Sexfights and total sexual domination

Erotic first to cum match. Pro/Play style

equipe (11)

07/01/2024 11:50

c est du bonheur de trouver un partenaire fusionnel


George1985 (2)

06/01/2024 10:03

I enjoy doing it naked. The penis and balls are easy targets then. Love a "first cum looses" themed match, and then have the looser be tied up and milked dry. As the looser has obviously already orgasmed at that point, it may take some extra time.


Husband wrestling (0)

06/01/2024 19:28

(In risposta a questo)

That's hot!!!!


YakoLucha (0)

06/01/2024 13:06

(In risposta a questo)

Es muy excitante ver a tu rival correrse tras ordeñarle. Pero cuando te han sacado la leche y encima quieren más, notas la humillación de cerca. Atado, inmovilizado y otra vez tu polla dura, notas tu próstata, trabajando dolorida hasta que vuelves a escupir leche. Si cada vez que vas a soltarla, tu vencedor para y a comenzar de nuevo, el dolor de próstata es inmenso.


davenrenz1245 (3)

06/01/2024 3:35

Hello, love to see how many studs love a simple erotic match. Getting to milk your opponent dry and get them to cum. I am an erotic heeler and love to tussle and heel muscle target here.


Husband wrestling (0)

06/01/2024 19:30

(In risposta a questo)

I love the erotic idea of having my cock worked on wheil I struggle to free myself to do it to you. If I can't get out fast enough I'll be forced to shoot at the nads of the other man. Thus meaning I lost. So it's a matter of time and getting free fast enough if I can.

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