Japanese fighterz

Japaneze cockfighters with really big cocks

黑白摔跤战渣 (4 )

11/12/2023 17:09

I've come to accept your challenge, but I'm going to represent the Chinese to have an absolutely fair fight against the Japanese, if you dare to accept my challenge, then please leave your rules and I'll add your skype, and I'll add you to the list, and I'll add you to the list.


PJ Boston (29)

30/12/2023 23:19

(In risposta a questo)

I accept your challenge


PJ Boston (29)

30/10/2023 21:29

I challenge any Japaneze cockfighter with 7 plus inch cocks to cockfight on skype or real time in Boston. Stroke, compare, loser humiliated on Call and forced to post that he lost. I don't want to know your cock size before we fight. You can invite anyone you want to join the call. I agree to no mercy and loser totally humiliated. My skype is funbudplay. Accept my challenge here or on skype. Now who wants to fight me?

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