Stakes, Spoils, and Post-Match Punishment

2 against 1 use and abuse

ap6y3 (0)

25/08/2018 13:43

I think it's a good balance of power against me. but my attention will be scattered and two can easily confuse me to bring down.


firestar (0)

21/02/2016 1:10

now that i would love as well


bodyattack66 (4 )

20/02/2016 9:45

😀 I like fighting to get more reistance... maybe helpless at the end


bodyattack66 (4 )

20/02/2016 7:49

Indeed a great pleasure, especially if the two are not hesitating to attack at the same time and do not wait for eachother to start some action!


Wrestle wrestle (0)

20/02/2016 8:01

(In risposta a questo)

Oh yes and me helpless to stop the attacks!!


Wrestle wrestle (0)

19/02/2016 11:12

I would luv to be in a 2 against where I am totally overwhelmed then they both and abuse me for their total pleasure!

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