Role-playing fighting

Guy who deserves gut punishment

slimp (0)

24/03/2020 4:44

For this encounter, I'm a narcissistic, arrogant, wimp and bully. I also make my money by scamming people. You want to make me suffer and feel humiliated. You also don't want evidence of injury on my body, so I can't go to the police or anyone else and complain, therefore you will focus on working my gut over. In addition to scamming and stealing, I work with you in a small parts warehouse, which is where we are now.

I've just arrived for work on the afternoon shift. I walk past the break room and notice co-workers are grinning at me and shaking their heads. It's hot and there's no AC, so I have my sleeves rolled up as high as possible and my shirt is open. A couple of cute girls look me up and down as they pass, then both giggle. They know what's about to happen. You have me cornered at the end of an isle. You've conspired with co-workers, so they won't interfere when they hear me getting gut punched.

What happens next?

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