A very dangerous move. I have been put into a sleeper hold for real, by a professional, and when I came to, it was not a good feeling. Not knowing where you are and being disorientated for the rest of the day. I would advise against a real sleeper hold. This was not fantasy or a fake hold, this one was the right one. I was just lucky that the person knew what they were doing. Dean
Good looker (0)
02/04/2018 12:37My ex put me 2sleep 8times a bout. I was always fine with it
Chokeout31 (2)
04/11/2017 12:36Love to be trapped in such sleeper and choke hold.
Chokeout31 (2)
01/11/2017 14:51Love to be put in such sleeper hold for long and repeatedly.
FlDean2012 (119 )
01/11/2017 14:13A very dangerous move. I have been put into a sleeper hold for real, by a professional, and when I came to, it was not a good feeling. Not knowing where you are and being disorientated for the rest of the day. I would advise against a real sleeper hold. This was not fantasy or a fake hold, this one was the right one. I was just lucky that the person knew what they were doing. Dean
Buff Poser (0)
01/11/2017 18:27(In risposta a questo)
also cartoid (sp) damage can occur. It's something I am weary of.
FlDean2012 (119 )
01/11/2017 21:56(In risposta a questo)
A very smart guy here, its dangerous, and people dont know how dangerous it really is. thanks for pointing it out buff. Dean
Chokeout31 (2)
31/10/2017 7:25Love to be put in sleeper and chokehold and being put into submission
YoungBearNA93 (2 )
31/10/2017 7:28(In risposta a questo)
Wow good! You find strong opponents?
Chokeout31 (2)
31/10/2017 8:01(In risposta a questo)
Yes. Been try to be put in sleeper and choke for 3 times so far. Looking for more
Chokeout31 (2)
31/10/2017 8:02(In risposta a questo)
It is fun to be ur opponent. Bet u put them in strong sleeper n chokea
YoungBearNA93 (2 )
31/10/2017 14:16(In risposta a questo)
yes ! very strong holds!
Chokeout31 (2)
31/10/2017 14:18(In risposta a questo)
Love to try out when u re in singapore
wrestlerspig (14)
31/10/2017 4:35I envy your opponents.
YoungBearNA93 (2 )
31/10/2017 7:19(In risposta a questo)
Ahahah thanks!
YoungBearNA93 (2 )
30/10/2017 14:19i'm a sleeper hold fun, i'd love to put my opponent in my sleeper to beat him easily ;)
Good looker (0)
02/04/2018 17:33(In risposta a questo)
U'd b welcome 2try on me, but I try very hard not 2succumb
luv2wrstl (24)
01/11/2017 8:57(In risposta a questo)
Like this ? It is a lot of fun :) Effettua il login per visualizzare le foto della gallery.
Good looker (0)
02/04/2018 12:38(In risposta a questo)
I luv it if my opponent has a bulge as I go limp