Ageism is a relative of Racism and Sexism. It is directed towards both the elderly and the young. Intergenerational interaction and communication breaks down barriers. Just my two cents.
This has turned into an interesting thread. I've read some profiles where the owner has said "up to 35" or "up to 45". That's good as he's stating his preferences. I respect that. If I see that, I won't bother him.
I've specified in my profile "Please be near my height and weight and in good shape. All ages 18+." I've had guys 30, 40, or 50 pounds above my weight hit me up. I'm not interested, but I do send them a polite decline with the suggestion, "Please read my profile."
GutPuncher89 laid it out well in his profile....."I prefer guys who are fit, with a visible set of abs. You can be somewhat slim as well. Bigger guys such as bears, stocky men, obese men, or men who have flabby skin are a big turn off." I also noted one opponent in 7 years+ on MF. Each owner has a right to his preferences. I can relate to what he specified.
I know I've been turned down due to age differences. so goes on. My only gripe is that some people on MF don't do the courtesy of responding back.
I think there may be the belief that punching an older guy is going to make him fall apart. I know, because I have thought that myself, and I'm an older guy. An in-shape older guy will NOT fall apart. In fact, there was some discussion a while back suggesting that an older guy, maybe 50+, has grown tougher over the years and is able to take more punishment. I don't know if that's true or not, but it's an interesting topic for discussion.
Really, have you read all of the comments here? Do you want me to point out the ageist comments? You can have preference and that is okay, but there is no reason to hurt another person telling them about your preference. One of the oldest tricks in the world is to put someone else down to make oneself feel better. Racism, Sexism and Ageism all have a common theme. For example, what is the difference when one discriminates against one's race, gender or age? Discrimination is Discrimination no matter who does it and for what reason.
And how do You call discrimination against someone preferences ? Because it was said the guy may have some difficulties finding gp partner cause he putting "conditions"
He’s allowed to have a preference. Having preferences doesn’t make it harder to find anyone. There’s plenty of fit young guys in Paris. Don’t project your insecurities on others.
This is so typical. Older guys always want younger ones. But they are outraged when young guys don't want them :-] Yes, time is running fast so ..........maybe some exercises :-P
If you are trying to put a medal at my expense then look elsewhere, cocky guy. I don't need any lesson from anyone. And I am not on Teresa ed in you in the least. I would rather meet a wiser guy.
wrestlerspig (14)
23/05/2020 16:10Guys,
Ageism is a relative of Racism and Sexism. It is directed towards both the elderly and the young. Intergenerational interaction and communication breaks down barriers. Just my two cents.
NorthwestGPer (2)
25/05/2020 7:20(In risposta a questo)
This has turned into an interesting thread. I've read some profiles where the owner has said "up to 35" or "up to 45". That's good as he's stating his preferences. I respect that. If I see that, I won't bother him.
I've specified in my profile "Please be near my height and weight and in good shape. All ages 18+." I've had guys 30, 40, or 50 pounds above my weight hit me up. I'm not interested, but I do send them a polite decline with the suggestion, "Please read my profile."
GutPuncher89 laid it out well in his profile....."I prefer guys who are fit, with a visible set of abs. You can be somewhat slim as well. Bigger guys such as bears, stocky men, obese men, or men who have flabby skin are a big turn off." I also noted one opponent in 7 years+ on MF. Each owner has a right to his preferences. I can relate to what he specified.
I know I've been turned down due to age differences. so goes on. My only gripe is that some people on MF don't do the courtesy of responding back.
I think there may be the belief that punching an older guy is going to make him fall apart. I know, because I have thought that myself, and I'm an older guy. An in-shape older guy will NOT fall apart. In fact, there was some discussion a while back suggesting that an older guy, maybe 50+, has grown tougher over the years and is able to take more punishment. I don't know if that's true or not, but it's an interesting topic for discussion.
GutPuncher89 (1 )
23/05/2020 19:00(In risposta a questo)
We can’t help who were attracted to. I wouldn’t compare it to racism. Nobody is saying they hate older guys.
wrestlerspig (14)
23/05/2020 20:46(In risposta a questo)
Really, have you read all of the comments here? Do you want me to point out the ageist comments? You can have preference and that is okay, but there is no reason to hurt another person telling them about your preference. One of the oldest tricks in the world is to put someone else down to make oneself feel better. Racism, Sexism and Ageism all have a common theme. For example, what is the difference when one discriminates against one's race, gender or age? Discrimination is Discrimination no matter who does it and for what reason.
lustgp (9)
24/05/2020 8:13(In risposta a questo)
And how do You call discrimination against someone preferences ? Because it was said the guy may have some difficulties finding gp partner cause he putting "conditions"
gymfreakJC (1 )
20/05/2020 14:33... max 30 ans ...
Mortadelo (11 )
21/05/2020 11:36(In risposta a questo)
Good luck finding guys if you start putting conditions.
lustgp (9)
21/05/2020 18:00(In risposta a questo)
Really? He's young and slim, so why would he want someone old and fat?
Mortadelo (11 )
21/05/2020 19:31(In risposta a questo)
Things change quickly, my friend.
GutPuncher89 (1 )
21/05/2020 21:33(In risposta a questo)
He’s allowed to have a preference. Having preferences doesn’t make it harder to find anyone. There’s plenty of fit young guys in Paris. Don’t project your insecurities on others.
lustgp (9)
21/05/2020 20:26(In risposta a questo)
This is so typical. Older guys always want younger ones. But they are outraged when young guys don't want them :-] Yes, time is running fast so ..........maybe some exercises :-P
Mortadelo (11 )
21/05/2020 20:54(In risposta a questo)
If you are trying to put a medal at my expense then look elsewhere, cocky guy. I don't need any lesson from anyone. And I am not on Teresa ed in you in the least. I would rather meet a wiser guy.
lustgp (9)
22/05/2020 20:30(In risposta a questo)
Sure. Good luck :-P
alfra (12)
20/05/2020 9:44Salut
Si tu es prêt à me montrer ce que tu peux prendre en Gutpunching (je suis donneur uniquement) ?
gymfreakJC (1 )
20/05/2020 1:52Cherche des mecs sportifs, max 30 ans pour faire du GP à Paris