Jobbers v heels

Career Ending Match

Shorty (1)

24/03/2019 1:40

I'm n. All u washed up jabroni looking heels


Gabe Steel (96 )

22/03/2019 8:57

Sounds like fun any heels up to the task to take me on fantasy match of course but we can go at it rough cool part about it is I actually have a career in wrestling


Glasgow Jobber (5)

21/03/2019 7:54

Yea - that’s right up my street ... looking for Heels (ideally 2-on-1) to fuck me up good and proper so I have to be carried off and my fighting days are over. Obviously no permanent injuries wanted.

Just relentless punishment way past the point where I want out. Force fucked at the end if Heels want total humiliation


Leopard (1)

20/03/2019 6:53

Hot idea, but only in fantasy. None of us have careers related to wrestling.


TBLHockeyGeek (81 )

19/03/2019 4:43

Are you even doing real matches yet Markuswolf? If you are that's great!


markuswolf (0)

20/03/2019 0:52

(In risposta a questo)

Unfortunately no.


Jjjam380 (3)

18/03/2019 19:20

Looking to face off in a match themed around ending the jobber's career. Any interests?


MysticWolf (14 )

19/03/2019 5:53

(In risposta a questo)

Could I end your career? :P


markuswolf (0)

18/03/2019 23:36

(In risposta a questo)

That could be a lot of fun. A defeat that destroys the jobber psychologically, in particular.

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