Gutpunching give/take/trade

How old you were when you found out you liked gut punching, and how did you discovered it?

wa rassler (4)

28/12/2022 0:33

We had an old swing set in the backyard that I used for pull-ups and so sometimes I would take a break by just coming up to a position with my arms straight and the horizontal bar at my waist. Eventually I tried resting my abs on it taking the full weight of my body and WOW it felt obviously the next step was when my parents were gone, I'd go out there, get into position, unzip and wreck my abs while blowing my load.

From there I started punching myself and doing a ton of ab crunches. When I got older I started fighting some other boys and I would always take my shirt off, have low-slung jeans and NEVER protect my belly. It made a great target and I took a lot of big hits but it gave me a huge hard-on and kept me going.


punch (8)

19/12/2022 13:20

Wow interesting topic, taking me on a trip down memory lane...

Can you believe that I actually remember the very first two times in my life when I was punched? Once was by my kindergarten classmate (an Indian/ Sikh boy with very long hair) when I was 5 years old - thinking back I'm surprised that I was able or proud enough to resist crying at that age and instead cough out "I'll tell Teacher" (can't recall why she wasn't anywhere nearby) while completely bent over in pain with my arms wrapped around my midsection.

The next year, during recess my pre-primary classmate (let's call him YZ) and I were playing pretend with the toys and he showed me how he used a wooden sword to stab himself in the tummy - maybe that was how I started becoming fascinated by gut stabbing (including enjoying watching such scenes on tv) followed by punches and kicks.

Both of us then ended up going to the same primary school, where I received my second punch at the foyer/lobby by some boy from another class - I just stood there trying not to show that I was winded. I'm not sure whether this happened before or after a peculiar incident when YZ was showing off his strength by letting me push my fist into his tensed stomach - it took all my might to finally force through his flexing - but I think my interest in all this gut conditioning that YZ introduced me to might be some kind of coping mechanism against my fear of (the reeling discomfort of) getting punched in the belly.

Many years later when I was 17 in junior college, I chatted and met up with a 19-year-old guy who (wasn't afraid to) let me punch his abs. He then asked if he could hit me back, I felt nervous but ready so I agreed, he held back a little and it was ok - my endurance must've been increasing gradually.

Finally at 21 in university (after compulsory conscription) was when I started liking to take full power.


Grizzledjobber (2)

10/12/2022 5:53

I was 12. I watched pro wrestling on TV and particularly liked it when they gut punched. I started punching own gut but didn't get into it very much until almost 20 years later when I moved to Calgary. I had friends I wrestled with most of whom were smaller than me. I let them start with 5 free shots before the match started 'to even out the size advantage.' Some times I would win to keep them interested but more often I lost. I'd take them on 2 on 1 or handicap tag team or take on 5 guys in quick succession. I took a lot of beatings but gut beatings were my favourite.


BttmBkr61 (0)

10/12/2022 2:58

Oh, man...hard to remember. It was definitely grade school and pre-adolescence. I was always turned on by fight scenes, and primarily the sound effects of the punches and the actors' reactions. Pro-wrestling was a little too staged for me, and I never got into the gear. When I was young, the wrestlers weren't as buff as they are now. Boxing was hot, but they were too skilled at avoiding the punches...LOL.

Westerns were usually good for the requisite bar fight scene. Detective and cop shows were good for some fights, too. For some reason, the one that stood out most for me was a fight from Star Trek between Jim and an upperclassman from the academy. I can see now it was totally unrealistic stand up fighting, but to a young inhibited teen ager it was like porn.

I envy you guys posting about playing with buddies when you were younger. I always knew I was somehow different (before I recognized my gayness), and I instinctively felt it would be dangerous if anyone found out.


Jas43 (2)

06/12/2022 18:01

As long back as I can remember there was something about the stomach enticed me. I have bits of young childhood memories of TV shows where cowboy types with tight suede shirts getting held and punched. Very vivid image in my head of a scene from “The Streets of San Francisco” where a detective in a shirt and tie was getting his gut worked over by a criminal with brass knuckles. And of course Batman reruns exposed me everyday to the dynamic duo in their tights always in a perilous position where henchmen could punch their guts over and over. Although that actually rarely happened on the show I would watch with prepubescent arousal in anticipation this time maybe Batman would endure a prolonged 2 on 1 session.

