Gutpunching give/take/trade

solar plexus, stomach, pit of the stomach.

SBGutpuncher (3)

29/06/2021 17:52

Gutpunching is for me a refined and concentrated form of fighting. I love the appearance of a defined and muscular male torso, even more than the appearance of a naked dick, and if the man is hairy-chested, sweaty, and athletic, he is even sexier. Fighters, naturally, turn me on brutally. A man's exposed bellybutton is especially hot, I suppose because bellybuttons are so funky-sexy, they look like small sex organs that you're allowed to show off in public! And, of course, I feel sexier when my own bellybutton is exposed! Like I'm flashing my own horniness and masculinity! When a dude beats in my bellybutton, it's as though he is validating and acknowledging my sexuality! But, perhaps curiously, I feel mainly the pain, and not so much the horny pleasure other guy's feel, and even then not severe pain...I can take a lot in the button. But the other part of taking it in the stomach is the replication of what you see in the ring, or what you feel when you're in the ring. It's the eroticism of the gladiator. One sweating, stripped down boy testing his strength and his skills and his raw guts against another sweating, stripped-to-the-navel boy. One dude, often if not always, ends the fight finished off, unconscious or in agonizing pain, lying on his back, his heaving, sweat-filled bellybutton now symbolizing not just his sexiness and his attractive masculinity, but his glorious defeat! Conqueror and vanquished, equally erotically beautiful, united by their combat, a wickedly painful form of sex! Take it bad during a gutpunch session, and you're not play-acting, you actually are the sexy vanquished gladiator! Therefore, I love to be finished off in the solar plexus! THAT is fucking real pain! THAT is pleasure! THAT is sex!


stomachpunch (5)

30/06/2021 8:09

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So, if i understood, you love being "penetrated" in the solar a cocktail sunk in the ass.


SBGutpuncher (3)

30/06/2021 17:07

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As it were!


stomachpunch (5)

30/06/2021 22:04

(In risposta a questo)

Great, i would fuck you in the stomach...


SBGutpuncher (3)

30/06/2021 22:29

(In risposta a questo)

Waiting for my stomach fuck!


RadnerBearman (0)

16/05/2021 8:39

I am probably the exception here but when you are 6 ft 5 as a heavy weight boxer and you fight another heavyweight who is 5 ft 11 his straight jabs catch a taller man lower. There are always stray punches so over the past 47 years of boxing, I have worked my lower abdominal muscles harder. As a result Im well conditioned in the gut. I actually like being hit below the navel I find it a real turn on seeing how much I can take. But thats just me. I work my CORE hard every day so i can take it and hang with younger men and women boxers and kickboxers. I have been taking lower gut. Shots since i was 16. Never been seriously damaged other than bruised stomach muscles Conditioning is the key. I do a lot of forced with impact training


stomachpunch (5)

16/05/2021 8:46

(In risposta a questo)

I get it, You like being hit in the lower abdomen, But tell me, when you get punched over there, do you like me have a sexual reaction that involuntarily pushes your penis to hard? it happens to me if I get hit in the stomach.


RadnerBearman (0)

16/05/2021 9:13

(In risposta a questo)

Yes. I do. Its a normal reaction to lower abdominal wall pressure. But I control my endorphins and let them work for me. It dosent matter if you are straight Bi or gay. Its a reaction that happens to men and women. In women it happens as coregasm. Normal reaction to pleasure. I believe that the better conditioned you are the greater pleasure you get. Just my opinion


stomachpunch (5)

16/05/2021 9:24

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As for me, however, my dick becomes hard as stone when a male and mature man, between a hug and the other is able to settle a well placed upright right in the center of the stomach. obviously I stay with my eyes wide open and my mouth wide open, the breath goes away, but if I get a punch like that which, after being sunk, remains in my stomach for several seconds, not only does the bird turn to marble, but I could also ejaculate.


Zander (1)

15/05/2021 21:17

With me, its always belly button or just below. Anything too high and it will make me feel sick and is well more dangerous. Someone can go to down on my lower abs and deeper, and not do real damage, but boy does it feel good there.


stomachpunch (5)

16/05/2021 7:06

(In risposta a questo)

in part I agree with what you say, but only in part, because if we have to consider the point of view of the possible danger, then we should not hit the abdomen at any point as, even the lower abdomen can be dangerous being with the muscles take it easy. consider that in the lower abdomen, however tight it may be, we have about 30 feet of intestine, and hitting them with a well-placed fist with soft muscles can be dangerous for that intestinal tract as well.


slimp (0)

15/05/2021 4:41

My perfect "sweet spot" is at or just above the naval. That's where I feel the deepest kind of ache that triggers my excitement. Solar plexus can trigger an arrhythmia, also it's not the right kind of pain, as it feels sharp instead of deep, and seems to affect the diaphragm more than anything. Anyway hitting my sweet spot still drives the air out of me, and I can take way more hits there. Below the naval feels more like being punched in the bladder rather than the gut, so doesn't excite me.

I usually pre-cum when I think about a GP session, then cum when it happens.


stomachpunch (5)

15/05/2021 6:02

(In risposta a questo)

I totally agree with what you said. in fact, among the 3 places I like to hit and be hit, the last one in order of pleasure is the pit of my stomach. in fact at that point I take punches very rarely even if, if they are well placed, I also find them pleasure. but the exact area is right in the middle between the breastbone and navel, at least for me, and apparently for you too.


JayPuncher (12)

14/05/2021 10:19

I have the same sensations. My favorite punches also land above my navel and below my ribs. I think it may have something to do with punching the internal organs which gives me that pleasurable pain. A punch right into the stomach, the liver, kidneys and solar plexus are way more pleasurable than punches to me belly or lower abdomen. It's the internal "pain" that gets me off. Also left and right uppercuts digging up into the under side of my ribcage. I know some guys like to test their flexed abs to see how many punches they can take before they break down. That's not me... I want to feel my fist sink into my Punchee's mid-section - just as much as I like to feel the punchers fist dig into mine. I guess the pleasurable pain is dictated by what each of us wants out of the scene!


stomachpunch (5)

14/05/2021 18:41

(In risposta a questo)

so you too get excited not only to give, but above all to receive punches in the stomach, between the breastbone and the navel? How do you get your cock as hard as marble?


stomachpunch (5)

13/05/2021 23:39

as i wrote in my profile, i am homosexual, i like to deal with mature men well done for abdominal wall fist sex. I state that if I don't like the person there are no punches that can excite me, but if I like a person, I love to give and, very much also to take punches in the abdomen, but when I take them I prefer to take them from the navel up preferably in the center between the breastbone and navel, occasionally below the breastbone. in that case I am out of breath because most of the time I punch with soft abdomen muscles, yet when the partner I like hits me in the stomach with well-aimed fists, I gasp my eyes wide open my mouth and yet the my penis becomes more and more marble, in the past I also happened to ejaculate with my partner's fist inside my stomach. strangely If I get punched in the belly then from the navel down, all this gives me a non-exciting pain. can anyone explain to me why? why this different perception of the exciting pain I feel from a punch in the stomach compared to the non-exciting pain from a punch in the belly??

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