I’d love to have my hands tied above my head so I could dangle like a punching bag. I’d be stripped down to just my thong underwear and left to hang. Would be hot to be worked over by 2 or more people, taking turns punching me in the gut while I sway between the blows. Someone could even put me in a full Nelson while someone else goes to town working my abs.
Only after I’ve been softened up would they start to ask questions then go back to working my stomach again after I caught my breath to try to answer some of them 🥵
Given a choice between GP execution or something else, I'd prefer to be kidnapped every week or two, and interrogated slowly, methodically to the edge of consciousness, with people hanging around, watching, laughing, cheering and jeering to the impact grunts. Eroticized shame/humiliation intensifies the experience a lot for me.
Problem with execution by gutpunching is that it can only happen once. If I knew I was going to die one way or another, I'd definitely go for it. I'd also encourage the puncher(s) to make the process take as long as possible, days even.
Strung up by your wrists, chest and stomach exposed, knowing you're at the mercy of your captors, screaming won't help, no choice but to tough it out for as long as they want to keep u there, knocking your limp body around while your groans grow weaker......who knows when they'll get bored?
Uffffff ..... I think the same thing all the time. A B-movie type interrogation, in which while 2 hold my arms behind my back, another hits me, mercilessly and at pleasure, in my unprotected stomach !!
Over and over again, unhurriedly, slowly, as the puncher enjoys each punch sinking into my soft stomach ...
Robin-hearts (3)
15/04/2022 6:01I’d love to have my hands tied above my head so I could dangle like a punching bag. I’d be stripped down to just my thong underwear and left to hang. Would be hot to be worked over by 2 or more people, taking turns punching me in the gut while I sway between the blows. Someone could even put me in a full Nelson while someone else goes to town working my abs.
Only after I’ve been softened up would they start to ask questions then go back to working my stomach again after I caught my breath to try to answer some of them 🥵
slimp (0)
11/02/2022 4:13Given a choice between GP execution or something else, I'd prefer to be kidnapped every week or two, and interrogated slowly, methodically to the edge of consciousness, with people hanging around, watching, laughing, cheering and jeering to the impact grunts. Eroticized shame/humiliation intensifies the experience a lot for me.
slimp (0)
23/11/2020 4:23Problem with execution by gutpunching is that it can only happen once. If I knew I was going to die one way or another, I'd definitely go for it. I'd also encourage the puncher(s) to make the process take as long as possible, days even.
Atleticobogota2 (9)
22/11/2020 11:50A gutpunch interrogation like this...
marquis419 (0)
10/02/2022 22:46(In risposta a questo)
Is there supposed to be a video attached to your comment?
GutpunchMexico (11 )
23/11/2020 2:00(In risposta a questo)
Pásame ese video, que no lo he visto ;)
TakeThePunchesAI (13)
22/11/2020 13:52(In risposta a questo)
Seen that vid, looked intense. And the way the punches just plunged in his stomach.
ButchBoots (9)
22/11/2020 4:51Strung up by your wrists, chest and stomach exposed, knowing you're at the mercy of your captors, screaming won't help, no choice but to tough it out for as long as they want to keep u there, knocking your limp body around while your groans grow weaker......who knows when they'll get bored?
......The best feeling
max824 (0)
10/02/2022 15:20(In risposta a questo)
agreed I would love to take the punches in this role.
BrutalGutAbuse (0)
21/11/2020 5:43How about execution by gut punching or gut punching paired with other brutal gut tortures?
TakeThePunchesAI (13)
21/11/2020 15:05(In risposta a questo)
Jesus, somebodies stomach really pissed someone off, lol.
hardabs1 (22)
21/11/2020 17:13(In risposta a questo)
Not really. I would love to be executed by gutpunching! That would be the ultimate sentence for me! :)
TakeThePunchesAI (13)
19/11/2020 17:46I see it in movies or fetish vids and always put myself in that scenario. Wondering how much I could take.
Challenge3 (49)
20/11/2020 1:56(In risposta a questo)
I'll gladly help you out.
OrlJockwrestler (5)
20/11/2020 12:14(In risposta a questo)
it might take 2 of us to work on those amazing abs!! :)
TakeThePunchesAI (13)
20/11/2020 23:23(In risposta a questo)
Well, you better have endurance, We don't crumble easily.
OrlJockwrestler (5)
20/11/2020 23:28(In risposta a questo)
oh yeah.... work those abs good
TakeThePunchesAI (13)
20/11/2020 1:59(In risposta a questo)
Lol, just going to call me out like that?
jimmyterrific (56)
21/11/2020 16:07(In risposta a questo)
Wow, I luv your abs, would luv to punch them, and to receive as well, I need some work on mine, would luv for mine to look like as yours
TakeThePunchesAI (13)
21/11/2020 16:18(In risposta a questo)
Damn, that's three on one now? Lol.
Challenge3 (49)
21/11/2020 18:02(In risposta a questo)
Can you handle it.
wrestlerspig (14)
19/11/2020 20:36(In risposta a questo)
I always envied the lucky guys getting punched and wanted to take their place.
slimp (0)
26/10/2020 5:12I'd expect to be punched for all unsatisfactory answers, and all the answers will be unsatisfactory.
stomachpunch (5)
22/10/2020 16:58I think like you
Armybob (59)
22/10/2020 11:31Main question is wether the iterrogation will stop or not after a first and probably false confession :-)
slimp (0)
21/10/2020 4:06I think about being interrogated with gut punches daily. Who else thinks the same way? Who feels like doing the interrogation?
Stomach Gutpunch (1)
20/11/2020 14:38(In risposta a questo)
Uffffff ..... I think the same thing all the time. A B-movie type interrogation, in which while 2 hold my arms behind my back, another hits me, mercilessly and at pleasure, in my unprotected stomach !!
Over and over again, unhurriedly, slowly, as the puncher enjoys each punch sinking into my soft stomach ...
stomachpunch (5)
20/11/2020 16:24(In risposta a questo)
I would like being your puncher.... :-)
hardabs1 (22)
22/10/2020 5:58(In risposta a questo)
I've been the interrogator and the interrogated! Love both roles.
Stomach Gutpunch (1)
20/11/2020 14:40(In risposta a questo)
ruinurabs (42 )
22/10/2020 2:19(In risposta a questo)
Always love slugging a guy, with interrogation scenes being a fun angle.
Stomach Gutpunch (1)
20/11/2020 14:41(In risposta a questo)
wrestlerspig (14)
22/10/2020 5:25(In risposta a questo)
I volunteer for duty.
slimp (0)
22/10/2020 4:39(In risposta a questo)
Good to know!