Around 12 or 13 I had my first wet dream which was about gutpunching and I began trying to find ways to engage my buddies in trading shots or, when they usually declined receiving I would ask them to just punch me. More often than not they didn’t want to do that either. I remember 3 separate moments where I either was punched or punched someone else but countless hours fantasizing about it. I would have to wait 15 years until I had reliable access to the internet and discovered how I not alone was with this lifelong fetish.


Brett364 (1)

10/12/2022 4:53

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Wow, I could have written just about everything you said. My attraction to gp goes back as far as I can remember – even kindergarten years, when after school, I'd go home and watch TV westerns, where inevitably there'd be a fight with someone being held and getting punched in the gut. As a young kid, this excited me, but I couldn't figure out why. The same with Batman and many other TV shows. Even the cartoon – Popeye – turned me on, as he often got into fights and got punched in the gut. I even had a cowboy action figure, when I was a tyke and would punch him in the stomach when nobody was around.

Like you, I used to think I was the only one in the world with this "weird" attraction. It wasn't until the internet came along that I realized I wasn't the only one. It was a relief, knowing that may others had this unexplainable fetish.

I now think I was born with it. And not to get religious/spiritual here, but I think everyone is born with something like this. That is how the universe (God) can experience himself/herself through us in order to grow/expand. (Sorry to wander from the point.)

So, here I am all these years later, and the fetish has never left me – and is as much a turn-on to me now as when I was a kid.


stomachpunch (5)

10/12/2022 7:08

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young age,,,believing you are the only one in the world with this strange fetish....the advent of the internet....playing punches in the stomach with puppets...there isn't a single word in which I do not find myself. sounds like my story.


Krogdalo (1)

06/12/2022 7:59

Not sure if I remember right, but I must have been around 12, my best friend who was one year older than me and I watched a lot of movies with fight scenes in it or played games with over the top punches and reactions to it.

Don‘t remember what it was anymore but we saw someone get a hard deep gutpunch and collapse after, we were curious if that would actually happen and because he was the stronger one, we started experimenting with gut punches.

At first only single punches and then it gradually evolved into proper sessions. Granted back then they hurt and I had some proper reactions (like getting the piss punched out) but in hindsight, those punches were pretty weak and once I had real meetups with adults these days, I realized that I couldn’t take hundreds of punches like back then, but that I go down after 2-4 hard punches.

But that’s how it started and I do like those memories. Though I miss the frequency these days. I got punched almost every 2-3 days with him, these days even finding someone to punch my gut is like an impossible task.


tghsachris (4)

05/12/2022 20:27

I have a lot of stories of gut punching from an early age but the earliest I can remember was at baseball practice at 7 or 8ish.
I fucking hate baseball and tended to zone out while at practice as did a lot of my team. One practice session while left alone (coach stopped giving a crap) my team mates were messing around play fighting. (Punching each others hands)

I had 0 interest in participating even after one of them came over to get my attention and I guess he didn't appreciate being ignored because he sunk his fust into my belly and knocked me 1: off balance and 2 breathless. It was so shocking, I never knew how painful it could be before then, I had seen belly punching media before but kinda just assumed everyone was overreacting and it never caught my interest before. After that I was hooked


dabbler1973 (17)

03/12/2022 8:21

I started this group : Gutpunching Give/Take/Trade a long long time ago when I was dabbler1973 ...
This question has always been fascinating and been discussed several times and it's great to see it pop up again with so many interesting stories...
I was in my teens.. I'd known wrestling .. or at least, the sight of two shirtless guys grabbing each other and rolling around ... got me excited from the age of 5 while watching WoS on Saturdays... it progressed to when I first got He- Man action figures and would make them fight and punch each other with that sprung twist punch action they had.. that turned me on too... but at such a young age.. I had no idea why my dick got hard ... only that I liked it.
It wasn't until I was later on in my teens that I secretly bought videos from a catalogue I found which had a gay section in it.. a BG East production with guys boxing... one guy strung up in middle of ring with long lion's mane hair... muscled ripped body... and the other guy used him as a punch bag... FUCK ... that was me. Gutpunching was the thing that blew my load in seconds. . and if it didn't / doesn't have decent gutpunching in it - I'm not interested.
My first gutpunch experiences were mild as it seemed to be only "my weird thing" ... I paid a handsome muscled masseur to wrestle me when I was 24/25... that was amazing and he let me punch him. Honestly that is imprinted in my brain so hard...
I moved to Brighton , UK when I was 27 and had lots of wrestling fun but only really started finding serious gutpunch fun when I met my ex partner... we met on an old dial-up site called Dutch Boy's Belly Fetish .. (I HATE it when guys call their guts "belly" ... such a turn OFF .. but that's just me.... anyway... this site had a chat / message function... and that's where I met this guy who came and met me in Brighton and we had an amazing .. real .. gut punch in a dark car park .. then a few more right in front of Brighton Station ... we ended up buying a home together... but things didn't work out sadly... but I'm now living in Scotland and don't gutpunch at all now. I get my kicks from writing gutpunch stories over on chat fighters ... I've got loads lol ... under different names. I am married now to someone so removed from this world... but he likes taking a punch to the chest .... so that's good for me hehehe.
I've hung up my meeting other guys hat ... I do miss it. But who knows ... maybe one day.
But I'm so glad I started this group up all those years ago. . . it's great fun dipping into it and seeing everyone's stories and how many gutpunchers have joined this group.... ❤️


