Just want a truly random sucker punch. Rounding a corner and someone drops a punch right into me. or meeting some alpha type for the first time and as I extend my hand for a shake he drive his fist right above my navel.
I use a blindfold for the same reason. I prefer to feel the impacts to my gutscrather than trying to bounce them off the muscle. Hurts for days later when I do that.
Jas43 (2)
14/11/2021 15:55Just want a truly random sucker punch. Rounding a corner and someone drops a punch right into me. or meeting some alpha type for the first time and as I extend my hand for a shake he drive his fist right above my navel.
Belly Punch (3)
17/11/2021 16:41(In risposta a questo)
I’m your man!
chas47707 (2)
16/11/2021 5:21(In risposta a questo)
It would be fun doing that to you.
TuffFighter (1)
20/11/2021 10:50(In risposta a questo)
youd do it well mate .grr
bxglove (1)
14/11/2021 20:57(In risposta a questo)
How bout in a elevator just you and a random dude?
Jas43 (2)
15/11/2021 3:16(In risposta a questo)
Yes. At a quiet dark ATM, too
Rt ND Guts (4)
13/11/2021 22:55When laying down like that, a 4 lb, hand sized weight ball is awesome
Rt ND Guts (4)
13/11/2021 20:45I use a blindfold for the same reason. I prefer to feel the impacts to my gutscrather than trying to bounce them off the muscle. Hurts for days later when I do that.
Gut Challenge (4)
13/11/2021 21:10(In risposta a questo)
Fully agree. That blind sucker punch is a huge turn-on and hoping I can bring my abs to a full flex before the 2nd incoming fist. Effettua il login per visualizzare le foto della gallery.
Gut Challenge (4)
13/11/2021 19:43My favorite position to be in - when blindfolded, to get a surprise sucker punch to my stretched out and relaxed gut. Effettua il login per visualizzare le foto della gallery.
halndallas (6)
18/11/2021 11:36(In risposta a questo)
i like that , its very edgy not knowing when to tense . the two real genuine sucker punches to my stomach made me black out briefly
Doublemeover (0)
15/11/2021 9:36(In risposta a questo)
That position is hottesr