Sexfights and total sexual domination

Naked Kombat fight

herson 069 (1 )

04/08/2017 5:14

I am looking for guys around my age in good conditions


kimmetje (147 )

05/08/2017 17:17

(In risposta a questo)

why are you so far away? Urrghhh ;)


kimmetje (147 )

02/08/2017 22:41

Has anyone ever tried to replicate the Naked Kombat videos, along with the points and rules?? I think such a match would so hot...


bigchicago (68)

03/08/2017 17:20

(In risposta a questo)

Whenever I see those, I get annoyed at the point system. I prefer going until somebody is exhausted, setting up however many falls or rounds needed.


kimmetje (147 )

03/08/2017 18:13

(In risposta a questo)

I guess it's a way to keep the pace interesting for the video viewer, cause spending a lot of time on the floor exhausted might not do the trick...

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