BigScorpio55 (6 )

07/12/2022 19:30

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When I was about 15 there was this bigger 17 year old, both of us were broad shouldered. I weighed 240, he weighed 310.

We met in a dilapidated house. As I was taking my shirt off, he got his shirt off quickly and sucker punched me with a left hook to just above my navel. He herded me in a corner, and took his time giving me lefts and rights. Then he forced a switch and he said, my turn to receive. I gave hin lefts and right hooks to his gut. He wanted me to go harder so I did. We got in a clench slugging each other then I noticed I got hard I started to moan. He began to work me over a little faster and then I began to cum (didn't know what it was at the time). He then said I'm gonna beat the cum out of you and he began punching me a little harder till I shot my load in my gym shorts.


Gut Challenge (4)

23/12/2022 22:06

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About 14 for me. Went out in the woods with 2 dudes that were about 18. They knew I worked out and the taller guy told me to take my shirt off. About half-way off - covering my face - he rammed a powerfull punch just below the solar plexus. I wasn't flexed because I thought he just wanted to see my muscles. I buckled over and his fat buddy held my arms from behind while the tall guy gave me about 30 more punches. I was flexed now and I took the next 20 pretty good but the last 10 broke my gut - so they dropped me and walked off. But I had a HUGE HARD ON.


halndallas (6)

05/12/2022 12:13

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YOU started this group? Thanks!!! ;) as for my start , two catalysts : A kid in middle school wanted to punch me in the face and kept asking me to take my glasses off (we were polite back then lol) . I kept refusing so he got frustrated and punched me right in the stomach. About the worst pain I'd ever felt. Minutes later the bell rang and i walked in the next class nauseated and red faced. Teacher asked if I was ok and I scurried out to the boys room and into a stall for several minutes. Next time came when a cute kid I had a crush on sucker punched me in front of his pals. Two real fights years later in which I was punched solidified the fetish and I was hooked but never acted on it until 20 yrs later .


Quickchop519 (1 )

09/08/2022 1:12

48 or 14? I started karate at 14 and found that I enjoyed the rough trading of techniques beck and forth. These were hits all over the body, but especially to the torso. This has grown into a deep appreciation, savouring a good hit like a fine wine. But techniques only satisfies me to a degree… maybe because the intentionality isn’t always there with my partner.

Gut punching proper (in a Meet Fighters sort of way) would be 48.


uglyirishman (2)

09/08/2022 15:27

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I was 12 years old messing about with a friend he started gut punching me right in my belly button, I loved it and still do


mikey3458 (25 )

30/07/2022 10:52

I need to find a puncher to give me a session, I have the hook up here in my warehouse Mat of Ring whatever we need and for lots of privacy


absfreak (8)

30/07/2022 10:32

I'm with 13 after a serious workout at school. I had sore abs and loved the pain. So I started flexing and hitting myself to increase the pain, test my limits and get harder abs. Later I used tools like a hammer and weights to smash my abs. Since then it's fun and I love the feeling. At the time I have discovered that and what I can take I sometimes challenged my friends to hit me in the stomach at any time. Had to flex my abs always when I was close to them, not knowing if and when they would try. That was fun


Tristan98765 (11)

10/08/2022 4:24

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Really enjoyed reading about the origin of your obsession. I get it.


