I figured I can start ... how many people here have indulged in cyber roleplaying involving martial arts? When I've done it it's usually been over instant messenger.
If you've done it before, but stopped, why? If you still participate in it, how often do you?
Marko (0)
13/09/2011 9:30Mag auch cyberfight rollenspiel...leider findet man hier niemanden der dazu bereit ist
haden2 (1)
12/09/2011 15:05I cyber fight with one person. pretty fun and you still have to think quick or you will lose
JobberBoy4you (0)
07/08/2011 20:34hey, i'm interested in it too!
Fletch Kickboxer (0)
24/04/2011 2:23I've done a fight before using skype it was a good experience I enjoyed it. It was taekwondo Vs karate. Very good.
GiJudo (0)
07/04/2011 12:31Hi, nice to find you here. We should have some online role play again.. ;)
WetsuitLA (0)
19/02/2011 10:49I figured I can start ... how many people here have indulged in cyber roleplaying involving martial arts? When I've done it it's usually been over instant messenger.
If you've done it before, but stopped, why? If you still participate in it, how often do you?