Gutpunching give/take/trade

Objects You've Been Gut Punched With

stomachache (0)

02/02/2024 2:45

When I was a teenager I would put myself under my bed, lift one of the corners and let it sit on my belly. I held it partially propped up with my knee so I could control how deep/how much weight was on me but I never flexed. The feeling of it sinking into me was so satisfying.

Come to think of it, I don't know why I don't still do that. Sounds like it'd be fun


Davey716 (45)

01/02/2024 21:47

I was worked over by a guy wearing brass knuckles. That was fun!


Solidbelly64 (0)

01/02/2024 7:53

Um, a fist.


mikey3458 (25 )

31/01/2024 6:12

A chain wrapped around a fist, a baseball bat, a punching bag, boxing glove, mma glove, and bare fist. My favorite was the fist with the chain wrapped around it.


Belly Bee (0)

30/01/2024 5:49

A big fist from a heavy 6'foot 8 guy
I never hurt so much


Rt ND Guts (4)

23/09/2023 12:59

Baseball bat ends, hammers of various types. As far as objects, to date a four lb exercise ball and a 4 kg shot put dropped blindfolded onto the gut.


NewRassler (0)

23/09/2023 5:57

The top of a folding chair. Rammed in
Deep. 3 times I took it but
My abs were sore for two days That good sore


GPNavelPuncher (0)

01/02/2024 8:58

(In risposta a questo)

There's nothing like sore ABS, a sign of success and a job well done by the Heel. Tell him you want to be sore for FOUR days next time. I hope he aimed for your SEXY NAVEL. You have HOT ABS, you can take it!


Juggernaut (0)

22/09/2023 6:29

That's as much gut punching as wine is to grape juice. Not sure what that is but it ain't gut punching.


Solidbelly64 (0)

02/02/2024 0:36

(In risposta a questo)

Exactly! Being hit with an object other than a fist not being punched at all.


RickoBangz GutBashJobber (7)

21/09/2023 13:41

I’ve had baseball bat. Sledge hammer. A crutch. Dumbbell. Medicine ball. Led pipe. Crowbar. And not sure if this counts but a guy placed a leg of his bed on my stomach and stood on it while pressing down


GPNavelPuncher (0)

23/09/2023 11:27

(In risposta a questo)

I only gut slug with my bare knuckled fists 👊 I like the feeling of my fist coming in direct contact with my object's stomach skin. Using the fist also allows me to aim for my favorite body part...his NAVEL. I can also watch his stomach skin gradually become reddened and SORE as my gut punches continue relentlessly.


pshawfocus (105 )

20/09/2023 22:03

I’ve been hit with a dumbbell, but the guy’s aim wasn’t that great so it kept landing on my ribs. Otherwise, heavy church candles, hammers and baseball bats (swung at and pushed / jabbed in) have all featured.

I recently got to experience a weighty medicine ball being dropped ever higher onto my stomach as I lay stretched out on the floor - that was pretty hot (and returning the favour when we switched).

I’ve had guys drop down, one footed onto my stomach from chairs, pausing before they step off so you get the initial thud / impact and then you need to sustain the flex whilst their weight bears down on your muscles. I’ve had guys use their heel in that situation - that can be a bit intense!

One guy had weighted sap gloves (VERY hot) and another had a knuckle duster (less so). Obviously the usual punches, plus knee drops, heels, kicks….


GPNavelPuncher (0)

23/09/2023 11:32

(In risposta a questo)

Nice tat on your arm. You should one more, this one around your NAVEL so your Gutpunchers would know to use it as target. Your NAVEL would be SORE every day from deep gut slugs using punchers' bare knuckled fists. No foreign objects needed! 👊💥🔥🥵💪



30/01/2024 13:43

(In risposta a questo)

Yeah, that is a cool belly tat for sure! In a real after hours bar fight I was in years back, my rival had a complicated starburst tat highlighting his belly button. My first opponent (Craiglist opponent from Illinois) 3 years back, and the same guy recently a repeat rival about a year back has a wild looking tat on his navel also. He says it gives his partners / opponents something to look at as he dominates them.


GPNavelPuncher (0)

02/02/2024 4:37

(In risposta a questo)

EXACTLY! A tattooed NAVEL allows the Gutpuncher to be laser focused on the inked NAVEL, use it as target. 👊💥🥵


big belly (0)

20/09/2023 12:25

This has got to be for the die hard gut punchign fans, whats the worst thing or things you 've even been gut punched with? as for me been gut punched with bowling ball, baseball bat, dumbell,slege hammer/ Whats your favorites?


GPNavelPuncher (0)

31/01/2024 5:33

(In risposta a questo)

My favorite is my bare knuckled fists!👊💥🔥🥵💪

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