Angel del seol (20)

29/07/2022 5:38

Aproximadamente a los 10 años cuando en un pasillo un primo mayor unos años y yo nos cruzamos simuló golpes con su puño en mi estómago.


big belly art (0)

28/07/2022 13:34

I remember growing up being a fat kid I was always picked on and beat up, never relazined about belly punching until one day me & the neighbor next door a filipino girl named Emily started fun wrestling and one day she punshed me hard in my stomach and i got this feeling of pleasure and pain.From that time on I started to buy all kinds of magazines and video's about belly punching and started to meet people to fight just so they could punch me in my belly and I could punch them. and to this day still doing it meeting people for fun matches and trading belly punches the harder the better


stomachpunch (5)

29/07/2022 16:05

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really? are there magazines that talk about punches in the stomach?


Otter sub (5)

09/07/2022 18:54

Around the age of ten, after PE class, I saw guys in the locker room, bit older than I was, gutpunching for fun. They were joking around, but their athletic shirtless bodies being slapped and punched in the belly was arousing. I remember I kept staring at them. They probably noticed, and enjoyed the attention from us younger guys. It was certanly a trigger for me


N0ahW01fang (4)

30/05/2022 19:52

At the age of ten, I became fascinated with wrestling and martial arts. Ide watch wwf smackdown and practice karate. Then one day my mom found a cheap movie from the 70's. It was called Blind First of Bruce and me and my mom decided to watch it together. In. The movie were gutpunch scenes that got me surprised. The reactionsn to the hits, the sound effects, the look of pain; it was exquisite. That's when I truly became fascinated with fighting games and would fantasies myself punching fellow kids, and adults. Even now I still fantasies my fights and put them in stories.


abs007 (1)

30/05/2022 18:10

About 13 in gym class, saw a tall guy get sideswiped by a stomach punch. He was ripped but not flexed at the time. He doubled up and went down in a lot of pain. I was hard watching him holding his stomach, lower belly targeted. He took a long time to get up, pressing his gut. The other guys were amazed that he had been dropped. I then caught a TV wrestling show with one match where there was a focus on the guy's stomach. Again I got hard. So I asked a friend to let me him, but he was not ready, so I said, hit me. I let him hit me till I couldn't take any more. and was totally turned on. I tried to simulate it by dropping a dumbbell end into my stomach when I was stretched out. Flexed, not flexed. Felt the deep shot and got hard. Been into ever since.


Coach Radner (0)

30/05/2022 5:58

When I was 14 my mother died and my Dad who had been an All Pacific Fleet navy boxer was afraid I was going to grow up a sissy, because I have a long fuse and I am slow to anger. He wanted to change my attitude. He signed me up for the Presidents Council on Physical Fitness. I had to do 1000 sit ups in 30 minutes and 50 push ups in 5 minutes. I won the city wide competition in Memphis Tennessee . When you do 1000 sit ups a day and 50 push ups you get pretty strong. At age 15 he started teaching me to box and we continued to work out hard after school. He would come home at 3:30 and after coupling rail cars all day and then would train with me, teaching me to box. When he started punching me in the stomach. I was very tough and as he hit me he taught me how to isolate my diaphragm from my abs. He beat on my gut and I really liked it. At age 16, I started and boxed Golden Gloves from age 16 to 23 the AAU boxing. I was always taller than all of my opponents who were in my weight class. Their straight jabs were always going to catch me at belt line. I had to be able to take more punishment. Like all boxers, I know, I like being hit in the gut and have trained my whole life to box and enjoy gut punishment with a real hard gut. I have also been able to train others to be Gladiators.


Slamgut (4 )

30/05/2022 1:02

Me i'm over 35


Doublemeover (0)

02/04/2022 12:40

I was in 5th grade. I need I liked nice stomachs by that age. A boy who always wore belly shirt in gym class. His name was Steve. I wanted to punch him right in his bare gut. Eventually we got in a fight over something and I did. I punched him right in the gut I remember my fist going in him doubling over and the look on his face and grabbing his stomach and being winded as teacher broke it up and took him to nurse. I remember other kids looking on and saying wow you really knocked the wind outta him and he was embarrassed for awhile after that. And I for long time e ven today want that to happen to me by a guy. I began self punching pretending I was getting best up. And JO. Been with me all my life


GPmale (0)

30/05/2022 11:12

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That's hot you buried your fist inside his exposed gut. What was his stomach like


AbPuncher2 (1 )

04/04/2022 5:05

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Nice experience. There were many boys in school I wanted to punch but never had the chance.


jimmyterrific (60)

02/04/2022 5:23

I never was punched until I joined meetfighters, and was asked if I would not mind be trained for free by personal trainer Radner Bearman, I beleive that was 5 or 6 years ago


GPmale (0)

01/04/2022 22:09

I found out as a pre-adolescent. Practically my whole life I've wanted to punch my peers or get punched by my peers.


