Role-playing fighting

mercyful death?

cookie0 (0)

11/04/2021 19:43

Well @GrecoRomanPaul seems to of taking himself off the site.

MM! Wonder why?


The Ed (0)

11/04/2021 16:21

Guys save it fiot the ring. Let's all be civil to each other ,we have enough violence and negative energy out there


CDMHeel (39 )

11/04/2021 19:15

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mercy is for the weak! *shoves you*


The Ed (0)

04/05/2021 15:34

(In risposta a questo)

Yes ok let's roll


DCJobber (82 )

23/11/2020 6:52

I think "Greco Roman Paul" needs to be moderated on out of here....


GrecoRomanPaul (0)

08/04/2021 20:46

(In risposta a questo)

Why? Because I stand up to ridiculously violent talk of cutting opponents throats & torture?? Maybe YOU need to be “moderated”. I mean look at yourself. Ridiculous.


GrecoRomanPaul (0)

21/11/2020 7:34

The “tough guy” comments on here make me laugh out loud. Just look @ the pathetic dweebs that are saying them. You all look like you couldn’t break a toothpick in half , & yet you’re experts on Gladiator fights & callously talking about making the loser suffer & “cut his throat” , & “torture him!” WTF? 1. Gladiator battles were pathetic barbaric displays of cruelty for disgusting entertainment. There’s nothing praise worthy about them. 2. Do you really need to hide behind Gladiator talk in order to express your homo erotic leanings? Get out, meet a man , suck his dick! It’s a lot more enjoyable than made up Gladiator nonsense. My 10 cents. 💪🏻💪🏻


cookie0 (0)

28/11/2020 1:32

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But so is MMA and boxing ? And most combat sports have turned into that.
The cage, the 'warrior' .
It was barbaric and only for entertainment .

Don't most people crave for that sport if they have not seen it real life ?


GrecoRomanPaul (0)

08/04/2021 20:44

(In risposta a questo)

MMA doesn’t advocate cutting their opponents throats & torturing them. Man, the IQ level of guys on this forum doesn’t even break 100. Pathetic.


Italian Gladiator (17 )

23/11/2020 5:46

(In risposta a questo)

It seems you were not a good student in history, weren't you? 😁
Gladiators were anyway more respectful than you. This is why we love them.
Have an own life!


GrecoRomanPaul (0)

08/04/2021 20:48

(In risposta a questo)

You’re not a “gladiator” & neither am I. The difference is that you’re too arrogant & dumb to comprehend the difference. This forum is full of sick twists that advocate throat cutting & torture. If that’s what you call respectful you need a lesson in class. & history.


Lthrwrstlr (2 )

22/11/2020 8:03

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On top of that you're not good looking enough to fantasize about.


GrecoRomanPaul (0)

08/04/2021 20:50

(In risposta a questo)

Dude. Look @ me. Now look @ YOU. Lol. A bunch of ugly fat dudes that don’t even exercise & “play” gladiator. Lmao.


Lthrwrstlr (2 )

22/11/2020 8:02

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Fuck off. Why are you here?


GrecoRomanPaul (0)

08/04/2021 20:51

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To stand up against ridiculously irresponsible advocation of violence & torture. Why are YOU here? Weird.


Lthrwrstlr (2 )

22/11/2020 8:00

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Dude you're a fucking loser that you feel the need to shit on on other people's fantasies. Get a life. Sorry no one wants to play with you but you clearly don't belong here.


GrecoRomanPaul (0)

22/11/2020 16:49

(In risposta a questo)

A pathetically fat out of shape loser with his head covered in a ridiculously childish pro wrestling mask just called ME a loser. Believe me buddy , I’m able to deal with your dad little insults. Lol

I stand by my comments. I’m all for wrestling “fantasies” but playing “dead “ & pretending to cut a dudes throat? That’s pathetically sick &
twisted. & if you don’t see that yourself , that’s pretty fukd up.

& what do my looks have to do with anything? I’m not looking to date you man. Lol. But hey to each his own. I hope you find the man of your dreams someday BIG guy! 👍🏻😉


Lthrwrstlr (2 )

28/11/2020 0:40

(In risposta a questo)

Just shut up dumb ass


TakeYouDown (3)

20/11/2020 21:09

Any guys here like to act out battles to the "death"?


Ronniezoology (1)

17/05/2021 7:49

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Hell yes lets fight!


CDMHeel (39 )

21/11/2020 5:55

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100% for sure yes


GladiatorCombat (0)

27/07/2020 8:48

I prefer in role play that the losing gladiator verbally admits defeat to the winner, with words like "I am defeated, you have defeated me". That is what the loser in this pic is seeming to do.

Then the victor disposes of him swiftly through acting out a swift cutting of his throat. He falls back and perishes, a merciful death. Planting a foot on the defeated's chest, the victor raises his arms aloft in victory-pose.

All that remains is to remove the body of the defeated man from the arena. Wrap a rope around his ankles to indicate a feet-first drag-out from the arena.



cookie0 (0)

25/07/2020 23:37

if in arena , then it is the crowd that will decide , and most cases no mercy given to loser. as he would expect that.
the kill ,has to be quick and any proud Gladiator would know the areas of body for instant kill . As we know , they were trained .
Also depended on what type of Gladiators fought and where they came from as their weapons depicted the area of the Empire they were from .


GladiatorCombat (0)

11/09/2019 9:19

I disagree. A truly manly gladiator would be a ruthless sportsman rather than being a masochist. He mercilessly seeks the defeat of the other man. Once he has secured that defeat, he will want to send the conquered man to his death, to eliminate him as a rival. The loser must verbalise his defeat and offer his throat or his chest to the victor's blade. Once sent to his death, the victor will no doubt want to plant his foot on the defeated man's body and raise his arms in victory.

A swift noble death will be a fitting finale to the manly contest. My own view is that for the victor to let him suffer is less manly, less masculine. I accept however that it is all a matter of personal opinion.



painauthority (2)

05/09/2019 13:48

Dish out more pain and punishment


Lumberjack (42 )

28/07/2020 13:03

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Agreed. Make him suffer!


GrecoRomanPaul (0)

08/04/2021 20:55

(In risposta a questo)

Oh ffs. Lmao!


AsselPunk (0)

04/09/2019 14:50

If you have woundet an opponent deadly in the Arena and he is suffering in the sand, do you show some kind of mercy and give him a death blow for a swirft death or do you let him suffer for the joy fo the audience?


Lutteurrouen (8)

09/04/2021 7:50

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I kill him also


Italian Gladiator (17 )

25/07/2020 18:55

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I kill him!


guru388 (0)

06/09/2019 0:14

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you command him to beg you for mercy then you show no mercy.

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