
Make me fall asleep. Bet you can’t

little rJ (17)

24/03/2019 16:53

Want someone to sleeper me out with a sleeper. Hasn’t happened yet, and i would really like to experience a real sleeper.


Lovetobecrushed23 (24)

26/03/2019 2:36

(In risposta a questo)

If I was closer I could easily put u to sleep with my arms and legs


little rJ (17)

26/03/2019 2:37

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Well you can’t prove it until you come here. So obviously you can’t


ChrisWrestling (59 )

26/03/2019 6:02

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First off, I've chatted with Lovetobecrushed23 and he seems like a pretty nice guy and doesn't deserve to be talked to like this. Secondly, there is not big trick to chocking someone out, cut off blood flow to the brain and they go out. Doing it without breaking the larynx or causing major brain damage, that takes some training and experience. I'm a blue belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, I've choked out dozens of people, some many times over. I'm well experienced and as safe as they come but frankly, your conduct is a major turn off and I wouldn't waste my time. The people that would are the ones that would sit on you and throttle your neck and you'll be lucky if you can still talk (for the rest of your life) when they are done. Don't be an idiot.


little rJ (17)

26/03/2019 6:14

(In risposta a questo)

I was just messing around. Wasn’t trying to offend someone. I was just playing the cocky jobber. I’m really sorry if i hurt anyone. And I never ask someone who to do that to me if they don’t have training. I just want to experience what is feels like to be safely passed out. I know it’s not difficult to make someone pass out. I’m sorry for what i said. I’m a nice person this is kind of out of my element. I’ve just been getting more responses to act a little more cocky. I apologize for everything. I do believe he can make me pass out, i read the situation wrong and i apologize. All i was looking for was for someone to do this to me.

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