AbPuncher2 (1 )

04/04/2022 5:05

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I hear you. There are so many friends or friends of friends that I've dreamed of punching.


EagleScout18 (5)

29/03/2022 5:34

I was 17 when I discovered I liked gut punching by watching videos on YouTube and I discovered I want to get Punched at 19 and couldn't find nobody so I joined the site to find punchers to punch me last year


Robin-hearts (3)

28/03/2022 20:47

When I was in middle school I was getting bullied for a bit. Our Spanish class went outside to play a game, you had to tag someone who was holding a card or whatever and somehow I ended up holding a card. One of my classmates was on the football team and ran his shoulder right into my stomach, tackling me to the ground and knocked the wind out of me. I remember gasping for air on the ground while a circle formed around me. There was something arousing about the combination of pain and humiliation. It was around that time I also discovered thong underwear and started exploring my body wearing them. I was wearing a gstring I made myself so the added layer of having my stomach beat must have spiced things up for me lol, but that’s my story!


marquis419 (0)

16/03/2022 21:31

I too thought I was the only one who found this arousing.


Brett364 (1)

16/03/2022 22:07

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Yeah, thanks to the internet, I discovered otherwise.


marquis419 (0)

17/03/2022 0:42

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I discovered otherwise thanks to the porno bookstores on 42d Street. I still have a copy of a book I bought there in the '70s.


Brett364 (1)

17/03/2022 1:02

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Was the book about gutpunching?


marquis419 (0)

17/03/2022 1:15

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I wish. It was not about gutpunching per se, but it was close. It had a lot of GP in it. It's told in the first person by a guy who joins a leather fraternity and gets tied up and worked over by three other guys. The descriptions and specificity of the gutpunch scenes were so close to my preferences that I felt that the guy who wrote it was a lot like me. Unfortunately, although I know I still have it, I don't exactly know where it is right now.

While I'm on this topic: Many, many years ago I read a young adult book (not porn) about some high school kids on a baseball team. One of the guys, I think he was named Blaine, bullies the other guys, and the teacher tells them to get in the ring and box it out. I recall that the fight is going badly for the bullied kid, but then he finds out that the bully can't take it in the stomach and beats him up by targeting his gut. It went on for a while and was very hot. All I remember is the baseball team, the boxing, the kid possibly named Blaine, and the fact that (I think) the cover was light blue. I don't even know the title. I've been looking for it, mostly on the Internet, for years but things are hard to find when you know so little about them.


marquis419 (0)

17/03/2022 1:25

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And unfortunately, I don't remember the title of the porn book, it's been lost for so long. But I know it's here somewhere.

There was a series of young adult books (again, not porn) about a kid named Encyclopedia Brown, kind of a geek (hence the first name), and each chapter had a story about him. He's like a Brainiac who likes to help other kids like he's a detective. One of the stories was titled, I kid you not, "Encyclopedia Brown and the Case of the Stomach Puncher." A bully (yeah, again) makes a practice of beating up other kids by punching them exclusively in the stomach. Supposedly it is in book 2, chapter 10. There is a synopsis (unfortunately not especially descriptive) here:


Brett364 (1)

16/03/2022 20:49

When I was about 5 or 6, I used to watch TV Westerns, where the cowboys were always fighting. During one of the shows, a guy's arms were held behind his back while another dude pummeled his gut. This aroused me – and at such a young age. I can still remember that scene today. Ever since, I've had a stomach/gutpunching fetish. It's my #1 sexual turn-on. Nothing else comes close. I've always wondered about the origins of this attraction, and I've made up my mind that when (if?) I get to heaven, it will be near the top of my list of questions to ask God. Haha.


abman3737 (0)

01/04/2022 11:40

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Same experience as you. I connected with it at a young age, ever since I could remember. Remember being at the beach in first grade and seeing beefy built lifeguards thinking that's what I want to be like when I grow up. And, I'm grown up and my wish is a reality.


benwoulds (5)

17/03/2022 14:03

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Same type of thing happened to me, with Batman vs. Lord Ffogg and his henchman. And BJ (of BJ and the Bear) getting worked over by thugs. Do you remember the name of the western, and if so, which episode?


