Gutpunching give/take/trade

Guy punching story that was meant for me

jonbasquecountry (3)

31/01/2024 6:48

It is also the hottest thing I've never read.
Thank you to the writter!! I really enjoyed when reading!!


jonbasquecountry (3)

31/01/2024 6:44

It is also the hottest thing I've never read.
Thank you to the Twitter! I really enjoyed when reading!!


Belly Bee (0)

30/01/2024 5:42

I once owed a bookie for alongtime


slimp (0)

27/09/2023 5:17

That is excellent! My fantasy is a variation on that theme. In it, my body is as it is IRL. My shirt is open as it frames the target area of my belly perfectly. My short sleeves are folded up high, revealing slender but well defined arms, ostensibly because I think it looks cool, but in reality, reveals my vulnerability to anyone who can throw a decent punch. I see myself in the role of a bad guy who deserves a good gut beating, while the puncher doesn't need to hold back or feel any guilt about doing it. A similar scene involving interrogation works for me too.

I also think about the puncher having been bullied in the past or otherwise picked on, and he sees me as a perfect target for him to unleash his pent up rage on my gut.

Contrasting persona intrigues me too. For example being worked over by someone who looks nerdy and passive, or a super well-dressed guy who makes me look trashy by comparison.

I'd like to invite anyone interested to write a story that involves me as the punchee.


Punked Preppy (1 )

27/09/2023 1:14

Thank you for the comments, and it is a good story. Unfortunately, I didn't write it!! I was going through my Yahoo Mail and found it in my inbox from 2015. It was from a guy who I used to chat with on an old fight site. I swear, after I read it I was like"whoa! This is the best email ANYONE has ever sent me!" And, did everything I could to find him cause I would love to live that scene!


Robin-hearts (3)

26/09/2023 20:17

Great story! I've written a few but I'm too nervous to share 😅 thanks for posting though! Would love to see more :)


Challenge3 (40)

26/09/2023 15:09

Great story, loved it.


Punked Preppy (1 )

25/09/2023 19:50

You're working late some night.  Everyone else has left for the three-day weekend.  You come out of the rest room, headed back to your desk.  I surprise you with a punch to the gut that goes in deep because you had no idea it was coming and you weren't even partially flexed to protect your stomach from it.  You double over, but before you can go down, I grab the collar of your shirt and pull your arms together behind your back, throwing you up against the wall.  I slam in three or four more brutally hard shots that plow DEEP into your gut and hammer all of the air out of you, making you like a rag doll.

I drag you to the elevator (or stairwell) and take you down to the basement level, into the furnace/electrical room.  If anybody SHOULD come back to the office for any reason, they'll never find us here.  I throw you to the floor and lock the door as you writhe on the floor and try to pull yourself together.  You make it to your hands and knees, but it's all in vain ... as I send a quick kick into your gut that crumples you into a heap.  Before you know it, I'm on top of you from behind, grabbing your tie and pulling it around backwards.  Your hands go up to try and loosen it, but I lock my legs around your body and I roll over on my back, with you above, and reach around to slam a few more vicious shots into your already aching gut.

As you lay there moaning, I forcefully yank off your tie, my legs wrapped around your body from behind and squeezing your throbbing gut.  You're too dazed and in too much gut pain to resist as I pull your arms over your head and tie your wrists together with your tie.

I slam a few more hard shots into your stomach, getting off on your grunts and moans with your body pulled tight against mine ... and feeling your gut heaving and tring to flex … then I pull you to your feet.

I throw the free end of your tie over one of the ceiling pipes and hoist your body up until your feet are nearly off the floor.  You look amazing hanging there for me in the dim light of a single energy-saving light bulb (earlier that day I unscrewed all the others to prepare for this scene).  Your once crisply ironed light blue shirt is now crumpled and marked with dirt from the floor.  I can actually see definitely imprints in the fabric from where my fists connected with your gut.  I slam in about ten more shots, just to watch more "dents" form in the fabric.  Man, I'm getting off on this.  You slowly lift your chin up off your chest with a punch-drunk look as I walk forward and grab your collar with both hands, pulling you up into my face.

