Sexfights and total sexual domination

Sex Fight with a Superhero theme? Anyone game?

alpinisto (85)

25/11/2022 19:52

Hi Kim!
Will this suit be accepted?



PJMaybe (8)

11/02/2022 9:51

Neon Ninja!


kimmetje (147 )

11/02/2022 17:58

(In risposta a questo)

Oooh, I haven't been called a ninja before, you think I can pull that off?


PJMaybe (8)

11/02/2022 18:16

(In risposta a questo)

Well... Ninja's are supposed to be sneaky, and that's a pretty vibrant suit so the sneakyness may be lost. You'll just have to settle for being fast and deadly.


pesomassimo81 (12)

10/02/2022 8:03

hey, i'd love o try that combination...any ideas of rules? how is your superhero outfit?


kimmetje (147 )

10/02/2022 23:23

(In risposta a questo)

I need to post some pictures and make some space for them! I'll post them soon. I guess it would be a more first to cum lose kind of match I guess? :D though my outfit has zippers in all the right places!


kimmetje (147 )

11/02/2022 1:25

(In risposta a questo)

I am still trying to come up with a name. :)


Thefloridahero (3)

29/11/2022 2:49

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Call yourself "The Rave"


pesomassimo81 (12)

11/02/2022 5:40

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Psichedelic boy?


kimmetje (147 )

11/02/2022 9:22

(In risposta a questo)

I was thinking of Electric Cheetah XD


kimmetje (147 )

09/02/2022 10:37

Hey everyone,

Exciting news.

I've just taken delivery of a wrestling hero / superhero outfit. I was wondering if anyone were into the sex fight and superhero theme combinations? I have to say, I'd love to try a match like that out with someone who were into the same kind kink.

And better yet, anyone in striking distance from where i live?

Just not sure how many people have it, and also how many people have a superhero outfit to match. I'd be so excited to try this out with someone...



Lancerwrestler (63)

15/03/2022 19:26

(In risposta a questo)

I love this kind of match set up!


SeattleFight (469)

11/02/2022 4:12

(In risposta a questo)

@Kimmetje, count me in!!!


kimmetje (147 )

11/02/2022 17:57

(In risposta a questo)

Shame we're so far away right? But what an awesome theme to meet a legend with!


SeattleFight (469)

12/02/2022 4:52

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England this July?


kimmetje (147 )

13/02/2022 23:54

(In risposta a questo)

Oooh! That is a bit closer indeed!

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