Brett364 (1)

17/03/2022 14:43

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Yeah, BJ and the Bear had a few gp scenes. Plus, Greg Evigan was kinda hot. Do you remember what episode of BJ it happened on? As far as the wester, I believe it was was Wagon Train, but I don't recall the specific episode.


benwoulds (5)

18/03/2022 3:48

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The BJ episode I think you can still locate on line is The Good, the Bad and the Beautiful. I can't locate the even better gutpunching scene, which was from Season 3, BJ and the 7 Lady Truckers (as opposed to an earlier episode called BJ and the Snow White Lady Truckers...something like that). The problem with all online versions of 7 Lady Truckers from Season 3 is that scene is cut out. BJ fights off 3 or 4 goons in a dark alley but they eventually get the better of him and work him over. Bear of course watches, jumping up and down, lol. Magnum PI and reruns of Mannix also helped form my fetish as those hot guys were gutpunched several times. If you think of the actor who got punched in Wagon Train, I'll try to find it.


Zander (1)

16/03/2022 20:15

With me I always liked to imagine what it would be liked to be abused in the gut. But I never really got into until my 20s when I was doing martial arts. In one lesson the instructor decided to tougthen us all up and makesure we could take being hit in gut. What then happened was a full hour lesson of stomach punches and kicks to the gut while keep it tense. My only problem was hiding my err excitement. Never had the courage to ask for more lessons like that and it was the only time we did it. Still I was properly hooked after that.


Tungsten (3 )

16/03/2022 12:30

I was a late starter (42), never really thought too much about it until another wrestler suggested it at the end of a match. I was instantly hooked.


GPnWFanzig (0)

15/03/2022 13:22

I think early on in my childhood I liked it, though wasn't quite sure until I was in my early teens. I found such sites catering to my fetish and have been hooked ever since.


Kureitondesu (14 )

05/03/2022 18:42

Some point in childhood, I think it started from watching wrestling and the occasional punch, then morphed into wrestling with the guy down the street and trying to get shots in while leaving myself open for them as well. Though I thought I was alone until the internet opened the world for me.


kennylovesfights (2)

01/03/2022 16:53

I had discovered it from a YouTube video. It was Jakob Stefano gutpunch video.


Rt ND Guts (4)

01/03/2022 14:05

I know I started at around six years old. I've had a number of things that might have been an influence in this regard. For the most part I think it was watching the Three stooges and OLD (pre-steroids) wrestling, with guys like Gorilla Monsoon. I didn't know my dad and his brother were into it until later but it's just as possible I saw them at an early age and it somehow imprinted. Luckily play-fighting was pretty common in the burbs where I grew up and for me it was just a matter of telling my friends they didn't need to fake-hit my belly. It didn't take on a sexual aspect until around 13 or so.


Aslan MZ3 (0 )

03/03/2022 1:35

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Ah, such a nice childhood!


Doublemeover (0)

01/03/2022 13:18

First time I saw a western where a small young cowboy took in big tough cowboy and made him like my punching him in gut


inthegut74 (0)

28/02/2022 8:39

It is hard to replicate the first time. I tried picking several fights more with the kids across the street. we fought probably 4 or 5 more times before he moved away. Each fight would end the same way with him pinning me to a fence or a wall and working me over in the belly. I don't think he ever caught on that I was letting him use my stomach for his punching bag.


expat (9 )

01/03/2022 8:21

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I bet he did catch on and was thinking the same thing about you; "This kid has no idea that the only reason I want to fight him is because he stomach is the perfect punching bag" :-)


inthegut74 (0)

21/03/2022 0:58

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I actually think he did. In those fight we had, he went directly for my stomach!


marquis419 (0)

27/02/2022 17:43

This doesn't really address the question of "How old were you when you first discovered you *liked* gutpunching" per se, but it's about my first experience. I must have been around eight or ten and I was walking home from school with some classmates when one of them turned around, put his finger on the front of my body, and said something like, "What's this?" I looked down, and in that moment he punched me in the stomach pretty hard. I don't remember if I was winded, but I probably was; I do remember being doubled over for quite a while. I'm virtually certain I didn't get a sexual thrill out of it, but maybe I wasn't capable of sexual thrills at that age. What I especially remember was that his punch went into my solar plexus, which may be why I find punches there (as opposed to, say, the navel) so hot. It may have been after this experience that I acquired my interest in GP.

