the staple gun he stole from woodshop and proceeded to staple my shirt sleeves to the fence and he and his brother took turns punching me in the gut and ripped my button up Oxford shirt...


ruffguystuff (1)

25/08/2018 6:32

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I suspect you wanted this - it wasn't the staples in the shirt sleeves to the wooden fence that kept you there, as a good shrug would pop them out. Perhaps it was your first foray into bondage and punching and it was a turn on.......


Punked Preppy (1 )

26/08/2018 5:25

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Was a huge turn on...surprisingly enough neither of them boys noticed how hard i was through my tight khakis..


hardabs1 (22)

10/01/2019 4:46

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Have you ever tried to find those two kids for a rematch?


hardpunch (20)

25/08/2018 6:00

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Stapled your shirt to the fence? Well, that's certainly a new form of restraint I've never thought of. The image is hot and yet somehow a little funny at the same time. I mean, why didn't one guy just hold you from behind while the other one worked you over in the front? Seems like a waste of good staples......


Punked Preppy (1 )

26/08/2018 5:27

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We were kids and it turned me on so I kept myself from busting out of thr


halndallas (6)

21/08/2018 18:33

school presented my love affair for gp. a kid named dean porter repeatedly asked me to remove my glasses so he could punch me in my face and i declined repeatedly . then he straight armed me in the solar and the bell rang to go into class while i was doubled over but i stumbled in and sat there in pain a good part of the class. Months later Brant Osteen whom i had a crush on sucker punched me in the hall in front of 3 or 4 other boys . Hurt but loved it. had to wait several years until i was in the army for my next punch. I was casually talking to a guy in my barracks room named john who was drunk . Apparently he misunderstood something i said and slugged me mid sentence. I crawled to my bunk on my hands and knees . All wonderful memories !


hardpunch (20)

19/08/2018 6:21

You know, I never was in any fights as a kid. Too afraid of getting hurt. I was a pretty big sissy back then, so I'm surprised I didn't get a good pounding ever. Some people have all the luck, I guess LOL.


hardabs1 (22)

20/08/2018 5:20

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I was pretty much the same, never wanted to get into a fight at school in fear of getting hurt. But I do remember in second grade when a soccer ball rolled my way and I deflected it away from me with my foot. The kid chasing the ball came up to me and slugged me in the stomach hard! We both had to go to the principal's office. The punch hurt but I was ok. Maybe that punch triggered my interest in gutpunching :)


Challenge3 (49)

17/08/2018 16:35

When in school, I would wrestle some of my friends. The person getting pinned usually ended up getting several gut punches. Sometimes I was the receiver and sometimes I was the giver. That's when I discovered I liked it. Sometimes I would take on two guys just so I could get my abs worked over.


Wolfboy (0 )

15/08/2018 15:35

In my case the beginning was not phantasy (watch this topic as well) but pure reality. I was quite good at school which not only had advantages. I stopped complaining by teachers about other boys because the elder boys began with massive bullying in this case.

The standard procedure to get punished by the elder boys was gut punching and not only this.

We had quite muscular boys at school, some of them practiced Martial Arts as well - and if they only thought that I was squealing I had to undergo something which almost could be titled as 'torture':

One of them kept me in a very tight Double Nelson or strangle hold - two other boys locked my legs to that I was unable to kick - often some kind of a toe hold or heel hook. The fourth one, in most cases the strongest of the gang, first applied a hard punch to the solar plexus forcing me to be quiet. Then, of course with bare knuckles, two or three upward punches towards the liver followed.

At that moment I was in total pain and unable even to speak or scream. Then I got lots of gut punches with both fists deeply against my abdomen. Trying to tense the muscles was absolutely impossible because of the punches against solar plexus and liver almost made me unable to breathe. Other boys 'joined' that punishment session and also gut-punched me.

The final act always was one or two heavy kicks into the nuts or an intense, long lasting testicle grip and then I was released - only to writhe in pain lying on the floor of the schoolyard.

Amazingly never a teacher seemed to witness that - maybe because he didn't want to…

Although I feared that procedure extremely and underwent that every few weeks somehow I enjoyed it...

Anyone else here who made that experience?


AbPuncher2 (1 )

21/08/2018 7:07

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Something like this never happened to me but in retrospect, I wish it would have.


Challenge3 (49)

21/08/2018 14:44

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It didn't happen often enough as well as it still does not happen enough


UnflexedCLT (0)

16/08/2018 19:58

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This is pretty much exactly how I realized I enjoyed gut punching. When I was about 11 there was a bully about 16-17 who rode my bus and got off at my stop, he would usually give me a good beating almost daily both on the bus and after the bus dropped us off.


Timber (15)

10/01/2019 4:17

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Wow, how long did he beat you for? Did he beat you fully or just the gut?


UnflexedCLT (0)

11/01/2019 14:10

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It varied, sometimes half an hour sometimes up to two hours


Wolfboy (0 )

16/08/2018 20:28

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Thank you very much for the answer.

My experience was painful and awful, but somehow I liked it in a way I cannot describe ...

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