"Tonight is going to be a night you never forget, man.  And a night your gut is going to take WEEKS to recover from."  While grabbing the right shoulder of your shirt with one hand, I slam in a few hard punches into your gut to emphasize what I've said.  The top button of your shirt pops off on the second punch, and the sound of fabric ripping is clearly heard as I drive in the forth and fifth ones…

I reach up with both hands where the rip has started at your shoulder and I finish the job, ripping your right sleeve off the shoulder area and pulling it slightly up your restrained arm.  I then begin ripping it at the seam all the way up to the cuff and around it, until the sleeve is free in my hand, but the cuff is still wrapped around your bound wrist.

I walk behind you and press my body hard up against yours.  You can feel something hard in my dress slacks as it presses up against your tightened butt cheeks.  Suddenly, you feel the material of your ripped sleeve being forced into your mouth as I pull it forcibly back and tie it behind your neck.

"Just until we're sure everyone is gone, I'll need to keep those sexy grunts and moans muffled, buddy," I say from behind as my hands reach around a strongly explore your chest and aching stomach muscles.  I connect my hands low, right at your navel, like I'm doing a Heimlich Maneuver on your belly, and give you some hard thrusts.  I can feel you trying to flex your stomach muscles for protection as each thrust elicits an amazing moan that just makes me even harder.  I finally release my hold and my hands now explore further down your body from behind.

"Nice to see I'm not the only one who's getting off on this," I whisper in your ear as you struggle.

I walk around in front of you and carefully, deliberately remove my tie and my shirt, folding them neatly and placing them on a box in the corner.  As I walk back into the light you notice my body: a nice chest and strong arms, and a well muscled stomach …  one that is covered with bruises and red marks.  I see your eyes lingering on the "battle scars" of my last beating.

"Yeah, I paid three big muscle boys to work over my stomach last weekend.  I get off on the gut pain.  So, I paid them for 'no mercy' ... and they definitely gave me my money's worth."

I walk close up into your face.

"Don't worry, your gut beating from me is totally free…"

Without warning my fists begin hammering into your gut, rights and lefts, pounding muffled grunts out of you.  I work you over slowly, taking my time, savoring each grunt, as my fists tear into your stomach … and literally begin tearing up your shirt.

I SO want to see your skin – your sexy, stretched out navel – watch them grow redder and redder as my fists do their damage.  But the game for me is that I have to BEAT the shirt off of you, my punches have to take apart the cloth as my hits take apart your stomach muscles.  I angle some of the punches across your gut so that the fabric stretches and the buttons begin to rip off, one by one.  As my fists continue hammering into your belly, I now catch occasional glimpses of your sexy stomach as the cloth jerks and flaps with each hit into your body.  Behind the crumples of fabric I can now see the red knuckle marks of my punches on your stretched out and wide open gut.  Oh, man, yessss!  But I want to see more.  Much more.

"Damn, this is going to be a really long and painful night for you, buddy."

And the punches continue


Challenge3 (40)

30/01/2024 13:37

(In risposta a questo)

Fantastic senario, let's do this.


Punked Preppy (1 )

04/02/2024 2:28

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I'm down to have this done to me!! Every time I read it I want to so badly


KWT1964 (4)

26/09/2023 14:13

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I love everything about this scenario


GPNavelPuncher (0)

26/09/2023 5:49

(In risposta a questo)

I like your use of BDSM tactics when destroying your victim's gut, especially his reddened stomach skin resulting from the pain that you inflict to his gut. As you suggest, I hope it takes days for his tortured NAVEL to heal from the blows. Keep the gut slugs, hard and DEEP! 👊💥🥵🔥💪


GutsGoBoom (10)

26/09/2023 5:44

(In risposta a questo)

This is the hottest thing I’ve ever read. God I wish this would happen to me 🤤

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