I've long wondered: What does it mean? I can understand someone's getting off on dominating someone, or getting off on beating someone up, but what's with the specificity of the stomach? Eye punches and jaw punches do nothing for me, but reading, watching, or doing gutpunching (I don't have a lot of experience) is like the hottest thing ever. Why is stomach punching hotter than punching someone in the face? I even have specificity within specificity – aspects of GP that are especially erotic to me.


gpnmscl (0)

23/07/2022 14:57

(In risposta a questo)

I knew something was going on as young as 6-7. I liked seeing guys on TV shows being gut punched. The Batman episode that others have mentioned. Michael Landon getting worked over in Bonanza etc.

Like you I wonder what it means or where it comes from. I know it triggers the right switches deep in my primitive brain. I like seeing a guy humiliated by having his guts worked over. You could punch a guy in the head but he gets dazed and dopey. When you gut punch him he's forced to watch and feel every punch going into him.


hairychestcowboy (7 )

25/07/2022 15:26

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chuck connors in rifleman. held by 2 men. third punchhing his belly. shirtless. son watching. so fuckin HOT


braffertyg (25)

28/07/2022 5:24

(In risposta a questo)

That does sound hot. Do you recall the episode? I see it's on Amazon Prime (and I remember the show in reruns when I was a kid), but I don't necessarily want to watch several seasons!


Aslan MZ3 (0 )

28/02/2022 2:12

(In risposta a questo)

Hehe that's a pretty interesting story and well, maybe the fact that the stomach is one of the softest places to punch makes it more satisfying, at least for me


mikey3458 (25 )

27/02/2022 10:59

My 1st wrestling match was at 11 with this guy named Moose and of course stomach punching was part of it. A punch here a punch there. And every match since then included some type of gut punching. But 16 to 18 i had 2 good friends, Joe and Tom. Tom liked to box and shown me a little and he liked to show off his sold abs by having me and others gut punch him. It was fun. Joe and i would watch pro wrestling on tv and then have matches in the rec room. A few times his dadcwould watch us. One day he ask to join in and so Joe wouldnt be uncomfortable he would be Joe's tag partner. So we agreed, had a few drinks and stripped to our underwear.
About 30 minutes in Joe had me in a full nelson and his dad yelled "Its double team time" and he punched me in the stomach a few times. They kept this up, different holds with gut punching. Also some hits/taps to the balls at times. I really loved being worked over by them. We would all get hard at one point or another. Had many matches that year, always the same type match. Joe and i were sexual and after those matches i him and i would go up to his attic bedroom and he would fuck me or i would suck him off. One day Joe took off, he was mad at his dad for something, and his dad and i watched wrestling and had a match. He worked me over and pounded on my gut as always, it was fun! And afterwards he asked me to suck him off and that was also fun. Like fater like son. That year i fell in love with gut punching. I have wanted to relive those days with 2 on 1 matches but haven't found a pair that are willing with me. But i have hopes.


Chiguypuncher (3 )

03/04/2022 15:03

(In risposta a questo)

Easily the hottest story I've read in a while


Aslan MZ3 (0 )

28/02/2022 2:13

(In risposta a questo)

That gotta be one of the best stories I've read about!


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

25/02/2022 16:41

I stumbled across it at like 12-13. I had started running track in middle school, this was when I started getting into exercising and getting abs. I did research on exercising and came across gut punching videos on Youtube then it just evolved from there. But that's really how.


Aslan MZ3 (0 )

26/02/2022 5:44

(In risposta a questo)

Simple and clean, as it should be


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

26/02/2022 5:47

(In risposta a questo)

Lol, to each is own.



25/02/2022 15:38

My first fight, which was a definite belly beating, was ,of course, over a girl. 13 years old, I had been hanging at the park with a neighborhood hottie,, Becky. Making out on a park bench, I was suddenly grabbed and stood up by 3 guys, friends of Becky's ex boyfriend, a known bully and tough guy. Restrained by these guys, her ex started in on my, telling me he was gonna give me a beating I'll never forget (he was right!) for kissing on "his" woman. Becky, stood close, watching what her old boyfriend was doing to me, seemingly flattered that he was beating me up over her affections. after several slaps across my face, he ripped off my shirt, leaving me with only my swim shorts on, and put fists into my belly, I remember seeing stars, my knees giving out, held up by his friends, as he continued, no resistance from me, and Becky up close, watching me moan and grunt, me pleading him to stop the beating. I'll never forget looking over at her, a sexy looking smirk on her face, and quite a crowd watching but doing nothing to interfere with the fight.After being dropped to my knees, Becky stated she was going back with him, and walked away with him and his friends,. After coming around some, I left as fast as I could, humiliated, my tail between my legs.


UnflexedPB (0)

25/02/2022 9:56

Growing up I saw a lot of movies and shows that had a lot of gut punching in it, and it sorta caught my interest. Where it really got me though was when I was around 11. I grew up in a small town, so the middle school and high school kids shared buses. On the bus I rode we had assigned seating, I guess our driver thought we were a bit too rowdy. I happened to share a seat with a high schooler around 16 or 17 who lived in the same neighborhood as me. He was a jock and had some real anger issues, he usually let it out in the weight room at school. One afternoon we got on the bus and on the way to our stop he sucker punched me right in the gut out of nowhere. I was completely relaxed and unprepared and he didn't hold back, knocked the wind right out of me. The beating continued for the next 10 minutes until we got off the bus. The next day I was nervous but there was no bus beating. We got off at our stop, and once the bus was out of sight he dragged me into his house then into his room, backed me up against the wall, and proceeded to beat my lunch right out of me. Obviously it scared me but I realized that it was also thrilling and I enjoyed it. Ended up looking forward to the beatings but I never told him that!


Timber (6)

26/02/2022 10:44

(In risposta a questo)

Wow, how many times did you guys do it? How long did it take you to realize you liked it?


Aslan MZ3 (0 )

26/02/2022 5:45

(In risposta a questo)

Now that's a cool story!


big belly art (0)

25/02/2022 11:18

(In risposta a questo)

cool story !


inthegut74 (0)

25/02/2022 2:16

With me, I was 10. got in a fight with the kid across the street he was 10 as well. the fight was pretty even for a few minutes then he caught me with a hard punch in the belly. It hurt but in a good way. About a week later I picked another fight with him on purpose. I left my stomach un protected on purpose. He landed a hard punch into my lower belly. it doubled me over, when I stood back up he let me have it again. I didn't fight back, he pushed me against a tree and punched me in the stomach two more times. I don't think he realized I was letting him punch me.


SammyBoy (18 )

25/02/2022 0:53

I was 15 and discovered it through my interest in action movies and anime.


BigScorpio55 (6 )

24/02/2022 22:10

When I turned 13, i took on a big Native guy about the same age. We were roughhousing in the woods near our apartment complex where we lived and had gloves. He managed to get me pinned against a tree and was working my gut over. I got turned on watching his fists sink into my gut. He didn't try to press the punch in which I liked.


big belly art (0)

24/02/2022 13:28

My very first time ever when when I play wrestled with this filipion girl who lived next door to me, she was a bout 30 pounds bigger then me and as we play wrestled she punched me really hard in my belly, it hurt but also got me real excited and then mr eshe did it the more I enjoyed


GoForTheGut (2 )

24/02/2022 5:33

I was 10 years old in summer camp. The cabin leader was around 15, and he punched me in the stomach whenever no one was around. When he first punched me, it was painful but also felt good. The camp was 2 weeks long and and by the second week I was finding ways to be alone with him and took a lot of punches. A couple of times we were alone in the cabin and he worked me over good, punch after punch. later when I got a little older, I tried to find him so we could to it again, but I never did locate him. I've been into gut punching ever since.


Aslan MZ3 (0 )

24/02/2022 6:46

(In risposta a questo)

Woah, sounds like a really good story! Haha it's something like that most of the times


Aslan MZ3 (0 )

23/02/2022 16:34

My case I was around 11 years old, at my school we had individual tables for every student, and of course, when our teacher was away, we freely roamed and play inside the classroom, one of my classmates, his name was Oswaldo, was swinging between two of the tables, using his hands to support his weight on the tables and swinging his legs, I was running around when I got too close to him and he swung his legs, kciking me right on the navel, I remember he kicked my breath out of my lungs, but I didn't disliked it, it hurted but I kinda liked it. I kept that as a secret but I really wanted him to punch me again, unfortunately, during what was left of the school year I didn't got the courage to ask him for and ended up punching my stomach from time to time on my room.

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